GDPR Helper

Started by vbgamer45, June 02, 2018, 07:23:16 PM

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Fixed the download thanks
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 15, 2019, 06:30:50 AM
Fixed the download thanks

Thank you. All looks good now.  ;)

Your Version: 1.0.6 Latest Version: 1.0.6


Quote from: vbgamer45 on September 23, 2019, 03:00:10 PM
If you are using SMF 2.0.x and you already have this mod installed. This is a must update to prepare for SMF 2.0.16

+Adds support to copy to SMF's 2.0.16 privacy policy and agreement data.
Data is copied on install/upgrade so are ready for SMF 2.0.16

So when using GDPR Helper on 2.0.x, I need to update the mod to 1.0.6 (or do a fresh install of 1.0.6), and then i apply the 2.0.16 patch without uninstalling the mod? (Or do I uninstall the mod after updating/installing it?)

[Edit]: Nevermind, just found this:

Quote from: vbgamer45 on November 03, 2019, 07:50:58 PM
Note: When upgrading to 2.0.16 or SMF 2.1 RC3 best way to carry over the GDPR information is to uninstall the old version of GDPR Helper then install newest version of GDPR Helper.
Next, uninstall GDPR Helper, then install SMF 2.0.16 or SMF 2.1 RC3
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!Fixes importing of data for SMF 2.0.16 update
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!Handle updating privacy policy on edit for SMF 2.0.16
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 19, 2019, 10:16:54 PM
!Handle updating privacy policy on edit for SMF 2.0.16
A error in the ManageRegistration.php with SMF 2.0.16

Code: (Find)updateSettings(array('requireAgreement' => !empty($_POST['requireAgreement'])));
Code: (Add After)// Start GPDR Helper

    'gpdr_last_agreementdate' => time(),


// END GPDR Helper
SMF Curve 2.0x


This should be uninstalled with SMF 2.0.16 check announcement. Since GDPR support is built into SMF 2.0.16
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 28, 2019, 08:16:11 AM
This should be uninstalled with SMF 2.0.16 check announcement. Since GDPR support is built into SMF 2.0.16
I never had the mod installed so i didn't have to do this step if it's built into it with 2.0.16 is there any need to install it at all.
SMF Curve 2.0x


Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 28, 2019, 08:16:11 AM
This should be uninstalled with SMF 2.0.16 check announcement. Since GDPR support is built into SMF 2.0.16
Is this the case for your GDPR Pro version as well?


I would suggest it. But in both cases I am using GDPR helper or pro on my own sites currently.
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!Fixed registering a user from admin area for SMF 2.0.x and 2.1.x, 1.1.x
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Bit of help would be appreciated please.  I'm trying to update to SMF 2.0.17, but have hit a snag when following the instructions here.

I have backed up my existing privacy policy and updated GDPR helper to the latest version (1.0.9) but don't seem to be able to do the next recommended step which is to uninstall GDPR helper and I get the following errors.

I also notice that in admin > GDPR Helper it says "Your Version: 1.0.9 Latest Version: 1.0.8 Your GDPR Helper version is not up to date!"

Any ideas how to proceed next please.  - Screen cap below of errors.


Further to the above... I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to any manual editing of the source files,  but I have tried to do some investigating myself and have found the following.

Code: (Find) [Select]

// Start GPDR Helper
if (empty($modSettings['gpdr_clear_memberinfo']))
// Make these peoples' posts guest posts.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}messages
SET id_member = {int:guest_id}, poster_email = {string:blank_email}
WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})',
'guest_id' => 0,
'blank_email' => '',
'users' => $users,
global $sourcedir;

require_once($sourcedir . '/gpdr2.php');

// END GPDR Helper

Mine says

// Start GPDR Helper
if (empty($modSettings['gpdr_allow_export_userdata']))
// Make these peoples' posts guest posts.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}messages
SET id_member = {int:guest_id}, poster_email = {string:blank_email}
WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:users})',
'guest_id' => 0,
'blank_email' => '',
'users' => $users,
global $sourcedir;

require_once($sourcedir . '/gpdr2.php');

// END GPDR Helper


Code: (Find) [Select]

// Start GPDR Helper
if (!empty($modSettings['gpdr_enable_privacy_policy']))
if (!isset($_REQUEST['privacy_agree']) && !$user_info['is_admin'])
$reg_errors[] = $txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_fail'];
// END GPDR Helper
// Lets check for other errors before trying to register the member.


// Start GPDR Helper
if (!empty($modSettings['gpdr_enable_privacy_policy']))
if (!isset($_REQUEST['privacy_agree']))
$reg_errors[] = $txt['gpdr_txt_privacy_fail'];
// END GPDR Helper
// Lets check for other errors before trying to register the member.

Unsure of next steps please.


Uninstall then attach those two files.
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I uninstalled and get this error:

Undefined index: gpdr_privacypolicy
Undefined index: gpdr_text_settings
Undefined index: gpdr_title


Im on 2.017
PHP 7.2

Should i manually remove from admin.php:

'gpdr' => array(
'title' => $txt['gpdr_title'],
'permission' => array('admin_forum'),
'areas' => array(
'gpdr' => array(
'label' => $txt['gpdr_title'],
'file' => 'gpdr2.php',
'function' => 'GPDR_Main',
'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=gpdr;sa=settings;sesc=' . $sc,
'icon' => 'server.gif',
'subsections' => array(
'settings' => array($txt['gpdr_text_settings']),
'privacyadmin' => array($txt['gpdr_privacypolicy']),

Thank you in advance.


Yes, that will fix it.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 18, 2020, 12:03:12 PM
Yes, that will fix it.

I have done that.

These errors now show:
: Undefined index: gpdr_txt_exportdata

Line: 256

Undefined index: gpdr_txt_privacy_header

/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/TPShout.english.php (registration_form sub template - eval?)
Line: 380

Undefined index: gpdr_txt_privacy_desc

/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/TPShout.english.php (registration_form sub template - eval?)
Line: 384

Undefined index: gpdr_txt_privacy_agree

/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/TPShout.english.php (registration_form sub template - eval?)
Line: 387

I uninstalled as per instructions. Not sure why this has happened.

I have an issue where new members cannot register they just get looped to "registration agreement" then "Registration form"

I appreciate your help.

Thank you


Looks like it didn't uninstall
upload mod to and get the uninstall steps
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on June 18, 2020, 03:35:12 PM
Looks like it didn't uninstall
upload mod to and get the uninstall steps

Is it possible to reinstall the mid and try to uninstall again?

Thank you


No it would create create duplicate install issues.
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