
Started by Diego Andrés, January 19, 2013, 07:34:34 AM

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I would like to remove the top bar... Ideas?

Diego Andrés

Quote from: lmerega on October 20, 2013, 05:04:05 AM
I would like to remove the top bar... Ideas?

Index.template.php, remove:
echo '
<div id="menu">';
echo !empty($settings['forum_width']) ? '
<div id="wrappertop" style="width: ' . $settings['forum_width'] . '">' : '', '';
if ($context['user']['is_logged']) {
echo '
<div class="floatright">';
// Is the forum in maintenance mode?
if ($context['in_maintenance'] && $context['user']['is_admin'])
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '">[<img title="', $txt['maintain_mode_on'], '" alt="" align="top" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/cog.png" />]</a>';

// Are there any members waiting for approval?
if (!empty($context['unapproved_members']))
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=admin;area=viewmembers;sa=browse;type=approve">[<img title="', $txt['approve_members_waiting'], '" alt="" align="top" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/flag_orange.png" />', $context['unapproved_members'], ']</a>';

if (!empty($context['open_mod_reports']) && $context['show_open_reports'])
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=moderate;area=reports">[<img title="', sprintf($txt['mod_reports_waiting'], $context['open_mod_reports']), '" alt="" align="top" src="', $settings['images_url'], '/flag_red.png" />', $context['open_mod_reports'], ']</a>';
echo '
echo '
<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top1_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top1_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top1']) ? $txt['link_top1'] : $settings['link_top1'], '</a></li>
<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top2_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top2_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top2']) ? $txt['link_top2'] : $settings['link_top2'], '</a></li>
<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top3_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top3_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top3']) ? $txt['link_top3'] : $settings['link_top3'], '</a></li>
<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top4_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top4_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top4']) ? $txt['link_top4'] : $settings['link_top4'], '</a></li>
<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top5_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top5_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top5']) ? $txt['link_top5'] : $settings['link_top5'], '</a></li>
</ul>', !empty($settings['forum_width']) ? '
</div>' : '';
echo '

Also, removing it, will cause the link options in the theme admin not work, and you will not see if there are moderation reports and that stuff.


SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Fri 25 Apr 2014, 8:58 pm

Beautiful theme! Really nice.   I'm not technical, so please reply accordingly.  Any reason why  Advanced Editor wouldn't work with this theme on a brand new SMF 2.0.7 installation?  Advanced Editor works with other themes and with my fall-back choice "My Theme." which is similar to BlueBird. Too bad.  A forum w/out Advanced Editor is pretty much a deal-breaker.  Any suggestions?   Here is my forum (not ready for prime time quite yet) .

Thanks for your help.

Diego Andrés

Maybe some other mod edited the same code, so that's why it's giving you an error.
The best you can do is to ask the author of the mod if he can give you a hand to look at that part.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Sat 26 Apr 2014, 6:33 am

Tks for the reply.  I'll check with the author.  Unlikely that is a mod conflict as this was a brand new installation, and after Simple Portal, Advanced Editor was the first  & only MOD we installed.   

BTW, the link I gave goes to a temporary page.  The actual forum  installation is



I really like this theme - it's been a long time since I've worked with changing things about in forums. I can't remember how to properly insert links.
Quote<li><a href="', empty($settings['link_top1_url']) ? '' : '' . $settings['link_top1_url'] . '', '">', empty($settings['link_top1']) ? $txt['link_top1'] : $settings['link_top1'], '</a></li>

If I wanted a link called 'Cool Site' (example) and it was going to --- how would I enter that in the above?

Diego Andrés

You can edit the links in admin > forum config > current theme.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Yes, I understand that, but so far twice I have tried to edit the code I pasted above, and have broken things :)
In the code above, where do I insert the URL and where do I insert the Link title?


Fri 20 Jun 2014, 8:25 am

Moonrise, I don't have much of a skill set, but I think you are looking in the wrong place.

Admin > Themes and Layout > Theme Settings > Bluebird

Click on Bluebird.

I think you are leaving out that last step.  When you click on Themes Settings, you go to a page with a list of the installed themes.  On the left,  the names of the themes are links. It's not obvious that they are links, but they are.   Click on Bluebird, and you go to a page for setting the links which is self-explanatory. See attached.

BTW, that links bar is really cool, but didn't look good with our particular design, so we deleted it.  There is a mod at SMF Hacvks "Menu Editor Pro" which is EXCELLENT and let you do everything in the world with menus and links.

Diego, I really like this theme.  It's a little bit fussy, apparently, to get our header banner right, but worth the effort.  Thanks!

Hope this helps.



ahh - yes I did look but didn't see anything like that. I ended up uninstalling it because the change I made gave me a parse error for the whole board. Ill try again. Thank you very much for the helpful response.


l'm current edit in local,some question need your help
1:where to find to edit link of the top 5 links?
2:the frame of the forum too wide for me,how to change the forum width to 960px.


Diando see rexal's reply for the first question, its 2 or 3 posts above you, also fixed width is never advised
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life

Diego Andrés

Quote from: diandao on July 08, 2014, 09:03:42 PM
l'm current edit in local,some question need your help
1:where to find to edit link of the top 5 links?
2:the frame of the forum too wide for me,how to change the forum width to 960px.

Admin > Config > Current theme

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


the theme really beautiful ,i like it!
thank your quick reply,i'm not skilled in coding  :).
And more,
how to make menu bar or navigation bar also to be 960px,i do not want so long.And after  admin login, also make admin/moderate ..words to be  centered?

Diego Andrés

First... Open index.css and find #submenu and remove the padding: 0 7%;
Then in index.template.php find:
class="dropmenu2 custommenu" id="menu_nav"
Replace with
class="dropmenu2 custommenu" id="menu_nav" style="width: '. $settings['forum_width']. '; margin: 0 auto;"

And find:
class="dropmenu2 sub_menu"
Replace with
class="dropmenu2 sub_menu" style="width: '. $settings['forum_width']. '; margin: 0 auto;"

I hope it works  :P

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


works sir!
but i do not describe clear,i need left background of menu and header be canceled too ,like image attached.
sorry ask small question.

Diego Andrés

Ok, revert all the changes, except for the css padding.
Then in index.template.php find:
replace with
id="content_mainmenu" style="width: '. $settings['forum_width']. '; margin: 0 auto;"

replace with
id="header" style="width: '. $settings['forum_width']. '; margin: 0 auto;"

And again in the css, do exactly the same you did in #submenu, but in .custommenu

Sorry and also remove this ones in index.template.php
echo !empty($settings['forum_width']) ? '
<div id="wrapperheader" style="width: ' . $settings['forum_width'] . '">' : '', '

', !empty($settings['forum_width']) ? '
</div>' : '

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


works sir, great! thank you very much! :D :D


How do i remove this. Login and info after login.

