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Custom Board Icon option in Admin live link as in .createaforum has

Started by Bob Clifton, March 09, 2021, 10:40:52 AM

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Bob Clifton

Errr uhh should I remove all the hacks and mods I have on this site b-4 I install the 2.1 to the 2.0.18 ? or just shoot the works .
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


either way doesn't matter, 2.1 will overwrite all files so any modifications or customizations will be removed
Quote from: shadav on March 09, 2021, 06:43:25 PM
2.1 is not a stable release so it's not advisable to use on a live site yet and there's limited mods and themes for it since it is still an rc can use it on a live site but be prepared for possible bugs and things....and since it is an rc, when you update to the next rc, or when the finalized version is released, there's no way to patch update, you would need to do a full update which means any mods or customization that was done would be gone and need to be reinstalled.

Bob Clifton

If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


it will still overwrite all files
as it is still an rc, there is no way yet to do a patch update, only a full upgrade

Bob Clifton

If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


was that for the 2.1 upgrade? you can't install it via the package have to unzip it and upload the files either via ftp or your hosting account's file manager

Bob Clifton

Quote from: shadav on March 09, 2021, 08:16:29 PM
was that for the 2.1 upgrade? you can't install it via the package have to unzip it and upload the files either via ftp or your hosting account's file manager

Now thats some real good info rat thar
I kinda figgured as much ,Thanks for the lesson.
I don't gots FTP  nor  know where my c-panel  or should I say which server this particular site is on but will find it .Thats another lil deal I am working on (Getting all my sites to one server instead on three or four ) Kinda causes confusion for even a young mind much less one with all the cobwebs I got .) Nothing ventured nothing gained .

Learned a lot today
1. Simple machines 2.0.18 will not accept the upgrade made for 2.1 mod that Might put the Board Icon auto load thingy that is in .creataforum special built code  vbgamer45 built for his .createaforum version of simplemachines forums nor will any other mod I installed that would be compatible with the version of simplemachines forum software I am running.
2 Sometimes the mod you install does not install or show as installed in the forum packages installed but does load to server where it sits there waiting for you to come find it and quarantine it till you figure out wtf it does or goes.
3. What I want my simplemachine 2.0.18 forums to do ( easy load Board Icons software  does Not Exist) YET but might can be coded by vbgamer45 to work on simplemachines 2.0.18
4. You can not upload through the on board package installer on forums the 2.1 upgrade as it has to installed directly to the server via ftp client or manually loaded in the c-panel files  directory which I ain't really good at yet nor Know where the hell they are located for the site I been messing with but will find it .
5. That you guys here are most kind and understanding and PATIENT with old farts wannabe site fixers like me .
Miller Time.

If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them

Bob Clifton

This must be impossible for code peeps to do .
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


Please bear in mind that a significant percentage of those views will be from guests, spammers, and bots ;).  Also, it is worth noting that members of the Team will check this topic if it receives new posts, so there will also be duplicate views.  As a result, the number of views is not representative.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Also this is the feature requests board not the mod requests board. If you want a mod then you can make a new topic in the correct board. This being here means that you want a feature added to SMF and that may not happen.

Bob Clifton

Quote from: Illori on March 24, 2021, 08:12:24 AM
Also this is the feature requests board not the mod requests board. If you want a mod then you can make a new topic in the correct board. This being here means that you want a feature added to SMF and that may not happen.

I put in Mods and was told to put it over here

I will post it on an Interstate Billboard if you think it will get results  ;D
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


i believe in that topic they were saying you had posted it in this board and it was moved out as may not qualify for a feature that we would add to SMF. which at this time still has yet to be determined.

also if you want this for SMF 2.0.* you will not get it as a feature as SMF 2.0.* is feature frozen for years now.

Bob Clifton

Quote from: Illori on March 24, 2021, 07:12:21 PM
i believe in that topic they were saying you had posted it in this board and it was moved out as may not qualify for a feature that we would add to SMF. which at this time still has yet to be determined.

also if you want this for SMF 2.0.* you will not get it as a feature as SMF 2.0.* is feature frozen for years now.

Well How can it be Thawed out !
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


2.0 cannot be thawed out.  Essentially, there are two options:

1. It is added as a feature to a future version of SMF.
2. It is made into a modification.

Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente

Bob Clifton

Quote from: Irisado on March 25, 2021, 02:04:39 PM
2.0 cannot be thawed out.  Essentially, there are two options:

1. It is added as a feature to a future version of SMF.
2. It is made into a modification.

So can you make a modification or know someone who will ?
If a Grasshopper Carried a Shotgun the Birds wouldn't Mess With Them


I'm not on the Team for my coding ability ;).  You would need to ask in the modifications board.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Quote from: Irisado on March 26, 2021, 02:49:45 PM
I'm not on the Team for my coding ability ;).  You would need to ask in the modifications board.

which the op has already done.


Locking to prevent any confusion about posting in this topic versus the one in the mod request board.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.
