Thumbs Up (Like / Dislike) for Posts?

Started by Jim Stone, May 02, 2012, 04:10:19 PM

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Likes are also really cool when you can combine them with other things, like... say... a XenForo style notification system ;D
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on April 27, 2013, 08:29:53 PM
Likes are also really cool when you can combine them with other things, like... say... a XenForo style notification system ;D

see, now if there was a like button...

with notifications its very good, if i get a notify someone has liked a post i often go to see which post is was.. dont know why.. guess if you know what people like you can do it more often.. its also nice when someone likes your post.. kinda..

but agree with everything said on karma, its on the person not the post, it doesnt get recorded, it just turns into a popularity contest.


Then I'd get a notification that you'd liked my post. :P
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


But nobody else on the same topic would know that something happened (the like) unless all the participants are notified. :P

BTW, like == thank you (i.e. "like mod" == "thank-o-matic mod", yes it's a bit old and probably not perfect, but is free and does most of the things people are searching in a "like" just changing few strings of text), am I wrong?

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

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Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


QuoteBut nobody else on the same topic would know that something happened (the like) unless all the participants are notified.

But they'd see it next time they viewed the topic.

Quotebut is free and does most of the things people are searching in a "like" just changing few strings of text), am I wrong?

Yup, you're pretty much there.

Though I still maintain there is a perfectly good free mod that does pretty much everything you'd need... just not on this site due to differences between the author(s) and the management here.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


2.1 has a likes system (but NOT dislikes) built in.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on November 26, 2013, 04:48:36 PM
2.1 has a likes system (but NOT dislikes) built in.

This may sound crass but there have been many posts in this thread I would have liked to 'like' had it been possible. Part of the 'like' concept is the notion that someone has said everything you want to say and you wish to support that point of view or perspective without adding to it.

I understand the 'participation principle' but there *are* occasions in which one would simply like to give support without entering directly into the discussion.... which is what brought me to this thread! Seems several of my forums members would like to see it implemented, tho admittedly they also want a 'dislike button as well.

There are no doubt many hundreds if not thousands of us out here with no programming skill just waiting to see if someone would release a Mod that gives the functionality we're requesting (perhaps placing it on the left side under the other icons such as PM, email etc.).

I *do* understand you purists, and your fear of becoming to much like 'social media', however it has to be said that the sites such as Facebook are so popular simply *because* they are so much more user friendly. Posting images. videos, posts, etc etc etc can be done with a few clicks on Facebook etc. Doing it it within SMF is much harder... yes more rewarding... but harder!!

My opinion for what it's worth is that if we don't provide what our members ask for then soon(ish) we'll have no members!!

A 'like' button might seem the thin end of a Wedge (no pun intended Arantor) but it *would* enhance the usability of a forum and potentially increase participation, even if minimally!!


I think you have misunderstood...

1- I am not a "purist" and I don't "fear" anything like that.
2- my disagreement with the concept of "likes" has nothing at all to do with "becoming like social media"  Forums *ARE* social media. They were around before stupid things like FB and twitter, and hopefully will continue when those have gone the way of the dodo, because  those other sites actually prevent and discourage the full exchange of ideas.
3- You hole up FB as something that is "user friendly"? Well, holy mackerel... can I have some of those drugs you must be taking?
FB is one of the ***WORST*** examples of user friendly that I have ever seen. As far as I can tell, they make UI and UX decisions by consulting a magic 8-ball (or maybe monkeys)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Facebook doesn't have dislike either, nor is it going to get it :P

I won't deny that SMF is not user friendly - it isn't. Unfortunately you're right about the purists who don't want major changes, and even more modest changes have been dismissed out of hand because 'SMF has always done x therefore SMF must always do x'.

QuoteA 'like' button might seem the thin end of a Wedge (no pun intended Arantor)

Of course there was a pun intended. The fact I'm the one who added it to Wedge in the first place, and subsequently added it to SMF (differently to appease's Nao's raging OMG ARANTOR IS STEALING FEATURES) is of course of no relevance. The fact that neither implementation has a dislike feature is also completely intentional.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


this is a feature i have been asked about many time by our forum users
thought i would finally start looking into it and arrived here
i see from this topic v2.1 apparently contains the feature but still shows in development in downloads
any idea when it will be out of development? has it really been in beta since nov 2013?



No, 2.1 didn't enter beta until late 2014/early 2015, I forget exactly when. Do of course remember that it is built by people in their spare time - no-one is paid to build SMF, so it has to fit around things like jobs.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


and the next release will STILL be a beta (beta2)

it's not ready for RC

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


ok thanks, i'll take a look at some mods


Hi! I'm fairly new to SMF and recently set up my own SMF forum. I'm an old hand with VBulletin forums as a site Admin.
I first encountered the Like/Dislike feature in Vbulletin around 11 years ago and I have to admit I had mixed feelings about it then. If the system is implemented as it is in VBulletin it is combined with a user reputation system, it is NOT tied in with post count so spamming out likes or dislikes really serves no benefit to the user doing such. The Dislike feature is very much subject to abuse and I agree with Arantor that the Dislike button should be disabled for that reason. In VBulletin the number of Likes or Dislikes received by a user has a cumulative effect on that users forum reputation. Also Vbulletin combines post count along with user reputation to add weight to likes or dislikes given by users. A like or dislike given by a user with a high level of reputation combined with a high post count can carry a lot of weight. Out of over 10,000 users on one site over the years I've only seen the system abused by maybe two or three users. Overall I believe the adding a Like feature to SMF would be desirable and if available it would be a feature I would add to my site.


Quote from: Nibogo on May 03, 2012, 12:10:35 AM
In fact there's one: [nofollow]


No way to find out whare I can download this mod.

Anybody can help, pleae ?


There's a "buy" button at the bottom of the linked page. You may need to register as a user before you purchase...

