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[SMF Converter] IPB 4.4

Started by vbgamer45, August 31, 2019, 11:09:23 AM

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Thank you soooooooo much!!!! That's it, it worked! At least it looks like that :)


Hi, i got a error using this converter...

Converting posts (this may take some time)...
This query:
SELECT AS id_msg, p.topic_id AS id_topic, p.post_date AS poster_time,
CASE WHEN p.author_name = '' THEN 0 ELSE p.author_id END AS id_member, SUBSTRING(t.title, 1, 255) AS subject,
SUBSTRING(p.author_name, 1, 255) AS poster_name,
SUBSTRING(p.ip_address, 1, 255) AS poster_ip, p.use_emo AS smileys_enabled,
IFNULL(p.edit_time, 0) AS modified_time, SUBSTRING(p.edit_name, 1, 255) AS modified_name,
t.forum_id AS id_board, REPLACE(, '<br />', '') AS body,
SUBSTRING(IFNULL(, '[email protected]'), 1, 255) AS poster_email, 'xx' AS icon
FROM `vgforum_vgbrdataforum`.ibf_forums_posts AS p
LEFT JOIN `vgforum_vgbrdataforum`.ibf_forums_topics AS t ON (t.tid = p.topic_id)
LEFT JOIN `vgforum_vgbrdataforum`.ibf_core_members AS m ON (m.member_id = p.author_id)
WHERE t.forum_id IS NOT NULL
LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:

and with a DEBUG=1 option


Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 964
Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 967
Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 979 Successful.
Recalculating forum statistics... Get all members with wrong number of personal messages..

Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Notice: Undefined variable: result in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 2486
Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Notice: Undefined variable: result in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 2487
Notice: Array to string conversion in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 3093
Notice: Undefined index: db_fetch_assoc in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 1378
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php:1378 Stack trace: #0 /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php(1318): doStep2() #1 /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php(51): doStep1() #2 {main} thrown in /home/vgforum/public_html/smf/convert.php on line 1378

Nevermind, i fix this with the solution in the last page (p.emo error)


After end of convert, a blank page (screen) appears, no errors...

Some help please



I'm trying to convert from v4.4.9.1 and i'm getting this errror:

Converting members...
This query:
m.member_id AS id_member, SUBSTRING(, 1, 80) AS member_name,
SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS real_name, AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(m.members_pass_hash, 1, 64) AS passwd, SUBSTRING(m.members_pass_salt, 1, 8) AS password_salt,
m.member_title AS usertitle, m.last_visit AS last_login, "" as buddy_list, "" as message_labels, "" as openid_uri, "" as ignore_boards,
m.joined AS date_registered, SUBSTRING(pc.field_3, 1, 255) AS website_url,
SUBSTRING(pc.field_3, 1, 255) AS website_title,
SUBSTRING(m.signature, 1, 65534) AS signature, m.ip_address AS member_ip, m.ip_address AS member_ip2, '0' AS total_time_logged_in,
IF (m.bday_year IS NULL, '0001-01-01', IF (m.bday_year = 0 AND m.bday_month != 0 AND m.bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', m.bday_month, '-', m.bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(m.bday_year <= 4, '0001', m.bday_year), IF(m.bday_month = 0, '01', IF(m.bday_month < 10, CONCAT('0', m.bday_month), m.bday_month)), IF(m.bday_day = 0, '01', IF(m.bday_day < 10, CONCAT('0', m.bday_day), m.bday_day))))) AS birthdate,
WHEN (m.member_group_id = '4') THEN 1
WHEN (m.member_group_id = '2') THEN -1
WHEN (m.member_group_id = '6') THEN 2
END AS id_group,
WHEN (pc.field_5 = 'm') THEN 1
WHEN (pc.field_5 = 'f') THEN 2
END AS gender
FROM `mfftk2co_invision`.core_members AS m
LEFT JOIN `mfftk2co_invision`.core_pfields_content AS pc ON (pc.member_id = m.member_id)

LIMIT 0, 500;
Caused the error:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Try running that as normal sql on the database and see if you get an error back. The 1054 error is not complete for me.
It means there is some unknown column in the database.
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ok i'll have a go now, cheers.


Quote from: vbgamer45 on January 14, 2020, 01:37:59 PM
Try running that as normal sql on the database and see if you get an error back. The 1054 error is not complete for me.
It means there is some unknown column in the database.

