2.0.15 - Your session timed out while posting. Please go back and try again.

Started by Portugal, April 02, 2019, 06:30:22 AM

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Hi people,

I need your help for this situation. After the upgrade (from .13 to .15) i get this kind of error (Your session timed out while posting. Please go back and try again), that specific error afects in special the adsense bot to access my non-public forums.
I use the them "Redsy" and i was looking for solution since i discover the bot doesn´t access to my forum.
I was searched on the theme folder and i cant see the login form (index.template.php, boardindex.template.php or login.template.php) as it is mentioned on this information to solve that situation: https://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Login_error_2.0.14

I apreciate your attention to help me solve this.

Thanks in advance


I have the same issue, on a fresh installed version of the 2.0.15 with an database from 2.0.13.
I couldnt find any sql-files on the downloadsection to upgrade the database files.

so i had to try.

The forum works, but cannot login.

on the 2.0.14 i found in this board an hint, to delete a line with session in the loginlogout file, but didnt help on this version.

