technical problem

Started by cluaudiuzz, October 21, 2012, 06:03:44 AM

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I installed the forum on a folder in order to have a link like this / forum now after a few months I would like to remove the folder from the forum for a link that says only:
I'm afraid I have to do this because there are operations of subscribers and there are also incorporated post with attachments. You may succere that the database does not recognize the new links as I moved the files and folders?
Appearance hear from you before you do something ...

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

May be you can enter your cPanel and redirect from yoursitename.tld/forum to yoursitename.tld? Then use repair_settings.php to change your forum default to without /forum.


Thanks for the answer
I upload via FTP my forum in a folder called "forum".
To enter in my forum I  click on a link like this: forum.
Now I would see my forum by clicking on a link like this:
To do this I need to do:
1) Remove the folder and unpacked the contents directly in the www folder.
2) Go to Cpanell , Domains section, click on Redirects, select / forum to redirect traffic on
3) After that I use repair_settings.php?
Is true?
For the images attached to the post. I have to do something in particular?
thank you very much


You can probably better use FTP to move all the files "Up" one folder. (Eg to parent directory)
Then run repair_settings.php. No particular need for a redirect, but it might be easy for your current users :)

If you are going to upload all SMF files again, make very sure to keep a copy of "Settings.php" :)
Or at least write down the details, then you can indeed put it back in with repair_settings.
((U + C + I)x(10 − S)) / 20xAx1 / (1 − sin(F / 10))
President/CEO of Simple Machines - Server Manager
Please do not PM for support - anything else is usually OK.


Hello to all,
thanks for the replies
I inform you of the progress.
I did copy and paste the contents of the folder "forum" to place it in the root folder "www"
The images and attachments are not seen as well as the database can not connect because the addresses are changed
In the same folder I uploaded the file repair_settings.php. I put in my browser / repair_settings.php
Now there are various options, what I have to do?


Input the correct paths, values, and settings for your hosting account.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

