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SSI Authentication Issue

Started by liability, July 07, 2012, 11:13:11 PM

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Hi everyone,

SMF 2.02
Using PHP on Apache server w/Linux shared host

I have a custom index page, in a different directory than my forum. I need to make sure the user is in certain group(s) before I show them any content.

No matter what I do though, I get my forums login page. I login, and I'm taken to my forums. I open a new tab, and try again - but it's the login page again. I hit my back button after logging in, and again, back to the login page. Nothing I do will authenticate me for the custom index page.

In admin > Configuration > Server Settings > Cookies and Sessions I have Use subdomain independent cookies enabled, along with Use database driven sessions.

In section 1, I have tried using the ssi_login() function (as the code shows) and without it. It makes no difference. (the ssi_login() form isn't displayed, and I always get the full login page)

I have tried using the $_SESSION['login_url'] function.

What the heck am I doing wrong here? It doesn't seem like it should be this difficult :(

require ('../forums/SSI.php');

// Section 1: If they're not logged in, we'll tell them they need to

if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo"You need to login to the forums first";
ssi_login(); // with, or without this I get my forums full login page

// Section 2: If login is okay, and group matches we'll show them stuff

// Allowed groups is comma seperated SMF GROUP ID. Example: 1, 2, 3
$allowed_groups = array(102024);
$can_see FALSE;
foreach ($allowed_groups as $allowed)
if (in_array($allowed$user_info['groups']))
$can_see TRUE;

if ($can_see)
Blah blah

// Section 3: This is what's displayed if they don't have the correct permissions (group)
echo"Sorry, your not allowed to see this.";

[Edit] My forum is on a sub domain ( if that matters.

[Edit 2] Changed my forum url to the /forums/ address from the above, and login now works. But I still get the full login screen instead of the login form!
