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php 7.1 going away soon

Started by a10, September 08, 2019, 08:58:41 AM

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Testing with 7.3.11, "most of everything" seems to work fine.

Only real problem I could see so far, mailqueue is hit by deprecation, no php email leaves the house.
2.0.19, php 8.0.30, MariaDB 10.6.18. Mods: Contact Page, Like Posts, Responsive Curve, Search Focus Dropdown, Add Join Date to Post.
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i'm glad i run a dedicated server... and can hang on to 7.1 as long as i need to.. yes, i checked- the host 'warned against it' but said they wouldn't force me to upgrade anything i didn't want to... which allows me time to await the first official release of 2.1 (which i already have styled the way i want it).

at any rate, that isn't why i'm posting.

to shoot at the authors of SMF because of evolving foundation is about..... goofy.  it was and is a great platform.  that's all that really needs to be said about it.  if anyone was paying for it maybe there would be an opportunity to complain- but it's not.  and it's better on many levels than the 'better' ones that are (premium/paid for).


Quote from: drewactual on October 30, 2019, 10:26:12 PM
if anyone was paying for it
The Charter Members are paying, every year.
Sad there seems to be very few who find it worth some money supporting smf that way.
2.0.19, php 8.0.30, MariaDB 10.6.18. Mods: Contact Page, Like Posts, Responsive Curve, Search Focus Dropdown, Add Join Date to Post.
Stand with 🇺🇦


Yes but they're not paying the developers. That money goes to infrastructure/servers etc. - no one at SM is paid to do the software.

It has been debated but every time turned into a debate about why the developers were special and that every other team also deserved recompense, in the name of equality.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: drewactual on October 30, 2019, 10:26:12 PM
i'm glad i run a dedicated server... and can hang on to 7.1 as long as i need to.. yes, i checked- the host 'warned against it' but said they wouldn't force me to upgrade anything i didn't want to... which allows me time to await the first official release of 2.1 (which i already have styled the way i want it).

I'm not on a dedicated server and I can still choose any PHP version down to 5.4. Depends on who your host is, I guess. MultiPHP makes this even easier, you can choose PHP version per domain or per subdomain ;).
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"A 500 error loosely translates to the webserver saying, "WTF?"..."


So the host updated all to 7.3 (good warning in advance, option to revert to 7.1 for some weeks extra, they got good routines).

" All errors (3706) " 1 hour. Really looking forward to 2.0.16 :O)

On my production site, mail works fine on 7.3, so discarding my previous (test site) mail comment (forgot to reset the php mail settings there doh).
2.0.19, php 8.0.30, MariaDB 10.6.18. Mods: Contact Page, Like Posts, Responsive Curve, Search Focus Dropdown, Add Join Date to Post.
Stand with 🇺🇦


I hate to bump this but I'd really like some suggestion on how to handle the removal of PHP 7.1 in about two weeks time.

It seems I can continue using 7.2 but from what I can understand it'll still cause some issues or a flood of error messages in the logs. My host already automatically upgraded to 7.3 and before I noticed and manually downgraded to 7.1 again I had some 7 million errorlog entries in SMF  :( On the positive side it doesn't seem like the users have complained about anything yet.
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe producing bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning.


Hope that 2.0.16 comes along soon.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I really want to upgrade to SMF 2.1.

But when doing that I want to do a complete overhaul of my entire website. I think at that time it would be best to clean the whole website, install SMF 2.1 and then migrate the data back. Will be some work :)


that is why we have the upgrade script. you cant just migrate data into the upgraded database due to the changes. you need to follow our upgrade process to make sure it is successful.


