Board Notices

Started by Windy, January 11, 2010, 07:52:53 AM

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Board Notices v1.0.2

Adds a notice on the Message Index for selected boards

How do I...

...modify the notice

To modify the notice that appears above the board on the message index can be done by going to the Modify Boards section in the Administration Center where you normally go to modify the boards settings.  Also, the use of html is permitted for the description.

...only show the description without a title

The title is an optional parameter, by clearing the notice title and saving the description will be displayed on its own.

I'm having issues with... changes not being seen

This is due to SMF's caching system caching the boards information, for your changes to become active you first need to clear the file cache which can be done in the Maintenance section in the Administration Center.
...missing instructions/text when modifying the board

This is either due to using a different language or if you have utf8 enabled.  To fix you first need to view the Manual Install Instructions for this mod which is available on the page for this mod.  Then copy the lines for the file ManageBoards.english.php.  If you're using utf8 then you need to copy those lines into the utf8 equivalent (I believe it's called ManageBoards.english-utf8.php).  If your using a different language then you need to copy those lines into the equivalent language file for ManageBoards.
...undefined index errors for mboards_notice_title/mboards_notice_title_desc/mboards_notice_description/mboards_notice_description_desc

This is also caused by using a different language or having utf8 enabled, so follow the instructions above.
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Haha, nice mod. Works great.

AjaxChat - SMF 2.0 RC2 Edition Download.
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Simple but effective.  Nice Mod Windy



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Matthew K.


CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Russian translation:

// Board Notices
$txt['mboards_notice_title'] = 'Заголовок уведомления (Не обязательно)';
$txt['mboards_notice_title_desc'] = 'Заголовок объявления появится под панелью ссылок';
$txt['mboards_notice_description'] = 'Текст уведомления';
$txt['mboards_notice_description_desc'] = 'Короткое примечание, для размещения над всеми темами раздела';



Nice really ppl need this

Turkish Translation:

// Board Notices
$txt['mboards_notice_title'] = 'Duyuru Başlığı (Opsiyonel)';
$txt['mboards_notice_title_desc'] = 'Bu bölüm için mesaj içeriğinde gösterilecek duyuru başlığı';
$txt['mboards_notice_description'] = 'Açıklama';
$txt['mboards_notice_description_desc'] = 'Bu bölüm için mesaj içeriğinde gösterilecek kısa açıklama';


so strange i cant install it always this error:

Table 'crazyzone_ediboard.{db_prefix}boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/crazyzone/data/www/
Riga: 39

some help ?
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Quote from: edi67 on February 02, 2010, 09:08:20 AM
so strange i cant install it always this error:

Table 'crazyzone_ediboard.{db_prefix}boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/crazyzone/data/www/
Riga: 39

some help ?
Not quite sure what would cause that, I would say though that it doesn't look like it's an issue with the mod, I would suggest posting in the support forums for 2.0.
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Quote from: Windy on February 03, 2010, 11:03:12 AM
Quote from: edi67 on February 02, 2010, 09:08:20 AM
so strange i cant install it always this error:

Table 'crazyzone_ediboard.{db_prefix}boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/crazyzone/data/www/
Riga: 39

some help ?
Not quite sure what would cause that, I would say though that it doesn't look like it's an issue with the mod, I would suggest posting in the support forums for 2.0.

may be you can write me how install manually table that your mod need? seems as database.php cannot install your required table
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Quote from: edi67 on February 16, 2010, 03:24:45 PM
Quote from: Windy on February 03, 2010, 11:03:12 AM
Quote from: edi67 on February 02, 2010, 09:08:20 AM
so strange i cant install it always this error:

Table 'crazyzone_ediboard.{db_prefix}boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/crazyzone/data/www/
Riga: 39

some help ?
Not quite sure what would cause that, I would say though that it doesn't look like it's an issue with the mod, I would suggest posting in the support forums for 2.0.

may be you can write me how install manually table that your mod need? seems as database.php cannot install your required table
You could try just plop it in your forums root directory and running it.
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Mods are only updated to the latest same major version of smf on request.


Quote from: Windy on February 18, 2010, 02:07:30 AM
Quote from: edi67 on February 16, 2010, 03:24:45 PM
Quote from: Windy on February 03, 2010, 11:03:12 AM
Quote from: edi67 on February 02, 2010, 09:08:20 AM
so strange i cant install it always this error:

Table 'crazyzone_ediboard.{db_prefix}boards' doesn't exist
File: /home/crazyzone/data/www/
Riga: 39

some help ?
Not quite sure what would cause that, I would say though that it doesn't look like it's an issue with the mod, I would suggest posting in the support forums for 2.0.

may be you can write me how install manually table that your mod need? seems as database.php cannot install your required table
You could try just plop it in your forums root directory and running it.

i wil try to launch file database.php directly in root directory, i will let you know the result
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


SMF ... SimpleMachines ... Simple, but complete if you want it ;)


This is a really awesome mod. I hope it can be added for RC3
Using SMF RC4


Can anyone tell me if this mod has been integrated into RC3, since it hasn't been upgraded I was wondering if that's because its a part of the forum itself. Its such an awesome addition and without it I can't upgrade my site.
Using SMF RC4


Mod has been upgraded to install properly on SMF 2.0 RC3.
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Windy, you are truly awesome. Thank you so much. This mod should really be a standard part of the forum, that would be cool.
Using SMF RC4