This is the error it comes up with;

#1054 - Unknown column 'pc.field_5' in 'field list'


Change this in the query and try again

WHEN (pc.field_5 = 'm') THEN 1
WHEN (pc.field_5 = 'f') THEN 2
END AS gender


"" AS gender
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I change it but got this new error:

Unknown system variable 'SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE'

It is the file ipb44_to_smf.sql i'm editing the SQL in right?


Here is the result from phpMyAdmin


Yes,  ipb44_to_smf.sql you edit.
Make sure you are using the latest convert.php from github or convertors downloads.
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Yes I'm using the latest one I just uploaded them again to make sure as I might have uploaded the one from the beginning of this thread. If this is going to be very time consuming for you then It might be better for me not to continue, but if you don't mind that would be very nice of you to help me out.

I now get this error:

Converting members...
Wrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (gender)

Which if I put this code

m.member_id AS id_member, SUBSTRING(, 1, 80) AS member_name,
SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS real_name, AS email_address,
SUBSTRING(m.members_pass_hash, 1, 64) AS passwd, SUBSTRING(m.members_pass_salt, 1, 8) AS password_salt,
        m.member_title AS usertitle, m.last_visit AS last_login, "" as buddy_list, "" as message_labels, "" as openid_uri, "" as ignore_boards,
        m.joined AS date_registered, SUBSTRING(pc.field_3, 1, 255) AS website_url,
SUBSTRING(pc.field_3, 1, 255) AS website_title,
SUBSTRING(m.signature, 1, 65534) AS signature, m.ip_address AS member_ip, m.ip_address AS member_ip2, '0' AS total_time_logged_in,
IF (m.bday_year IS NULL, '0001-01-01', IF (m.bday_year = 0 AND m.bday_month != 0 AND m.bday_day != 0, CONCAT('0004-', m.bday_month, '-', m.bday_day), CONCAT_WS('-', IF(m.bday_year <= 4, '0001', m.bday_year), IF(m.bday_month = 0, '01', IF(m.bday_month < 10, CONCAT('0', m.bday_month), m.bday_month)), IF(m.bday_day = 0, '01', IF(m.bday_day < 10, CONCAT('0', m.bday_day), m.bday_day))))) AS birthdate,
WHEN (m.member_group_id = '4') THEN 1
                WHEN (m.member_group_id = '2') THEN -1
                WHEN (m.member_group_id = '6') THEN 2
END AS id_group,
"" AS gender
FROM {$from_prefix}core_members AS m
     LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}core_pfields_content AS pc ON (pc.member_id = m.member_id)

into phpMyAdmin

I get this error (image)


Change "" AS gender to
0 AS gender
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Thanks, slowly getting there now:

Converting members...
Converting categories... Successful.
Converting boards...Wrong value type sent to the database. Integer expected. (id_parent)


Open .sql file

// IPB stores forum names and descriptions in a seperate database table.
$result2 = convert_query("select * from {$from_prefix}core_sys_lang_words where word_key ='forums_forum_" . $row['id_board'] . "' OR word_key ='forums_forum_" . $row['id_board'] . "_desc'");
while ($row2 = convert_fetch_assoc($result2))
if (!empty($row2['word_default'])  && $row2['word_key'] == ('forums_forum_' . $row['id_board']))
$row['name'] = $row2['word_default'];

if (!empty($row2['word_default'])  && $row2['word_key'] == ('forums_forum_' . $row['id_board'] . '_desc') )
$row['description'] = $row2['word_default'];


Add after

$row['id_parent'] = (int) $row['id_parent'];

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Hello, thanks for the amazing converter! After following the troubleshooting steps in the first few things, everything has been going very smoothly. Fingers crossed it all works out!

In the meantime, I was wondering if you had a ready-made script to convert reputation over to karma? This would make the conversion literally perfect. Thanks!


I do not have a script to convert it over. I would need to know what tables the reputation is stored in.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on January 18, 2020, 11:22:09 AM
I do not have a script to convert it over. I would need to know what tables the reputation is stored in.
Oh, okay. I've been studying it to see if I can put together one, so any help would be much appreciated.

IPB's rep is stored in core_reputation_index. The structure is as follows:

There are a couple of other tables (core_reputation_leaderboard_history and core_reputation_levels) but this one appears to be most applicable and ready to convert over into karma (or your own Likes modification).


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For IPB 4.4 no.  The upgrade path is only for SMF 2.0.x you would need to use SMF 2.0.x to use this convertor.
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