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Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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sorry! now I did it - and it runs perfectly - thanks for your hint again. bye
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Help ... I just installed this on my server but when I click on "Features and Options" I don't see anything different. I have logout then back in but still no custom fields.

Please assist.


what language pack are you using?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."




I am using the English package. Please let me know what other information you need to assist with the troubleshooting. Thanks.



english or english utf-8?

And please do not bump after only a few hours.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Sorry about that ...thanks for your assistance.

I am using the English-UTF8




Thanks for your help. I changed the language to "english" and I can see the tab.



Thanks for this awesome mod, works fine.

I want to ask something though, I've used the mod to add a "Real Name" field when registering on my forum, I wrote in the description that it will be only seen by admins, but I want to emphasize it, so how can I use BBcode or HTML in the description?


Quote from: xonxoff on July 30, 2007, 12:35:21 AM

Unrelated, I can confirm the Description recreating itself on moves, so avoid having to move fields if you can.  For now, simply think your fields and order through first, or plan on some cleanup later.  I suspect this will be patched when the author has time.

Thanks for this mod!  It's going to be very handy and hopefully will import in some fashion to 2.0's core version of custom fields.

I saw this post a few pages back and want to ask a question about it.   If it is answered in one of these pages somewhere sorry I cannot find it.  I need to add a new item to the custom profile field.  I remember i did this along time ago and it "shifted" the other items so that the questions in the profile fields no longer corresponded with what the members had entered in the various fields.  How do I avoid this "shifting" of fields :)


As the author of the post you quoted made clear you can't do this and have to "plan on cleanup later".


Since I had no idea the author of the post had any first hand knowledge on what the mod was capable of doing, it seemed like a reasonable question to follow up on.  Sorry if it wasn't


I run SMF 1.1.3...just installed the mod via "admin panel -> Packages" and now I see it in "Modification Packages" list  in "Packeges".
When i go to "Features and Options" I don't see any new field ... just can't find out why SMF says the MOD is installed, but I can't find it in "Features and Options". My admin panel is displayed in english...
Please help me...


The most obvious reason would be that you are running a theme other than the SMF default one...most mods need to be manually installed into custom themes to do a manual installation of this mod. Please read:

The following may also prove helpful:


Quote from: TrueSatan on August 17, 2007, 05:03:28 PM
The most obvious reason would be that you are running a theme other than the SMF default one...most mods need to be manually installed into custom themes to do a manual installation of this mod. Please read:

The following may also prove helpful: [nonactive]

I followed the steps here , but still no result.(installed manual everything from the .xml files) should i put somewhere on the /forum dir CustomProfile.php ?


If the mod installed properly and with no errors shown then you should already have CustomProfile.php in your Source directory and CustomProfile.english.php should be in the language directory of your SMF Default theme...try placing it also in the language directories of any custom themes also check to see that in ACP>Server Settings your forum language is set to English anf not English utf8


Thanks, finally up and running! Thanks for the quick help!



greetings I was wondering if there was any plans to expand this mod to include the follow features. I run a role playing forum which features systematic role play so I will give you my reasoning and examples why I would love these features.  Most of the games on the forum is white wolf related so I'll give the examples in that vein I'm sorry if your not accustomed with the game but I will try to explain it so that you'll get the meaning of my explanation without being a follower of the games. The Features Include.

Custom Fields that are only available in certain member groups.

Reasoning: each membergroup is its own game in my forum so certain stats are not present from game to game so while Willpower is almost universal in my games disciplines which are only in the game Vampire The Masquerade would be useless in some of the other profiles for games like Exalted or Scion which have different stats in place of it. .

Example: In a group dedicated to a Vampire The Masquerade game there would be the stat disciplines where they can list their diciplines and values. On other membergroups the discipline profile field would not be availabe to them.

Be able to designate other groups that can view hidden Fields that would usually only be available to Admin.

Reasoning: I have volunteer staff of storytellers as they are called which need to have information available to them without being seen by the general public. I want to have hidden character stat fields for this purpose but I don't trust my storytellers with the permissions afforded to by being an adminstrator so I would like a way to designate groups that will be able to see those stats.

Example: Storyteller for the Vampire The Masquerade game comes to learn there is a problem on the acutal stats of one of the characters (He claims to have a level of a stat that is incorrect.). He knows that the character stats are added by storytellers or admins and are not available for the character to forge in the hidden fields in his profile. The storyteller checks the profile and finds that there was no change and informs the player privately that he does not have the value of the stat he assumed he had and that the storyline will continue with the value it shows he has in his profile that only he and the player can see. (More on that in one of the other features.)

Option that would allow hidden fields to be viewable by entering in a password of the owner of the profiles choosing.

Reasoning: Sometimes a player wants ideas on how to make his character more to his liking from people not designated as staff. This would allow a password set by that player so that when the person who he asks to help him enters it he can see his stats and offer advice accordingly.

Example: Player A asks another player whom we will refer to as Player B for advice on his character stats. Player B looks on his profile and clicks a link designated as character stats or something similar and is then asked to enter a password if player b enters the correct password he sees the character stats if he enters an incorrect password it will give him an error which states that the password is not correct after he has entered the incorrect password 2 or more times.

Edit: I forgot to mention I was under the assumption that it would be a link which the acutal text would be set by the admin. So while I would use Character Statistics a admin for a non role playing forum would use reveal hidden fields or personal information or something else to that admins liking.

Permission for a field to be viewable by the member.

Reasoning: I personally like to add the agreed upon stats in the fields myself to prevent confusion. I plan on having a website registration form and from that after I agree upon the stats with the user I would personally add it to their forum character name. I would like them to be able to see it at anytime incase they should forget the stats.

Example: Player A does not know if he has strength 3 or 4 which would make a major difference in a dice roll he is about to perform he goes to his own profile and see that he has strength 3 so he is able to make that roll without asking staff.

I hope this makes sense and its not to major to code. I'd like to hear if you think these could be reasonable adjustments. Thank you in Advance.


Okay I have one question that I want to achieve with this mod.

I want to display a dynamic image near people posts, that they can edit. It is the avatar from the online game where my forum is about. There are a few different moods: normal, laughing, suprised, angry.

They have 5 different codes gesture=agr, gesture=hap, gesturde=sad etc etc.
I want my users to be able to choose the mood they want, but I don't know how to achieve this.

I want the 5 options, but in full name, that they can choose.

Then I need the variable (I think that's the name) to place that in the IMG tag.
I already have the user="username", so I also need the gesture="chosen-gesture".
At the end, it has to look like this:

Is this possible with this mod? Thanks very much!
