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Custom Profile Field Mod

Started by winrules, March 30, 2006, 02:21:25 PM

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If you go into one of your custom fields  eg CP1 you will see a link at the bottom that says 'recreate field'


Show in profile?   
Show in posts?  Don't Show Show under post count Show next to images 
Parse BBC?   
Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above)   
Text to display after field (BBC is ok if enabled above)   
Field ID   
Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?   
Show field on registration?  Don't Show Optional Input Force Input 
Only allow admins to edit field?   
Only allow admins to view field?   
Re-create field

Søren Bjerg

In 2.13? Not here, I only get those settings listed.

EDIT: I noticed 'Checkbox' and 'Selection Box' field do not get the choice of where to display the contents in posts... only yes/no.
RUNE HORDES dot INFO - SMF 1.1.10 w/ Custom Profile Mod... and various permissions hooks and template changes (new topic form).


yes in 2.13, I just recreated all my fields and the link was there for all of them, whether they were text, or selection box etc

I checked Soren and my checkbox and selection box fields DO have the choice of where to display

did you download the latest version of the mod from last night, as I think Winrules made some changes?

Now, on to my problems lol

I am getting the following errors in my test forum log:

8: Undefined index: CP_type
File: /home/xxxx/public_html/testforum/Sources/ModSettings.php
Line: 433

8: Undefined index: cp
File: /home/xxxx/public_html/testforum/Sources/ModSettings.php
Line: 433

for every field that I have used 'recreate' on with the 2.13 version.

Also when I look at our posts, all of the fields 'that show on posts' are now duplicated:

Award:  April
MySpace: test
Currently Reading: my book
Location: US
Award:  April
MySpace: test
Currently Reading: my book
Location: US
Posts: 62

I uninstalled 2.1 and installed 2.13 but perhaps I should have used the upgrade option?  I did get a error message on uninstall for profile.php but then I got that last time too and you said that was ok

I havent upgraded to 2.13 on my live site yet

Søren Bjerg

Quote from: perplexed on April 20, 2006, 08:04:55 AM
[...] did you download the latest version of the mod from last night, as I think Winrules made some changes? [...]
Hmm, I'll try downloading it again and see if it fixes it. *crosses fingers* :D

EDIT #1: I think I'll just wait for the next version, trying to uninstall the mod gives me a 'Test failed' for './Sources/ModSettings.php' - can live with a couple of entries in my error log until then :).

EDIT #2: Found how the URL for the 'Re-create field' should look like in the update XML file. Seemed to fix that... now I just get a couple of undefined variable in my error log, mssub and topicinfo, which I think pertains to Related Topics.
RUNE HORDES dot INFO - SMF 1.1.10 w/ Custom Profile Mod... and various permissions hooks and template changes (new topic form).


Quote from: Nomina on April 19, 2006, 05:19:52 PM
I experienced similar troubles regarding the ModSettings.php changes.  Has the install package been updated, or should I wait for the next release?
The package has been updated (didn't release a new version since not very many people had downloaded), uninstall the mod, redownload and reinstall.

Quote from: randomPaul on April 19, 2006, 09:08:50 PM
Reporting an error... this is using SMF 1.1RC2.

Quote1.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/ModSettings.php     Test successful
2.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php    Test failed
3.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Display.template.php    Test successful
4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/PersonalMessage.template.php    Test successful
5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Register.template.php    Test successful
6.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Register.php    Test successful

I have the following mods installed:

Quote1.     MySpace Field      1.0
2.    Users Online Today Mod    1.4.0 Beta 2
3.    Member list by registration    1.0
4.    Custom Profile Mod    2.13 - not installed
5.    Membergroup Color Legend    1.1
6.    Award Mod    1.1 - not installed
7.    Googlebot & Spiders Mod
8.    SMF 1.0.7 / 1.1 RC2 Update

Hope that helps. :)
This mod will now work alongside the Myspace mod.

