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SMF 1.0.7 and patch for 1.1 RC2 released

Started by Compuart, March 29, 2006, 05:32:12 PM

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Quote from: alexshah on July 18, 2006, 08:30:01 PM
but how can i upload via FTP when it is so tedious and there are many different folders on the server where my SMF is located. I run the risk of having a total corruption of everything....truly its a shame that this is so difficult...

If your FTP only lets you upload one file I'd say get a new client. Try SmartFTP or WS_FTP, where you can select multiple files and folders and upload them in one go, and everything in a folder will stay in that folder and wont be dropped.

Gary M. Gadsdon
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Why can't I get any help on this forum? My has been hacked and I want to apply the patch!


then apply the patch, there shouldn`t be a problem doing that, or is there. ???


You could probably upload those 3 files and overwrite the old ones, I would think. If you do make sure you BACKUP everything first.


I have the Spoiler Tags, Smf Shoutbox and Arcade mods installed. There is no problem?


If any of those mods touch those 3 files then you might have to add the code to them manually in order to get them to work, and remember to back everything up first.


Greetings, I too am having problems applying the 1.1RC2 patch, however, when I click on "click here to install", I am taken here:;sesc=7c98405326028ac0870131206cb6c365

with this displayed

"Notice: Undefined index: mq in /home/simple/security/Sources/Load.php on line 450"


I'm trying to update to SMF 1.0.7 / 1.1 RC2.

However, when I click the link for the package manager to do this, I get this screen with this message:
"To download packages, the Packages directory and files in it need to be writable - and they are not currently. The package manager can use your FTP information to fix this."
When I try to enter my username and password, along with
FTP Server = localhost
Local Path to SMF = /bbs
Port = 21

and click "proceed", I'm still taken back to the above screen

Can you help?


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Quote from: tarkhorani on July 26, 2006, 08:08:03 AM
when smf 1.1 will release?

Try doing a search. This is probably the most asked question on the forums.  ;D ;)
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3


Probably the most asked and the least answered at the same time ;)

The most accurate answer can be found here: SMF Newsletter - 2
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Does the full 1.1 version never gonna be released. Every time i hope to find it i have to be dissaponted and observe, not even today. It is boring... :(
.:: Always something to ask - always grateful for assistance ::.


The probablity of us release 1.1 final is greater then the chance of gmail coming out of beta :P


.:: Always something to ask - always grateful for assistance ::.


Surferbird, if you're going to troll, do it on another site.  For the rest of the people wondering about an ETA of when...

would you rather have a release that has security or bug issues, or would you rather SMF takes its time to ensure a solid and stable release?
Doug Hazard
* Full Stack (Web) Developer for The Catholic Diocese of Richmond
(20+ Diocesan sites, 130+ Church sites & 24 School sites)
* Web Developer, the NAIA's only HBCU Athletic Conference
* Former Sports Photographer and Media Personality and Former CFB Historian
* Tech Admin for one 2.9M+ post and one 11.6M+ post sites. Used to own a 1M+ post site.
* WordPress Developer (Junkie / Guru / Maven / whatever)


Whatever you're try to say, your build time is extreamly long and has go one forever  :(

Quote from: Douglas on August 17, 2006, 08:19:24 PM
Surferbird, if you're going to troll, do it on another site.  For the rest of the people wondering about an ETA of when...

would you rather have a release that has security or bug issues, or would you rather SMF takes its time to ensure a solid and stable release?
.:: Always something to ask - always grateful for assistance ::.


Quote from: Surferbird on August 18, 2006, 04:48:27 AM
Whatever you're try to say, your build time is extreamly long and has go one forever  :(

It hasn't been so fast, but it's not really been slow, please remember that by now all features are in 1.1 and its now down to fixing any bugs that have been created. As there is nothing really new (with the exception of captcha) there isnt much to miss out on, 1.1 Final wont have as many new features as RC2 did. Final is on its way rest assured, it won't be long, and soon enough it'll be here and then the new version will be on its way which will have more features, to be fair RC2 is pretty much the end product, but with a lot of fixes and little changes along the way.


QuoteWhatever you're try to say, your build time is extreamly long and has go one forever

And city of Rome was builded on one day to  :D

Keep up the good work, better a stable and secure version then a buggy with a lot of annoying errors, Take all the time needed to make it perfect, no need to rush. If you release it next year doesent matter, it's a good software, and to all good things, it's well worth the wait :)

Thank you SMF !

J. Williams

If you meant the city of rome was build on 1 day, thats quite incorrect. Its called mythology, so its not historically correct or even in my opinion, accurate. :P
Joshua Jon Williams
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