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[WIP - Converter] IPB 3.2/3.3/3.4

Started by emanuele, May 17, 2012, 03:44:15 PM

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Quote from: phantomm on June 11, 2012, 08:54:45 AM
It was written for 3.2.x series.
You have to use the same user and password in db from IPB and SMF.

Thank you.

Then i need to install SMF in the same Database as IPB. I couldnt change DB-Username at my hoster or it is possible over Phpmyadmin?

Thanks again


honestly I don't know, never tried it (I change users in DirectAdmin...), but if you make backup and IPB will have different table prefix than SMF tables there shouldn't be any problems ;)
Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


problem with login and posts will get fixed? :/


Quote from: Ventic on June 14, 2012, 10:06:06 AM
problem with login
As I said somewhere this is not a problem that can be fixed by any converter: the password saved into the database is encrypted both on IPB side(I hope at least) and SMF side, most likely with two different methods.
Convert the password would mean: decrypt the IPB user's password and re-encrypt it in SMF.
The problem is: it's not possible to decrypt the password (well, it could be possible but it would take years for each password, I don't think you want to have a conversion that last 1 year for each of your members).
So this is not something that can be fixed.
Although if you know how IPB does the encryption you can copy the password too during the conversion and then write a sort of internal bridge that uses the IPB password and encryption method to log into SMF.
(I'm not going to code something similar, so if anyone wants to do it feel free).

Quote from: Ventic on June 14, 2012, 10:06:06 AM
and posts will get fixed? :/
What's the problem with posts?

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


it shows i got 23000 posts.though i never had such posts


It took a while...

Try these files, same procedure as the converter:
* upload both into SMF's directory
* point to convert.php (if it asks for a IPB config file just pu a dummy one in the same directory of SMF)
* start the procedure.

It should recount the users' posts.

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


I get this while trying to convert:

Duplicate entry '5844' for key 'PRIMARY'

Can this be solved in any way? I'm using latest converter in this topic, and ipb 3.2.3.

Thx in advance :)


The only solution I found is to reduce the number of "things" (topics in that case) at each step.
Have a look at this post:
and instead of ---* {$to_prefix}pm_recipients search for ---* {$to_prefix}topics

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


That helped... But now i get to this part and I'm stuck:
"Recounting post counts... "

No errors are shown...


Okay, I think I forgot to update the original package...
Can you try the instructions present in this post:
and see if it works?

If so I'll update the script.

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


Quote from: emanuele on June 25, 2012, 12:57:35 PM
It took a while...

What does this fix? When I have to apply it?

nevermind... can't convert properly Polish letters and emoticons from 3.3.3... :/
Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


The file above was for ventic.

Letters in names are a problem, letters in the posts I didn't notice problems, but it could be I didn't actually see the error.
Are you using UTF8?

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


IPB is in ISO (latin1), SMF in UTF8.

But Polish characters can be easily fixed in Notepad++. Bigger problem are this broken emoticons links.
In IPB database it is saved as:
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/125.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
after conversion:
<img src=\\''<#EMO_DIR#>/125.gif\\'' class=\\''bbc_emoticon\\'' alt=\\'':)\\'' />

or links in signature (after finished conversion):

<p>[center][url=\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\"][img][/img][/url]<br />
<br />

Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


mmm...I'd avoid such conversion...
Try ISO => ISO and then convert SMF to UTF8 if you want to have it in UTF8.

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


it's even worse when i try to convert it to ISO

This is really hopeless situation, there is no way to move this site to SMF :|
Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


Is it the one you sent me?
Maybe I still have it around...

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.


yes, it's the same db, but with more posts (8000)
Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


Quote from: emanuele on June 27, 2012, 01:23:13 PM
Okay, I think I forgot to update the original package...
Can you try the instructions present in this post:
and see if it works?

If so I'll update the script.

Just skipped those steps manually via adress bar (step=11, I just entered step=12, etc.). And all went rather well. Couldn't convert avatars, but that's just a small problem and not a big thing to me at all.

Anyway, I really appreciate your help and effort you put in this converter. Thank you (Y)


I fixed emoticons with this query:
UPDATE `smf_messages` SET body = replace(`body`, '<img src=\\''<#EMO_DIR#>/21.png\\'' class=\\''bbc_emoticon\\'' alt=\\'':21:\\'' />',':21:');

This needs to be done for each emoticon... I have more than 200 :)

the same thing for private messages, but don't know if wouldn't be better to change it into regular images (in img BBC)
Polskie wsparcie SMF na

the simplest solution is most likely the right one


Okay...looking again at the last file I posted, it seems I took the wrong file...

If you can wait few hours as soon as I'll be in front of the computer where I work on these things I'll post the correct file...

I'm so sorry for this mistake... :-[

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.
