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Xoops-SMF 1.0.6 bridge

Started by os1, February 10, 2006, 08:40:40 PM

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Is there one? How do i do i link Xoop to my smf forum?

I was wondering as i really like the look of Xoop... and love SMF.



I tried it but it doesn't work properly yet and it moves the forum to display in the center of xoops and makes SMF look like it was squashed in.

All it does is make another box to login to the forum so it doesn't merg xoops and SMF so members only have to register once instead they have to register twice.

Not recomended as yet.


The Xoops-SMF bridge does not work with SMF 1.0.6.  SMF 1.1.x has integration hooks that make the bridge work.  SMF 1.0.x does not.  So, you can use SMF 1.1 RC2 with the Xoops-SMF bridge, but not SMF 1.0.6.
