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Started by Depreciated, November 10, 2010, 09:54:42 PM

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Simple .htaccess Bot Blocker Mod v1.2
~{By PaulpBaker}~

Link to Mod | My Mods | Support Topic

Version independent so will work on ALL versions of SMF!

Very simple 'mod' to add some options to block bots, spammers, scrapers, and other scumbags easily via your .htaccess file.

(Please read the below warnings in the 'Notes' section)

This mod is fully compatible with my other .htaccess mods: Simple .htaccess Cache Mod and Simple .htaccess Proxy Blocker Mod

Have some suggestions to make this mod better? Please let me know in the support topic.

Requires: mod_rewrite to be installed and enabled for apache.

If you get any errors after installing this you didn't have mod_rewrite installed/enabled but you can simply uninstall this 'mod' by removing the following code from your .htaccess file in your web root folder

#Simple .htaccess Bot Blocker Mod
[code here]
#Simple .htaccess Bot Blocker Mod

Any previous versions of this mod MUST be uninstalled BEFORE installing this version.

Install the package on the SMF Default 'Curve' Theme ONLY. Other themes will need manual edits.

Useful Links
SMF Package Parser
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.
(Please don't ask me to do the edits for you)

v1.2 - 1st September 2016: Updated to make compatible with SMF 2.0.11
v1.1 - 21st October 2010: Added uninstall option
v1.0 - 19th August 2010: Initial Version


This doesn't block search engine bots does it?




Okay, forgive a probably dumb question but: is there any risk of blocking legit users when using this? Been having a problem with bots/spiders trying to log into various accounts and trying to find the best way to keep them at bay.



Since this did not install for me (said it did, but I can't find anything and my htaccess did not change)

Where do I find it?
EXACTLY what do I put in my .htaccess

There are no instructions



Quote from: PaulpBaker on January 09, 2011, 10:03:44 PM
no risk this is 100% safe

Okay, will try it out. Thanks a lot for the quick reply!


Quote from: ACAMS on January 09, 2011, 10:25:57 PM
Since this did not install for me (said it did, but I can't find anything and my htaccess did not change)

