styling after upgrade

Started by sanderbloem, August 08, 2016, 08:58:46 AM

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Hi there,

I have recently get the nice job to upgrade a smf forum from 1.1.20 to the latest version.
The whole upgrade process is clear running back-ups while typing this but I'm wondering if the styling/ theme will stand after a update..

This is my first time working with smf and hoping you guys have some answers
Looking forward to it.

Sander Bloem


what did you upgrade to? if you are upgrading to SMF 2.0 then you need to find a new SMF 2.0 theme as SMF 1.1 themes dont work on SMF 2.0.


right sounds logical.

as i mentioned im really new to smf, is there a good place to read some usefull info about customizing smf?

Thanks in advance!


depends on what you are wanting to customize.
