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Merge Double Posts By Same Member

Started by ディン1031, June 11, 2005, 04:54:02 PM

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OMG! That's what I needed so much! Thanks for this awesome MOD!

For French and Russian users, open the archive with 7Zip, then open the .tar archive you'll see inside, then EDIT the .mod file and add this:

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
$txt['merge_check'] = 'Fusionner?';
$txt['merge_no_poll'] = 'Pas de sondage';
</search for>

<add after>
$txt['merge_doublepost'] = 'Fusionner les Doubles Posts';
$txt['merge_error_dbpo'] = 'Vous n\'avez pas les permissions pour faire ceci!';
$txt['merge_error_notf'] = 'Désolé, aucun post à fusionner n\'a été trouvé.';
$txt['merge_error_noid'] = 'Ce message ou sujet n\'a pas été trouvé!';
</add after>

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
$txt['merge_check'] = 'Соединить?';
$txt['merge_no_poll'] = 'Нет голосования';
</search for>

<add after>
$txt['merge_doublepost'] = 'Соединить двойные собщения';
$txt['merge_error_dbpo'] = 'У вас нет на это прав!';
$txt['merge_error_notf'] = 'Извините, сообщение не найдено.';
$txt['merge_error_noid'] = 'Сообщение или тема не найдена!';
</add after>


Quote from: ivo2296 on June 12, 2005, 11:47:27 AM
That i got on new 1.0.4 ( not upgrade from 1.0.3) :

3. Execute Modification ./Sources/Display.php Failure
hmmm normal it should be the same from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 XD.
But i see through the code *g* off a fresh install.

So the file is not Changed since 1.0.1 so it should work in you install, too.

Did you install any mods?

If i need to change this Version, i add the Translations in the Mod Files =).
Thx: SaniOKh.
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


Yes i have some mods installed  6 ones.


Quote from: ivo2296 on June 14, 2005, 09:25:25 AM
Yes i have some mods installed  6 ones.
hmmm than one of the mod's change the display.php in the part i used to made my changes...
I think it's difficult to help you there <<.
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


well most MODs work cross-used, so you should look into it to maybe optimise something to make it able to function?
Cause its a great mod, but it doesnt work on my SMF 1.0.4 forum with ALOT of mods installed.


I've installed about 18 mods at my forum... and i look that it repleace not to much things... and i thought the replaces i use are more compatible between all versions...
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


it fails at the sources/display.php and only aplies to default theme.
While i tried to modify the display.php manual and applied the picture and the Display.template.php it still doesnt show a double post icon anywhere.


Quote from: Da-Huntha on June 17, 2005, 07:15:06 PM
it fails at the sources/display.php and only aplies to default theme.
While i tried to modify the display.php manual and applied the picture and the Display.template.php it still doesnt show a double post icon anywhere.
hmmm can you send me the Display.php?
(The button apears only if there is real doublepost).
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>
$txt['merge_check'] = 'Соединить?';
$txt['merge_no_poll'] = 'Нет голосования';  ((Нет опроса)) some peoples can use this translation and this mod can display error
</search for>

[<add after>
$txt['merge_doublepost'] = 'Соединить двойные собщения';
$txt['merge_error_dbpo'] = 'У вас нет на это прав!';
$txt['merge_error_notf'] = 'Извините, сообщение не найдено.';
$txt['merge_error_noid'] = 'Сообщение или тема не найдена!';
</add after>]

I am translate this as
<add after>
$txt['merge_doublepost'] = 'Объединить сообщения';
$txt['merge_error_dbpo'] = 'У Вас нет прав на объединение сообщений!';
$txt['merge_error_notf'] = 'Извините, сообщений для объединения не найдено.';
$txt['merge_error_noid'] = 'Сообщение или тема не найдены!';
</add after>


can this be modified for 1.1 beta 3 public...

if it is only missing the install for part can someone please point me in the direction of a program that will let me compress and uncompress tar.gz files
Angelus Ex Quo Nox


I think it should work in 1.1 Beta 3 Public know, but i can not test it.

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I get

QuoteThe package you tried to upload either is not a valid package or has become corrupted.

when trying to install on 1.1 Beta 3 Public
Gary M. Gadsdon
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it does work :)

it was annoying i had to extract the tar.gz file in cpanel and then download the 3 files change the install for thingy zip them up again but it did install and it works so yay :D
Angelus Ex Quo Nox


Quote from: Gary G. on July 04, 2005, 05:49:05 AM
I get

QuoteThe package you tried to upload either is not a valid package or has become corrupted.

when trying to install on 1.1 Beta 3 Public
hummm i add the 1.1 Beta 3 Public to instal for list...
i don't know why it not install...

i reupload it ;)

Please try again it should work now.
Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I like the concept for this mod, but I'm a bit confused as to it's usage. I installed it, but where does the button appear? The "test posts" are at

Edit: Never mind, found the problem: re-uploading a source file after applying a mod to it doesn't work. ;)


i have a few comments...

when the posts are merged i would've thought when you put the dates down that the actual date and time in the original post would be the first date and then inside the post near the [hr ] that would have the second time... but for me this is reversed and to me it doesn't seem very logical...

also when the [hr ] is added just above it is the date stamp now this is fine and all... but when it's merged you will have the first post and then the date stamp on the very next line... this looks very squished and cluttered... i would like to see a space added between the last line of the first post text and the date stamp :)
Angelus Ex Quo Nox


Quote from: LostProphecy on July 12, 2005, 11:44:13 PM
i have a few comments...

when the posts are merged i would've thought when you put the dates down that the actual date and time in the original post would be the first date and then inside the post near the [hr ] that would have the second time... but for me this is reversed and to me it doesn't seem very logical...

also when the [hr ] is added just above it is the date stamp now this is fine and all... but when it's merged you will have the first post and then the date stamp on the very next line... this looks very squished and cluttered... i would like to see a space added between the last line of the first post text and the date stamp :)
The problem is when i want the old date the masterdate, i must change much more things in the tables, easier for me to handle is that the new one is the master...

I think about to add some options to the forumssetting where you can say what should between the two post. :)

You can change it if you know what you are doing ;).

In the SplitTopics.php serach for this:

//First Merge the bodytext and split them with a <hr>
$newbody = $msn['0']['body'].'[br][size=1]'.$txt['search_date_posted'].': '.$msn['0']['Time'].'[/size][hr]'.$msn['1']['body'];

$msn['0']['body'] = older post - $msn['1']['body'] = newer post.
$msn['0']['time'] = Time older post - $msn['1']['time'] = Time newer post.

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


i'll have a bit of a play with it and see what i can do :D
Angelus Ex Quo Nox


I have a theme I created (copied a different look and changed all the colours), and this mod works great for my default, but how do I make it work for my other themes?


Quote from: Envy on July 31, 2005, 01:54:33 PM
I have a theme I created (copied a different look and changed all the colours), and this mod works great for my default, but how do I make it work for my other themes?

How to make mods work with themes?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