Where do I find it?
EXACTLY what do I put in my .htaccess

There are no instructions



#Simple .htaccess Bot Blocker Mod
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ADSARobot|ah-ha|almaden|aktuelles|Anarchie|amzn_assoc|ASPSeek|ASSORT|ATHENS|Atomz|attach|attache|autoemailspider|BackWeb|Bandit|BatchFTP|bdfetch||BlackWidow|bmclient|Boston\ Project|BravoBrian\ SpiderEngine\ MarcoPolo|Bot\ mailto:[email protected]|Buddy|Bullseye|bumblebee|capture|CherryPicker|ChinaClaw|CICC|clipping|Collector|Copier|Crescent|Crescent\ Internet\ ToolPak|Custo|cyberalert|DA$|Deweb|diagem|Digger|Digimarc|DIIbot|DISCo|DISCo\ Pump|DISCoFinder|Download\ Demon|Download\ Wonder|Downloader|Drip|DSurf15a|DTS.Agent|EasyDL|eCatch|ecollector|efp@gmx\.net|Email\ Extractor|EirGrabber|email|EmailCollector|EmailSiphon|EmailWolf|Express\ WebPictures|ExtractorPro|EyeNetIE|FavOrg|fastlwspider|Favorites\ Sweeper|Fetch|FEZhead|FileHound|FlashGet\ WebWasher|FlickBot|fluffy|FrontPage|GalaxyBot|Generic|Getleft|GetRight|GetSmart|GetWeb!|GetWebPage|gigabaz|Girafabot|Go\!Zilla|Go!Zilla|Go-Ahead-Got-It|GornKer|gotit|Grabber|GrabNet|Grafula|Green\ Research|grub-client|Harvest|hhjhj@yahoo|hloader|HMView|HomePageSearch|http\ generic|HTTrack|httpdown|httrack|ia_archiver|IBM_Planetwide|Image\ Stripper|Image\ Sucker|imagefetch|IncyWincy|Indy*Library|Indy\ Library|informant|Ingelin|InterGET|Internet\ Ninja|InternetLinkagent|Internet\ Ninja|InternetSeer\.com|Iria|Irvine|JBH*agent|JetCar|JOC|JOC\ Web\ Spider|JustView|KWebGet|Lachesis|larbin|LeechFTP|LexiBot|lftp|libwww|likse|Link|Link*Sleuth|LINKS\ ARoMATIZED|LinkWalker|LWP|lwp-trivial|Mag-Net|Magnet|Mac\ Finder|Mag-Net|Mass\ Downloader|MCspider|Memo|Microsoft.URL|MIDown\ tool|Mirror|Missigua\ Locator|Mister\ PiX|MMMtoCrawl\/UrlDispatcherLLL|^Mozilla$|Mozilla.*Indy|Mozilla.*NEWT|Mozilla*MSIECrawler|MS\ FrontPage*|MSFrontPage|MSIECrawler|MSProxy|multithreaddb|nationaldirectory|Navroad|NearSite|NetAnts|NetCarta|NetMechanic|netprospector|NetResearchServer|NetSpider|Net\ Vampire|NetZIP|NetZip\ Downloader|NetZippy|NEWT|NICErsPRO|Ninja|NPBot|Octopus|Offline\ Explorer|Offline\ Navigator|OpaL|Openfind|OpenTextSiteCrawler|OrangeBot|PageGrabber|Papa\ Foto|PackRat|pavuk|pcBrowser|PersonaPilot|Ping|PingALink|Pockey|Proxy|psbot|PSurf|puf|Pump|PushSite|QRVA|RealDownload|Reaper|Recorder|ReGet|replacer|RepoMonkey|Robozilla|Rover|RPT-HTTPClient|Rsync|Scooter|SearchExpress|searchhippo|searchterms\.it|Second\ Street\ Research|Seeker|Shai|Siphon|sitecheck||SiteSnagger|SlySearch|SmartDownload|snagger|Snake|SpaceBison|Spegla|SpiderBot|sproose|SqWorm|Stripper|Sucker|SuperBot|SuperHTTP|Surfbot|SurfWalker|Szukacz|tAkeOut|tarspider|Teleport\ Pro|Templeton|TrueRobot|TV33_Mercator|UIowaCrawler|UtilMind|URLSpiderPro|URL_Spider_Pro|Vacuum|vagabondo|vayala|visibilitygap|VoidEYE|vspider|Web\ Downloader|w3mir|Web\ Data\ Extractor|Web\ Image\ Collector|Web\ Sucker|Wweb|WebAuto|WebBandit|web\.by\.mail|Webclipping|webcollage|webcollector|WebCopier|webcraft@bea|webdevil|webdownloader|Webdup|WebEMailExtrac|WebFetch|WebGo\ IS|WebHook|Webinator|WebLeacher|WEBMASTERS|WebMiner|WebMirror|webmole|WebReaper|WebSauger|Website|Website\ eXtractor|Website\ Quester|WebSnake|Webster|WebStripper|websucker|webvac|webwalk|webweasel|WebWhacker|WebZIP|Wget|Whacker|whizbang|WhosTalking|Widow|WISEbot|WWWOFFLE|x-Tractor|^Xaldon\ WebSpider|WUMPUS|Xenu|XGET|Zeus.*Webster|Zeus [NC]
RewriteRule ^.* - [F,L]
#Simple .htaccess Bot Blocker Mod



np always happy to help.. also <3 your avatar ;)


This mod says it only works on the default theme but if all it does is make an edit to your .htaccess file how is that tied to just the default theme?


Quote from: joec88 on January 12, 2011, 06:39:17 PM
This mod says it only works on the default theme but if all it does is make an edit to your .htaccess file how is that tied to just the default theme?

sorry that needs changing


I installed the mod successfully without any errors, checked my .htaccess file and the code was right there but unfortunately, nothing happens with the tons of bots visiting my forum. Although, no bots can post or register but I do not need them nearing the forum, or being counted as guess in the USERS ONLINE time

But mod says Requires: mod_rewrite to be installed and enabled for apache.
. How can I enable this feature highlighted in RED above. Thanks


v1.2 - 1st September 2016: Updated to make compatible with SMF 2.0.11
