Language Problem while upgrading to SMF 2.0.7

Started by AzraelGargoyle, January 24, 2014, 06:44:22 AM

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Hello everyone!

I was just trying to upgrade from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7. So i did as instructed and extracted the new files from the large upgrade package to my ../smf/ directory. Started the upgrade.php and got loads of error messages saying:
Notice: Undefined index: upgrade_step in ...smf/upgrade.php on line 3493 (and several other lines)
Underneath that i get a message saying, that the updater found some old and outdated language files.
So i went on to update all the language-packs i have installed to the latest version and tried again - with the same result. It keeps telling me, that the language files are old.
Next thing i did was to try and hit "skip" which led me to a page without any error messages, prompting me to input my admin login for security reasons.
Did that and that took me back to step one - the faulty page with the error messages about the old files.

What now? -> screenshot of my problem


You DON'T NEED to use the "large upgrade" package to do this upgrade... To go from version 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 you just need to click the warning that you have in your ACP...

Do you have a backup of before you overwrite all your forum files?
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QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Thats strange.. in your "SMF 2.0.7 released" email it said that it should offer me the update in the admin section - it did not. so i did the "fetch simple machines files" thing. nothing happened. so i tried to download the package via the package manager. got error messages, saying the file was empty. then i went on to do it manually which resulted in what i posted previously. I shall revert the board to its original state and try again - maybe it works this time.  :o


Maybe your forum can't (temporarily or not) connect to That is supposed to work.
Just installed a test forum (another one :P ) with 2.0.6 in my local machine, launched admin and there it was... the warning message.

Please set your forum back to 2.0.6 and try to fetch the files again, later. This is not a security update so no risk involved in waiting ;)
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


sounds like you tried to upgrade while the patch was removed for some fixing, that is why the file was empty.



Just hit exactly the same error when trying to do the live update on my forum from v1.19 to 2.07. Didn't happen on my trial update a few days ago, and using the same files as for that...  ???


That was seen around here some times already. Check if the language files are there (especially Install.english.php), check its permissions and ownership.
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Thanks for the reply Margarett

Yep all files correct and present (well as far as I can tell from comparing them to a fresh download of the v2.07 files from the large update).

Tried skipping the error (as seaching this support forum suggests it's happened before with other folks on other updates, but the only resolution I could find was that it didn't really matter, so worth trying skip...) Only to have it generate a red rectangle with two large !! in it and wouldn't let me get any further.

Running repair_settings.php I discover that my attachments file is pointing to an old copy of the forum, but there appears to be no way of changing this (can change it in the window repair settings brings up, but no save button...)

I can only assume that it's not really language settings it's upset about, but as to what it really is upset about, I've no idea...

(Only difference to a standard update - in case it makes a difference, but it really shouldn't as it worked fine on the previous attempt - I was trying to do the update on a duplicate of the forum - with all settings changed to "new" (ie correct for the copy) versions in settings.php. And it's only because inconsiderate users have added posts to the live system in the meantime ;-) that I was trying to redo this on a fresh copy which would then become the live one as soon as I was sure it OK.)


Update. Have deleted all trace of my last attempt, replaced with fresh copy of db and "large upgrade" files.

Now instead of a "language files out of date" error I have a completely white screen on running update.php...

Really confused. None of this happened with the same update that I did as a trial a few days ago - doesn't make any sense to me at all...


Were you able to have your forum running in the "duplicate" location before you start conversion?
Can you check this "duplicate" Settings.php and verify the correct paths?

edit: you can't just do that because the large update doesn't have a Settings.php. That's why you have a "white screen".

You should:
* set your live forum to maintenance mode
* backup everything: files + DB
* Delete everything from your forum root, except "avatars", "attachments", "Settings.php" and "Settings_bak.php". Your forum will "die" at this point :P
* Load the large upgrade package now. Run the upgrade.
* When it finishes, you will have your forum at 2.0.7. Take it out of maintenance mode that there ya' go ;)
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Just reloaded the duplicate forum files (ie as of v1.19) to check. Duplicate copy of forum runs fine...

Settings.php all look ok to me. (Suspect the white screen of death on previous attempt may have been a missing ' at the start of the dbusername, but it was locked into WSOD by then, so can't prove...)


Are both your main forum and duplicate forum accessing the same database?

In any case, you can proceed with the topics in my last post above. Either in your live forum or in the duplicate one. Don't forget to backup!
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Nope - although they did want to early on in my trial attempt, before I realised I had to change the settings.php file to point to the new (copy) of the db :)

Backups done several times over :) Any more and I'll lose track of which is the correct one to use if I really have to  :P - but that's kind of the point of doing the upgrade on a duplicate db too - can always switch the old "live" forum back on if it really won't update!

Reloaded "new" forum files again - but having deleted all bar settings/avatars/attachments this time as per you previous post. Fingers xd!



Same language files error. Same !! when skipping...

This has me totally stumped...


And if it's of help a screengrab of the offending language files error...

Herman's Mixen

just ment that your languages files are out of date... in case your not using the english ones... upload a new full set of that language to /themes/default/languages/*.{language}.php
Met vriendelijke groet, The Burglar!

 House Mixes | Mixcloud | Any Intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

Former Godfather of our dutch community ;)


Hi Herman's Mixen

Thanks for the reply, but the set of lang files is from the large update I've just downloaded from the server and up to my forum as part of the update! So should be the freshest possible! (also forum uses English if that makes any difference...)

What's really weird is that those files haven't changed from the ones I downloaded for a trial at this a few days ago, and they worked fine then, but not now... (checked with a file/folder comparison utility - BeyondCompare - identical...)

Herman's Mixen

do you have caching enables... turn that off...
log into ftp go cache/ folder remove data*.hash* files
empty your browsers cache....

upload only fresh language file package *overwrite*

reload your page and do hard browser reset cntrl+F5

what happend ?! then ...

repost what you get !
Met vriendelijke groet, The Burglar!

 House Mixes | Mixcloud | Any Intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein

Former Godfather of our dutch community ;)


Not sure how I turn off caching, but don't think it's enabled anyhow - only an index.htm and .htaccess file in the cache folder in the forum files...

Browser cache emptied...

Language pack files identical, but deleted and reloaded anyhow.

Page reloaded

Ctrl+F5 pressed.

Same out of date language files error... :(
