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Started by electricwildflower, August 03, 2013, 11:32:33 AM

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Not sure if it's the right part to post in the forum but anyway i have came across a great piece of software that i'm sure alot of you will love.

X7chat is a fantastic chatroom based piece of software that will implement a chatroom into your forums. The basics of x7chat is to have a chatroom
integrated into your website for your members to use and features alot of stuff such as

multiple rooms
pasword protected rooms
theme changes via a .css file
block users
delete users
text fonts, colors etc

and alot more to come in newer versions.

these are just a few things that are in x7chat and there is also a website & forums for support, downloads etc.
It's easy to install and will ingrate with your smf install.

currently as of 3.2.0a2 there is no integration with smf, phpbb or any other forum based software.
This is due to the creator rewriting the chatroom from scratch and in the next release he should have
the implementation added to integrate easily with smf when you install with a click of a button.

The older versions have the integration present so you can integrate it with your smf install.
But this only works on older php versions so unless your server can use an older version you will
have to wait to the next x7chat version to get it integrated unless you do it your self.

The website link is below for downloads, support, forums etc.


Looks a tad plain to me.



Well having an open source licence i though it might be ideal for some people due to being able to customize it in which ever way they feel. Plus some people like it plain and simple  :)

The Craw

Good software. I remember using this when I first came to SMF years ago.


I know this is an old post but, was hoping someone still using X7 chat might tell me how to add smileys to it?


Quote from: cbsarge on August 05, 2014, 09:39:47 AM
I know this is an old post but, was hoping someone still using X7 chat might tell me how to add smileys to it?

Is there nothing about it on their site at all. I'm not sure how many people still use this tbh.


It doesn't seem as if it's being maintained any longer. It was offered as a quick installed option by my ISP. I like that it's very light-weight but, some basic emoticons would be nice. :)


I know nothing myself of that script. I wish I could help. There is a chat script here but it is paid. I do think it integrates with SMF though or at least it did at one point.


So I've made a little progress. I've found the code that sends the message to the screen and edited it to include a replace() function that successfully swaps in the link to an emoticon for the entered text.

var message = new App.Message({
timestamp: utc,
source_type: 'user',
source_name: <?php echo json_encode($x7->esc($user['username'])); ?>,
source_id: '<?php $esc($user['id']); ?>',
dest_type: app.active_room().type,
dest_id: app.active_room().id,
message: $('#message_input').val().replace(':)', '<img src="" height="15" width="15">'),
font_size: app.settings.message_font_size,
font_color: app.settings.message_font_color,
font_face: app.settings.message_font_face

The problem is that it renders it as code rather than an image. If I look at the source of the rendered page it even looks like it should be working but, it doesn't.  :(

<span class="message" data-bind="text: message, style: { color: color ? '#' + color : '', fontSize: size &gt; 0 ? size + 'px' : '', fontFamily: face ? face : ''}">&lt;img src="" height="15" width="15"&gt;</span>

I've attached the chat.php file if anyone cares to take a look.

Thank you.


Hello Dear em getting this error when i logged out from my chat room.
its working gud but when i logged out he shows me this msg i chkd leaveroom.php and index.php but is there every thing is well :(
now what can i do to remove this fatal error??

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid page' in /home/lashpashchat/public_html/chatrooms/new/index.php:20 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/lashpashchat/public_html/chatrooms/new/index.php on line 20
