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A member list mod

Started by LoneSilverWolf, April 28, 2011, 12:36:52 AM

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I didn't see any way to do this in the forum options, nor have I seen a mod like this already. IF there is, sorry to bother you mod makers out there o.o

I would like to request a mod that stops people from being able to see just what it is members are doing when they click on the users online list. In the forum they can see exactly what someone is doing, from posting in a topic to an admin tracking an IP. I think that is a bit invasive, and would love a mod to stop that from being visible.

If there is a way to do this w/o a mod, I'd love to know how--but I didn't see any option for it.


Matthew K.

Hey there, and welcome to SMF!

By a memberlist, you don't mean ?action=mlist, right?

Also, the who's online only shows content to who it should, for instance, IP's are only viewable by those who can see IPs, since you're an administrator, you can see them. Beyond that, you can restrict access to the ?action=who page via permissions, assuming you're using 2.0x branch.


If you use 2.0 RC something, go into the permissions for regular members and uncheck the permission to view who's online.


you can restrict that permission with 1.1.1* as well.


Okay, thanks. I thought by restricting viewing who is online, it wouldn't let the members see the list of online members too--but it just made that area that shows how many people is online unclickible.

(2 users and 3 guests online) for example. Used to be you could click that and see what people were doing!

Thanks for the heads up :)