Quote from: john109 on April 20, 2006, 02:02:05 AM
I've upgraded to 2.13 thanks.  My forum becomes unwrapped whenever I click on Add a field however.  Any ideas? 
Strange, and it didn't do that previously?

Quote from: Søren Bjerg on April 20, 2006, 07:22:03 AM
Where do I find the "recreate field" button/link?

I only have...

Show in profile?    
Show in posts?    
Parse BBC?    
Field ID    
Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?    
Show field on regristration?    
Only allow admins to edit field?    
Only allow admins to view field?    
Option X
Add an option
Save the settings for my custom (selection) fields.
There was a problem in the upgrade package yesterday, if in modsettings.php you can find:

function ModifyProfileSettings()
global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc, $modSettings, $db_prefix;
if (!isset($_GET['cp']) && !isset($_GET['addfield']) && !isset($_GET['adddata']))
$config_vars = array();
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['enable_CP' . $i . '']))
$config_vars[$i*3-3] = array('check', 'enable_CP' . $i . '', null, 'Enable <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;cp=' . $i . '">Custom Profile Field ' . $i . '</a>');
$config_vars[$i*3-2] = array('select', 'CP' . $i . '_type', array('text' => 'Text', 'textarea' => 'Text Area', 'check' => 'Check Box', 'select' => 'Selection Box',), 'Type');
$config_vars[$i*3-1] = '';
$config_vars[($i-1)*3] = '<a href=' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;addfield=' . $i . '>Add a field</a>';
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='text' || $modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='textarea')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'text' => 'Show under post count', 'image' => 'Show next to images',), 'Show in posts?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data1', null, 'Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above)'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data2', null, 'Text to display after field (BBC is ok if enabled above)'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Optional Input', 'force' => 'Force Input',), 'Show field on regristration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='check')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', null, 'Show in posts?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data1', null, 'Text to display when box is checked'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data2', null, 'Text to display when box isn\'t checked'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Show',), 'Show field on regristration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='select')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', null, 'Show in posts?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Show',), 'Show field on regristration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['CP' . $cp . '_data' . $i . '']))
$config_vars[$i+8] = array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data'. $i . '', null, 'Option ' . $i . '');
$config_vars[$i+8] = '<a href=' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;adddata=' . $cp . '>Add an option</a>';
elseif (isset($_GET['addfield']) || isset($_GET['adddata']))
$overwrite_old_settings = false;
if (isset($_GET['addfield']))
$fieldnum = $_GET['addfield'];
$mod_settings = array(
'enable_CP' . $fieldnum . '' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_name' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_type' => 'text',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_post' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_profile' => '1',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_bbc' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data1' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data2' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_id' => 'CP' . $fieldnum . '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_hr' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_reg' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_edit' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_view' => '0',
$exit = 'action=featuresettings;sa=profile';
elseif (isset($_GET['adddata']))
$fieldnum = $_GET['adddata'];
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['CP' . $fieldnum . '_data' . $i . '']))
$datanum = $i;
$mod_settings = array(
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data' . $datanum . '' => '',
$exit = 'action=featuresettings;sa=profile;cp=' . $fieldnum . '';
// Turn the array defined above into a string of MySQL data.
$string = '';
foreach ($mod_settings as $k => $v)
$string .= '
(\'' . $k . '\', \'' . $v . '\'),';

// Sorted out the array defined above - now insert the data!
if ($string != '')
$result = db_query("
" . ($overwrite_old_settings ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT IGNORE') . " INTO {$db_prefix}settings
(variable, value)
VALUES" . substr($string, 0, -1),__FILE__,__LINE__);


