Board Notices

Started by Windy, January 11, 2010, 07:52:53 AM

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Sorry but I'm not a mind reader what is the error?

Please go into the file and copy the nearest lines which show above and below the error line using the # bbc button.


Execute Modification ./Themes/default/ManageBoards.template.php            Test failed
  1. Add After ./Themes/default/ManageBoards.template.php                        Test failed

Find: This code is not present in default themes
<textarea name="desc" rows="3" cols="35" style="width: 99%">', $context['board']['description'], '</textarea> </dd>

Add After:
<dt> <strong>', $txt['mboards_notice_title'], ':</strong> <p class="smalltext">', $txt['mboards_notice_title_desc'], '</p> </dt> <dd> <input type="text" name="notice_title" value="', $context['board']['notice']['title'], '" size="30" class="input_text" /> </dd> <dt> <strong>', $txt['mboards_notice_description'], ':</strong> <p class="smalltext">', $txt['mboards_notice_description_desc'], '</p> </dt> <dd> <textarea name="notice_desc" rows="3" cols="35">', $context['board']['notice']['description'], '</textarea> </dd>

$$  Q u a l i t y    I n f o r m a t i o n    L i n e  for iPhone $$

<   M O D  |  T R A N S L A T O R  |  TO  |  TUR  |  A N D   |  G E R   >


Using notepad ## look for the nearest text which looks closest to the required edit.

Make sure you backup first.


When i put in my notices it become like this

1. sentence one 2. sentence two 3. sentence three

how can i make it to show up as this
1. sentence one
2. sentence two
3. sentence three?


Hungarian Language:

Quote<file name="$languagedir/ManageBoards.hungarian.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end"></search>
$txt['mboards_notice_title'] = 'Közlemény címe (nem kötelező)';
$txt['mboards_notice_title_desc'] = 'A közlemény címe a fórum felett fog megjlenni az index oldalon';
$txt['mboards_notice_description'] = 'Közlemény leírása';
$txt['mboards_notice_description_desc'] = 'Rövid leírása a közleménynek, amely az üzenet fölött fog megjelenni';]]></add>

Quote<file name="$languagedir/ManageBoards.hungarian-utf8.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end"></search>
$txt['mboards_notice_title'] = 'Közlemény címe (nem kötelező)';
$txt['mboards_notice_title_desc'] = 'A közlemény címe a fórum felett fog megjlenni az index oldalon';
$txt['mboards_notice_description'] = 'Közlemény leírása';
$txt['mboards_notice_description_desc'] = 'Rövid leírása a közleménynek, amely az üzenet fölött fog megjelenni';]]></add>

Padre gremista

It's possible, install this MOD, in the SMF version 2.0.6? - A comunidade gremista na internet.


Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.

Padre gremista

The emulation is not working im my forum. What can are happening? - A comunidade gremista na internet.

Padre gremista

Good, I have success with installation normally, but, nothing there, one menu or section for edit the MOD. How I resolve this? - A comunidade gremista na internet.


Quote from: Padre gremista on November 13, 2013, 09:15:08 AM
It's possible, install this MOD, in the SMF version 2.0.6?

Yes works. Found this Mod, 5 Minutes later = Mod works with 2.0.6.
Only one small manual editing on ManageBoards.template.php is needed.

Big thx to Windy!
