
Started by PeakFox, October 16, 2022, 06:18:06 PM

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Notify Board Subscribers Of New Replies

This modification enhances topic and reply notifications as follows:

Members who have subscribed to a board will not only be notified if a new topic has been created (the standard behavior), but will automatically receive notifications of new replies in the topic as well.

This means that members no longer need to actively opt-in to follow each new topic. Of course, they can still opt-out of replies at any time via the usual methods (i.e. unfollow the topic in the forum or via the link in the notification email).

This adds convenience for casual or new members who might be interested in a topic but forget to enable notifications for new replies (or are not aware of the need to do so).

The modification can be configured to operate on selected boards only. Please visit the mod's configuration panel in the admin interface to review and change the currently enabled boards.

Current localizations: English, German, Spanish, Russian

Version history:
  • 31-Jan-2023: 1.0b7 (added Russian translations by Bugo)
  • 21-Oct-2022: 1.0b6 (added Spanish translations by -Rock Lee-)
  • 16-Oct-2022: 1.0b5 (for SMF 2.1.x)

Released under GPL-3.0-or-later.

-Rock Lee-

It is not ideal but leave the quick translation to Spanish, then I verify it well. Good job if I see any errors I'll comment later..

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Quote from: -Rock Lee- on October 17, 2022, 11:19:51 AMIt is not ideal but leave the quick translation to Spanish, then I verify it well. Good job if I see any errors I'll comment later..

Thanks a lot! If you have some time to spare, could you also help me translate the readme file to Spanish as well? I've already run it through Google Translate as a starting point:

[size=4]Notificar a los suscriptores del foro sobre nuevas respuestas[/size]

Esta modificación mejora las notificaciones de temas y respuestas de la siguiente manera:

[b]Los miembros que se hayan suscrito a un foro no solo recibirán una notificación si se ha creado un nuevo tema (el comportamiento estándar), sino que también recibirán automáticamente notificaciones de nuevas respuestas en el tema.[/b]

Esto significa que los miembros ya no necesitan registrarse activamente para seguir cada nuevo tema. Por supuesto, aún pueden optar por no recibir respuestas en cualquier momento a través de los métodos habituales (es decir, dejar de seguir el tema en el foro o mediante el enlace en el correo electrónico de notificación).

Esto agrega comodidad para los miembros casuales o nuevos que pueden estar interesados en un tema pero se olvidan de habilitar las notificaciones para nuevas respuestas (o no son conscientes de la necesidad de hacerlo).

La modificación se puede configurar para operar solo en placas seleccionadas. Visite el panel de configuración del mod en la interfaz de administración para revisar y cambiar los tableros habilitados actualmente.

Localizaciones actuales: inglés, alemán, español (gracias a -Rock Lee-)

[b]Historial de versiones:[/b]
[li]17-oct-2022: 1.0b6 (traducciones al español añadidas por -Rock Lee-)[/li]
[li]16-oct-2022: 1.0b5 (para SMF 2.1.2)[/li]
Publicado bajo GPL-3.0 o posterior.


I've attached your readme to your post to make it easier and quicker for @-Rock Lee- or anyone else who wants to translate it to get to.
DO NOT pm me for support!

-Rock Lee-

Well, I can finally touch my computer, I'm attaching the readme (it's rare that they ask me for it) also I had to modify the translation, I tried to translate in a technical way but I noticed it doesn't make much sense, so I changed it somewhat using my personal criteria.

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Quote from: -Rock Lee- on October 20, 2022, 10:13:50 PMWell, I can finally touch my computer, I'm attaching the readme (it's rare that they ask me for it) also I had to modify the translation, I tried to translate in a technical way but I noticed it doesn't make much sense, so I changed it somewhat using my personal criteria.
Thanks a lot! Update 1.0b6 now uploaded.


Hi. It's a very useful mod. I've attached russian.txt (readme) and the mod's translation.


Quote from: Bugo on January 27, 2023, 12:07:59 AMHi. It's a very useful mod. I've attached russian.txt (readme) and the mod's translation.

Thanks for your help! Update 1.0b7 now available.


Not sure if I am posting this in the correct place but here goes....

I have just installed this mod and now when I click on the 'ADMIN' button I get a blank screen :o !  I get the same effect if I click on any of the drop down buttons under 'ADMIN'.

Should appreciate some assistance if possible.

Many thanks.



You did make a backup before installing this mod, right?
DO NOT pm me for support!


Oh dear!  No, I didn't.  I have only just set it up and didn't think about taking a backup before adding the mod!

My own stupid fault.

I presume that the way forward is to delete the forum and reinstall, then take a bakup and run the mod again?

Very embarrassed.



Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Johnfromhere on May 04, 2023, 05:32:17 PMOh dear!  No, I didn't.  I have only just set it up and didn't think about taking a backup before adding the mod!

My own stupid fault.

I presume that the way forward is to delete the forum and reinstall, then take a bakup and run the mod again?

Very embarrassed.



It happens to the best of us. Have a look at this article on how to fix it.


Many thanks for that, Doug but the only files in the 'backups' directory are - .htaccess and index.php.

I have searched the whole of the SMF directory and sub directories and no sign of any 'before' .....tar.gz file.





I had a look at my account on the hosting company and found that there were backups available there which appeared to be directory by directory if desired.

I restored the SMF directory in full (from before I installed the mod) and bingo - it appears to have worked!

Needless to say, I shan't try to install the NotifyBoardReply just yet.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how I progress from here, I should be very grateful.




Well, that's good news.

What version of SMF are you running? And PHP version?
DO NOT pm me for support!


I am running SMF 2.1.3 and PHP version: 8.1.16




I am now getting :-

QuoteHook call: function "PeakFox\NotifyBoardReply::adminAreas#" in file /home/......../public_html/smf/Sources/Class-NotifyBoardReply.php could not be called.

QuoteHook call: The file at path: /home/....../public_html/smf/Sources/$sourcedir/Class-NotifyBoardReply.php could not be loaded.

I can't see either of those files on the server (which is probably why they vcould not be called/loaded  :o ).

Perhaps when I restored it from the backup, I did not go far enough back.

Would you recommend that I uninstalled the lot and then did a completely new install?




I managed to get rid of the errors.  I can't remember exactly how I did it - ?a 'remove hooks' option?

I should still like to install this NotifyBoardReply mod but don't want to due to the what happened last time (see above).

Is there anyone out there could offer a solution, please?

Many thanks.



Please see this topic about Pretty URLs and NotifyBoardReply mods not working well together. Any possible remedy you can think of would be appreciated.


Thanks for the suggestion, Chyandour but I don't have Pretty URLs installed.

I really can't help.

Here's hoping.




I believe he was talking to the mod author.
DO NOT pm me for support!
