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Started by Arantor, July 26, 2010, 05:07:17 AM

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It's in Board Permissions IIRC.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Sorry about been a newbie. Still can't find it

I checked in Board Permissions > Modify Boards

also in Edit Profiles.   :(


What Board Permissions > Modify Boards page? There isn't one.

If you go to Admin > Members > Permissions > Board Permissions and then select a profile (which takes you to Edit Profiles), you will see the list of groups for that profile, inside there you will see the permissions for each group with that profile. It will be with the post-reply and post-new-topic permissions.

That's where it is, I just checked on the forum I originally wrote the mod for (since I wrote it for the SimpleDesk team in 2010 and it was since donated to Spoogs)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I think that's where I checked,

Admin > members > permissions > Board Permissions > "default" profile > Regular Members > Modify  There I couldn't find Draft options under Posts or Topics.

I added a screen print,


That's not the entire page, look a bit further down.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Rest of the page,


Curious. I see no reason why that should be the case unless the mod wasn't installed properly or some other mod broke it. Please attach your Sources/ManagePermissions.php file.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I downloaded the zip few hours ago and installed in 2 forums. Both giving exactly same problem.


You're not using this Drafts mod, you're using the other one.

I know this for a fact because the edits *this* mod makes are different to the things in your file.

Specifically, this mod adds:

// Drafts + Future Posting
$permissionList['board'] += array(
'post_draft' => array(false, 'topic', 'make_posts'),
'draft_autosave' => array(false, 'topic', 'make_posts'),

(since it was originally going to support future posting but I never got around to it)

But that isn't in your file. You're using the file from - and you should ask the author of *that* mod about it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I am using version 1.1.2... I see we are at 1.1.5... does anyone have a list of fixes/changes from 1.1.2 to 1.1.5 by chance?


Very likely just updating the edits to make sure they work on 2.0.x current versions; it was originally written during the 2.0 RC period.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Great mod. Still works like a charm in smf 2.0.9 ;)

Brazil Portuguese translation attached


Quote from: DSystem on November 01, 2014, 05:30:59 PM
Great mod. Still works like a charm in smf 2.0.9 ;)

Brazil Portuguese translation attached
How did you install it on 2.0.9? Looking at the file itself for instructions on manual install? I just get "not compatible", doesn't even show the parse for manual install.


that helpful and i finish install it  :-\ :-\


Version emulate is a thing ;)

I should update this as and when I get time.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on December 17, 2014, 07:43:48 PM
Version emulate is a thing ;)

I should update this as and when I get time.
I guess that would work... but Version Emulate gives me the same error  :P

Edit: I guess I'll also take the opportunity and grab that translation as well, thanks :)


The person who was maintaining it while I wasn't kept the version specific stuff, so I think you have to emulate 2.0.4 specifically.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I mean, I can't install version emulator due to the same error  :laugh:


Why do you need to install version emulation exactly?

Version emulation is built in to 2.0.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Oh! I always thought it was a mod when I saw people talking about it, never used it or noticed it when installing. I don't really install that many mods, so most of the time I just go directly from upload to install, figured the emulate would be there if it was default.

But that worked, thanks! And thanks for the mod as well! :)
