Fresh dedicated server there .. what now

Started by Ivan Minic, August 24, 2005, 07:27:01 PM

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Ivan Minic

Ok, in few days i will purchase new server for my forum, it would be ~ P4 3.4 ghz , sata hard drives, 2 gb ddr... and now what are your suggestions ...
There will be no cpanel, helm, plesk, ensim or stuff like that, just rh fedora 3 =+ webmin...
On that server only my smf board will work, so i need details what software to install to work ...
Board is growing fast, and will grow even faster on new machine.. now it is 418467 Posts in 45026 Topics by 47514 Members
What i need is info on what should i install there...
~ MySql 4.0.x vs 4.1.x
~ Php 4.4.0 vs 4.3.11
~ What apache version
~ What apache modules
~ How to compile apache, what configurations should i include while comiling
~ Is there anything else you would install there except for the eaccelerator, that i already know

After installation, I talked to [Unknown] and he said that he will help me to get optimal configuration of that stuff, but this should be done before that, so if anyone wants to explain, it would be nice, since this might be usefull for everyone

~ ~ ~ ~
p.s. Also.. what should be compiled with php (curl, tettext, gd .. etc)
It works with eather one of these (from 2 different servers):
Configure Command './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin' '--includedir=/usr/include' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--libexecdir=/usr/libexec' '--with-curl' '--with-dom=/usr' '--with-xml' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-bz2' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--enable-xslt' '--with-xslt-sablot' '--with-expat=/usr' '--with-xsl' '--with-zlib'
Configure Command './configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-mysql=/var/lib/mysql'
So.. what should be there

Ivan Minic

To add something.. i have read smf system requirements
However, for best performance and use, a bit more is suggested. This includes the following:

Linux or another Unix based operating system.
the GNU Aspell and its dictionaries for spell checking support.
Apache with AcceptPathInfo set to On (Apache 2 and later only) for queryless URL support.
PHP 4.3.0 or higher, with the following set in php.ini:
the max_input_time directive is set to a value of at least 30.
the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize directives are set to the size of the largest attachments you wish to be able to upload.
the session.use_trans_sid directive set to Off.
the memory_limit directive is set to at least 8M.
the max_execution_time directive is set to at least 15.
the register_globals directive is set to Off.
MySQL 4.0.15 or higher with query caching enabled.
GD Graphics Library 2.0 or higher.
But i would like more specific info on this.

Ivan Minic


Either MySQL 4.1.x or 4.0.x should be fine.  It may be easier to work with 4.0.x, though, than 4.1.x.

PHP 4.4.0 or PHP 5.0.4 is fine.  You'll also want Aspell.

Apache 1.3.33 or 2.0.54 should be fine, too.  In my experience, Apache 2 is perfectly stable... but I've heard some say it isn't, so it might be best to go with 1.3.33.

I'm not sure on modules.  I've only ever really used the default ones - and PHP.

For compiling things, it's just like this:

$ ./configure (options)
$ make
$ su
$ make install
$ exit

Although eAccelerator is just a bit more complicated, with:

$ phpize

Before the configure step.

If you use Apache 2, you want --with-apxs2.  If you use 1, you want --with-apxs.  Aside from that:

./configure --with-zlib --with-mysql --with-gd --with-xml --with-openssl --with-iconv --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-freetype --with-ttf --with-pspell


Ivan Minic

What is this for?
--with-openssl --with-iconv --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-freetype --with-ttf --with-pspell


OpenSSL makes it possible to use SSL in outgoing connections - for example, it allows you to use SFTP and SMTP over SSL.  It's usually a good idea.

The iconv library is for translating character sets.  If someone posts something in a language other than your forum's default, having this will improve things greatly.

The native TTF thing isn't a big deal, and I don't remember its exact effect.  But, the freetype and ttf options make it so you can make dynamic images with nice looking text on them.

Pspell is what PHP calls Aspell.  If you enable that, you can have spell checking support.


Ivan Minic

Thanks man! Will inform you if we make this correct ;)

Tony Reid

Ive got a similar server :)

I dont use cpanel - Ive installed webmin as my webserver control panel(changed the skin though!) and Centos 4 64bit Linux as my OS.

The Centos distro has a server edition with all needed software - it installs pretty quickly too.

I would seriously advise locking down your server before you put it on the net.

Tony Reid

Ivan Minic

We decided to instal MySQL from .rpm
We installed server and client, but is any of these other needed?


Also, what perrmisions does smf sql user need?
Currently on our test server these are set:
Select | Insert | Update | Delete | Create | Drop | Alter | Create temp | Lock


I don't think you need any of those others.  Maybe shared, I don't know what that is offhand.

I'd give SMF all the privileges, but it needs SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and ALTER for sure.

