Grumpz Theme

Started by MrGrumpy, July 01, 2011, 03:03:30 AM

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Link to the theme

Grumpz - Grey 2.0 Theme



This theme contains elements of CSS3 which aren't supported by older browsers.

This theme contains changes to:


This may require that manual edits for mod's may be required, if you aren't able to do this then don't install the theme as I will NOT provide support to install mods on the theme.



Redesigned header/menu/news layout

Header has had the layout redesigned but keeps all functionality in the default curve theme. To change logosimply upload a new 1 named smflogo.png

Redesigned boardindex layout

The layout of the boardindex has been changed, newsfader has been moved to combine with the header, the structure of the boards has been changed, new style boardicon, view board unread posts link added. Hover effect on boards.

Info center has scrolling recents posts section so that a lot of recent posts can be displayed in a small space

Redesigned messageindex layout

The layout has been changed and the post icon column removed and larger icons used for the post key column.
Colured backgrounds for normal/sticky/locked post backgrounds with hover effect.

Redesigned post layout

The layout of the posts has been changed to give a nicer styling to the posts layout.


Standard smf icons have been changed including in the admin panel

FamFam Silk - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States.

Farm-Fresh - Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Not only are these icons better looking than the standard SMF icons but they will match the icons used in certain mods such as portals to give your site a uniformed look.
the possession of knowledge is worthless unless imparted upon others
My Custom Themes
2.0 themes only - I don't do 1.1.x