Hmmm... I would very much like to go to a clean vanilla forum. In the years that the current one has been running a lot of mods have been added. Some of them still work, but cannot even be controlled anymore :)

The only thing I would need from the old environment is:
-User names
-Passwords (still encrypted)
-E-mail addresses of users
-Personal messages
-Subscriptions (so, who has subscribed to what topic)

But hey... I am not looking to hijack this topic ;)


no. that is a really bad way to deal with things....

it's not a simple "copy tables a, b and c..." because there are other tables that are interrelated....   and asome mods may make changes to the columns within a needed table.

and it reallt, really won't work, because the password hash has changed -- so, without the upgrade script, it won't get converted

If there is no problem with the current forum, than don't worry about stuff left over in the database from older mods.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Ok, I understand... there is a lot more to it :)

And the forum is running, so that part is fine. But there are definitely quite a lot of errors logged, which I think are due to all sort of old mods. Perhaps I will be fine if I just install a vanilla version of the forum and then migrate using the script and only install those mods that I really need.


Quote from: Plantje on November 13, 2019, 10:45:36 AM
Perhaps I will be fine if I just install a vanilla version of the forum and then migrate using the script and only install those mods that I really need.

First, for every mod, check that it is actually compatible with 2.1rc2!
"Faith is what you have in things that don't exist."
--Homer Simpson

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Noooo... I am waiting until the final version of 2.1 is out. Then I want to start with a clean version. And if a mod is not compatible with be it 😄
I will start on my test server anyway


i'm too setting up to swap to 2.1 after the final release.... but no vanilla...

2.1 responsive is much like the responsive i built with my flagship 2.0.x... it is better in some places, not so much in others- but... it's ready out of the gate.  insofar as the alterations where presentation is concerned, i decided to use includes and no real heavy lifting with the default theme.

i will be porting over the data from the 2.0 forum and then duplicating it and moving it back.

it will be interesting to see how much php7.3 improves speed and weight of the page. 

the 'new' site, 2.1 if anyone is interested still has a lot of WP functions embedded on it, but it will be removed before going live.  it's @ .... the 2.0.15 site is ... i show this to demonstrate it's not too hard to make them look similar...

I went with sprites on 2.0 instead of separate images for the various icons, and found that 2.1 already uses sprites which i will have to change- not a big deal. 

the fact that 7.1 didn't last that long is quite disappointing considering the amount of time i've put into 2.0 over the past three or so years, but it is just the nature of things.  it was great whilst it lasted!!! the future of both SMF and the interwebz including whats under the hood can't really do anything but get better, and that's because it's pretty good right now and we can always fall back if needed.... of course i say this tongue in cheek- for those that take me too serious.. 


Quotethe fact that 7.1 didn't last that long is quite disappointing

Like every release for the last few years, it gets 2 years of mainstream fixes and a year of security fixes. 7.1 has been out since December 2016, I wouldn't suggest it didn't 'last long'. 7.4 is around the corner, for example.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


i was making a funny, or attempting to... i built with 7.0 in mind and put a lot of hours in it... i 'selfishly' don't want to see it go away as if it's 'doing it' to spite me.  just a joke and i dont' really believe that.  i'm anxious to swap over, and as soon as my season is over, and hoping it coincides with the release of 2.1, i'm all aboard the next iteration!

NOT being funny or cute: the learning curve for 2.1 is nothing like the curve for 1.1 or 2.0 was... it's pretty intuitive after being familiar with the prior versions.

for this i thank y'all.


Frome host:
QuoteWe urge you to fix any potential issues due to outdated code before December 1st, when PHP 7.1 will be removed permanently

Tests suggests forum will somehow continue working, but would be very, very nice to see the number "16" soon :O)

2.0.19, php 8.0.30, MariaDB 10.6.18. Mods: Contact Page, Like Posts, Responsive Curve, Search Focus Dropdown, Add Join Date to Post.
Stand with 🇺🇦


Agreed. But with 3 days left that would be somewhat careless not to act upon in other ways; though the trouble is that I don't know what can be done.

Does anyone know of anything that can be done to mitigate the issues and errors that comes with running with SMF 2.0.15 on PHP 7.2?
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe producing bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning.
