Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name (shockingly, "smcFunc")

Started by Douglas, July 29, 2024, 06:23:17 PM

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So, I just updated FearlessFriday's forums (forums.fearlessfriday.com) to the latest and greatest (2.1.4, of course). Within index.template.php (custom theme, based on default), I've got some PHP code that queries a separate database (same username and password for the forum database as the separate database, just different DB name). When I uncomment the code, I'm getting the following.

QuoteFatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in /var/www/html/Themes/FearlessFriday/index.template.php:404

Since I know y'all are going to ask, here's the impacted section, starting with line 399 and running through the complete function:

* DLH - Colorize top bar a bit to make it stand out more.
include "_headerNavBelow.txt";

$sbLive = $smcFunc['db_query']('', 'SELECT autoScoreboard FROM app_ffArkansas.CORE_Config WHERE id = 1');
list($autoScoreboard) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($sbLive);

if($autoScoreboard > 0) {
$timeRemaining = $autoScoreboard - time();

if($autoScoreboard > 0) {
echo '
<div class="ffCTR"><span class="neon" style="font-size: 3.3em;">Scoreboard</span>&nbsp; <span class="flux" style="font-size: 3.3em;"> is LIVE</span></div><br />';

I would welcome any guidance on this, since this is such a vital part of our site.  Thanks!
Doug Hazard
* Full Stack (Web) Developer for The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
(20+ Diocesan sites, 130+ Church sites & 24 School sites)
* HBCUAC.org Web Developer, the NAIA's only HBCU Athletic Conference
* Former Sports Photographer and Media Personality and Former CFB Historian
* Tech Admin for one 2.9M+ post and one 11.6M+ post sites. Used to own a 1M+ post site.
* WordPress Developer (Junkie / Guru / Maven / whatever)



Good grief... how in the Sam Hill did I miss that?! Thank you, @live627!
Doug Hazard
* Full Stack (Web) Developer for The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
(20+ Diocesan sites, 130+ Church sites & 24 School sites)
* HBCUAC.org Web Developer, the NAIA's only HBCU Athletic Conference
* Former Sports Photographer and Media Personality and Former CFB Historian
* Tech Admin for one 2.9M+ post and one 11.6M+ post sites. Used to own a 1M+ post site.
* WordPress Developer (Junkie / Guru / Maven / whatever)
