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Issues with converting from phpBB3.0.x to SMF 2.0.15

Started by just211, May 09, 2018, 05:46:23 AM

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after reading tons of infos related to the issues that I am faced with it's still the case that I fail converting my running phpBB3.0.x - Board to SMF 2.0.15.
Does anyone of of you experts can make it happen?

I have the following situation:

  • Installed SMF 2.0.15 in a separate dir on the server where the phpbb board runs
  • Checked that PHP > 5.4; It's 5.5.35 actually
  • Uploaded the convert.php plus *.sql to the SMF directory

The first problem that I am running into by calling the convert.php is this "Unknown system variable 'SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE'"-Topic.
I understood that modifications to the convert.php needs to be done, and I've already tried some other convert.phps getting other error-messages.

-> How can I be sure to use the right file?



I find the most success installing SMF 2.0.12 use that to convert the phpBB then upgrade your SMF version
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Is there a special 2.0.12 converter available, or should I use the 2.0.15 one?


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Received the same error: " Unknown system variable 'SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE' "


Just tried a different convert.php that has been offered in a different post.

The initial error hasn't appeared, now this one occured:

Converting posts...
Converting polls... Successful.
Converting poll options... Successful.
Converting poll votes... Successful.
Converting personal messages (step 1)...The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: from_name

Any idea how to proceed?


You may have to add a column in your personal message table called "from_name" and make it varchar.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 09, 2018, 03:17:16 PM
...add a column in your personal message table called "from_name" and make it varchar.

"from_name" exists in the smf-table.

Or do you mean in the db which I want to convert (the phpbb one)?
I phpbb there are 4 of them:

  • phpbb3_privmsgs
  • phpbb3_privmsgs_folder
  • phpbb3_privmsgs_rules
  • phpbb3_privmsgs_to

In which should I add the column?

BTW: I would not be sad if users loose just some private messages.
Most important is to get the posts.


Try to run it manually
You might have to add the database name in front of each phpbb_ or smf_ to get the query to work

Insert into smf_personal_messages (id_pm,id_member_from, msgtime, from_name,subject,body)

pm.msg_id AS id_pm, pm.author_id AS id_member_from, pm.message_time AS msgtime,
SUBSTRING(uf.username, 1, 255) AS from_name, SUBSTRING(pm.message_subject, 1, 255) AS subject,
SUBSTRING(REPLACE(IF(pm.bbcode_uid = '', pm.message_text, REPLACE(REPLACE(pm.message_text, CONCAT(':1:', pm.bbcode_uid), ''), CONCAT(':', pm.bbcode_uid), '')), '\n', '<br />'), 1, 65534) AS body
FROM phpbb_privmsgs AS pm
LEFT JOIN phpbb_users AS uf ON (uf.user_id = pm.author_id);
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Okay, thanks a lot. Going to try it manually tonight.

If it works, how can I pursade the converter to go on after stopping with the mentioned error message?
Do I need to extract the private message conversion (step1) out of the sql-file?


Yes exactly just edit .sql file and remove that part.
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Here's what I did:

- Converter did his job until mentioned error with converting PM (step1)
- Was able to run your SQL manually without error. It integrated 20.509 rows.
- Deleted the sql-conversion codes until PM (step2) out of the sql-file.
- Converter ran to the end without error message and deleted itself.

I was not able to enter the board using the password and set a new one via "forgotten password function".
Unfortunately I do not have admin-rights with my major admin-account.
Seems that there are some posts missing.



Seems that the converter has issues with subforums.
I've reorganized the phpbb board so that there are just categories and forums left and done the procedure again. Think that all posts have been taken...

I also was able to login with my main admin account using may password, but I am still not an administrator.
I'm sure that this can be fixed direct in the table, will use the search again...


Update II:

Used the php-script offered in this topic to make me an admin again. Worked well!

Recounted the statistics:

- Number of posts is correct.
- Number of topics is 28 less than in phpbb. Need to check. (?)
- Number of users is 44 more than in phpbb. Need to check. (?)

Need to update to 2.0.15 now.


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Yes, I think it is working now.

I'll proceed with some testing and will then finally replace the old and dilapidated phpbb.

Thumbs up for your patient help. This is much appreciated!



Quote from: just211 on May 09, 2018, 01:19:32 PM
Received the same error: " Unknown system variable 'SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE' "

Same error me too.  (SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE at step1).


Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 10, 2018, 10:04:49 AMTry to run it manually
You might have to add the database name in front of each phpbb_ or smf_ to get the query to work
Insert into smf_personal_messages (id_pm,id_member_from, msgtime, from_name,subject,body)

pm.msg_id AS id_pm, pm.author_id AS id_member_from, pm.message_time AS msgtime,
SUBSTRING(uf.username, 1, 255) AS from_name, SUBSTRING(pm.message_subject, 1, 255) AS subject,
SUBSTRING(REPLACE(IF(pm.bbcode_uid = '', pm.message_text, REPLACE(REPLACE(pm.message_text, CONCAT(':1:', pm.bbcode_uid), ''), CONCAT(':', pm.bbcode_uid), '')), '\n', '<br />'), 1, 65534) AS body
FROM phpbb_privmsgs AS pm
LEFT JOIN phpbb_users AS uf ON (uf.user_id = pm.author_id);

Hi there, I'm not technically inclined, so could you explain what am I supposed to do with this code?  I have the same error using the convert.php.  Thanks! :D

Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Bunkei on December 18, 2022, 02:50:58 PMHi there, I'm not technically inclined, so could you explain what am I supposed to do with this code?  I have the same error using the convert.php.  Thanks! :D


Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 10, 2018, 10:04:49 AMTry to run it manually

Copy/paste the query to the SQL box and run it there.