// Saving?
if (isset($_GET['save']))

if (isset($_GET['cp']))
$context['settings_title'] = 'Custom Profile Field ' . $_GET['cp'] . ' Settings';
$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=profile;cp=' . $_GET['cp'] .'';
$context['settings_title'] = 'Custom Profile Fields';
$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=profile';


replace it with:

function ModifyProfileSettings()
global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc, $modSettings, $db_prefix;
if (!isset($_GET['cp']) && !isset($_GET['addfield']) && !isset($_GET['adddata']))
$config_vars = array();
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['enable_CP' . $i . '']))
$config_vars[$i*3-3] = array('check', 'enable_CP' . $i . '', null, 'Enable <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;cp=' . $i . '">Custom Profile Field ' . $i . '</a>');
$config_vars[$i*3-2] = array('select', 'CP' . $i . '_type', array('text' => 'Text', 'textarea' => 'Text Area', 'check' => 'Check Box', 'select' => 'Selection Box',), 'Type');
$config_vars[$i*3-1] = '';
$config_vars[($i-1)*3] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;addfield=' . $i . '">Add a field</a>';
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='text' || $modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='textarea')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'text' => 'Show under post count', 'image' => 'Show next to images',), 'Show in posts?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data1', null, 'Text to display before field (BBC is ok if enabled above)'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data2', null, 'Text to display after field (BBC is ok if enabled above)'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Optional Input', 'force' => 'Force Input',), 'Show field on registration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
'<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;addfield=' . $cp . '">Re-create field</a>',
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='check')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', null, 'Show in posts?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data1', null, 'Text to display when box is checked'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data2', null, 'Text to display when box isn\'t checked'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Show',), 'Show field on registration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
'<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;addfield=' . $cp . '">Re-create field</a>',
elseif ($modSettings['CP' . $_GET['cp'] . '_type']=='select')
$cp = $_GET['cp'];
$config_vars = array(
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_name', null, 'Name'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_profile', null, 'Show in profile?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_post', null, 'Show in posts?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_bbc', null, 'Parse BBC?'),
array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_id', null, 'Field ID'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_hr', null, 'Add a horizontal rule before field in profile?'),
array('select', 'CP' . $cp . '_reg', array('0' => 'Don\'t Show', 'opt' => 'Show',), 'Show field on registration?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_edit', null, 'Only allow admins to edit field?'),
array('check', 'CP' . $cp . '_view', null, 'Only allow admins to view field?'),
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['CP' . $cp . '_data' . $i . '']))
$config_vars[$i+8] = array('text', 'CP' . $cp . '_data'. $i . '', null, 'Option ' . $i . '');
$config_vars[$i+8] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;adddata=' . $cp . '">Add an option</a>';
$config_vars[$i+9] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=profile;addfield=' . $cp . '">Re-create field</a>';
elseif (isset($_GET['addfield']) || isset($_GET['adddata']))
$overwrite_old_settings = false;
if (isset($_GET['addfield']))
$fieldnum = $_GET['addfield'];
$mod_settings = array(
'enable_CP' . $fieldnum . '' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_name' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_type' => 'text',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_post' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_profile' => '1',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_bbc' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data1' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data2' => '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_id' => 'CP' . $fieldnum . '',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_hr' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_reg' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_edit' => '0',
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_view' => '0',
$exit = 'action=featuresettings;sa=profile';
elseif (isset($_GET['adddata']))
$fieldnum = $_GET['adddata'];
$i = 1;
while (isset($modSettings['CP' . $fieldnum . '_data' . $i . '']))
$datanum = $i;
$mod_settings = array(
'CP' . $fieldnum . '_data' . $datanum . '' => '',
$exit = 'action=featuresettings;sa=profile;cp=' . $fieldnum . '';
// Turn the array defined above into a string of MySQL data.
$string = '';
foreach ($mod_settings as $k => $v)
$string .= '
(\'' . $k . '\', \'' . $v . '\'),';

// Sorted out the array defined above - now insert the data!
if ($string != '')
$result = db_query("
" . ($overwrite_old_settings ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT IGNORE') . " INTO {$db_prefix}settings
(variable, value)
VALUES" . substr($string, 0, -1),__FILE__,__LINE__);


// Saving?
if (isset($_GET['save']))

if (isset($_GET['cp']))
$context['settings_title'] = 'Custom Profile Field ' . $_GET['cp'] . ' Settings';
$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=profile;cp=' . $_GET['cp'] .'';
$context['settings_title'] = 'Custom Profile Fields';
$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings2;save;sa=profile';


If you can't find it can you pm me your modsettings.php.

