Limiting the number of PM's by Membergroup

Started by Wine Gum, July 19, 2019, 06:18:41 PM

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Wine Gum

I have searched the Modifications but cannot find one that allows individual limits for the number of PM's members can send but also have different limits for each membergroup.

e.g. Admin & Moderators unlimited - other members restricted to ** per day.


unlikely that this would ever be a feature.

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Diego Andrés

There's an option PM related in the membergroups section when editing. It's not very specific but I'm assuming it refers to the amount of PM's the group can have in their inbox.

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Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 20, 2019, 12:20:36 PM
There's an option PM related in the membergroups section when editing. It's not very specific but I'm assuming it refers to the amount of PM's the group can have in their inbox.

Correct, and it applies the limit based on the highest number across all the membergroups a user has.

The OP seems to want to limit the number that can be sent per day, though, which seems counterproductive unless they're on a very small host and can't deal with the space usage, in which case setting the inbox limit should cover that fairly well.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.