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


haven't yet installed this mod yet (had a few permission problems before, and been really busy lately)

but just wondering, after adding these custom fields, will they show up in the "search members" page? (So say, if you add "Graduation Year", will that become a searchable field like username?)

if yes..the double bonus :D, but if it possible? (or would it be considered a different mod?)

thanks winrules!!


Quote from: pyko on April 21, 2006, 02:52:07 AM
haven't yet installed this mod yet (had a few permission problems before, and been really busy lately)

but just wondering, after adding these custom fields, will they show up in the "search members" page? (So say, if you add "Graduation Year", will that become a searchable field like username?)

if yes..the double bonus :D, but if it possible? (or would it be considered a different mod?)

thanks winrules!!
That will be in 3.0. I'm having some trouble getting it to work though.

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


hi Winrules, sorry to hassle you but did you see my error report above?

Is this a problem?


and btw that idea of searching under these fields would be very good


Quote from: perplexed on April 21, 2006, 05:31:56 PM
hi Winrules, sorry to hassle you but did you see my error report above?

Is this a problem?


and btw that idea of searching under these fields would be very good

sorry, didn't see that, the error messages should be a 1-time thing. Could you pm me your display.template.php and profile.template.php?

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


I can't access to this mod Admin CP. I go to Features and Options and there is nothing there.
I had no test failed error on instalation. I am using 1.1rc2 and 2.13


Quote from: shikten on April 22, 2006, 04:56:56 AM
I can't access to this mod Admin CP. I go to Features and Options and there is nothing there.
I had no test failed error on instalation. I am using 1.1rc2 and 2.13
There should be a tab at the top, not just mroe options.

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


Quote from: winrules on April 21, 2006, 05:42:45 PM
Quote from: perplexed on April 21, 2006, 05:31:56 PM
hi Winrules, sorry to hassle you but did you see my error report above?

Is this a problem?


and btw that idea of searching under these fields would be very good

sorry, didn't see that, the error messages should be a 1-time thing. Could you pm me your display.template.php and profile.template.php?

apparently not, there seems to be a maximum allowed length in place on this board

The main problem is that the CP fields that are checked to show on posts, are displaying twice :(


Does anyone using joomla have registration problems?  I just want to check its a joomla problem and not a CPF problem?


Does this mod work on SMF 1.0.7?
All4U Forum [nofollow] Powered by SMF 1.1 RC2


Quote from: perplexed on April 22, 2006, 02:46:18 PM
Does anyone using joomla have registration problems?  I just want to check its a joomla problem and not a CPF problem?
I think those are joomla problems.

Quote from: AlexJ on April 22, 2006, 07:31:39 PM
Does this mod work on SMF 1.0.7?
No, sorry.

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


Oh this thing is wonderful!

Thanks alot!  ^_^


Quote from: perplexed on April 22, 2006, 02:46:18 PM
Does anyone using joomla have registration problems?  I just want to check its a joomla problem and not a CPF problem?
yup joomla bridge problem

I just installed Orstio's new bridge 1.1.4 today and no registration problems.

I tried using the CPF registration fields both as 'optional' and as 'forced' and everything works :)

I am only getting one error in the forum log:;Itemid=83&amp;action=register
8: Undefined index: member
File: /home/mysite/public_html/forum/Themes/default/Register.template.php (before sub template - eval?)
Line: 127

any ideas?


Your download link in the first post doesn't seem to be working.  You said in a previous post you changed something, updated the file but didn't change the version.  I'm not sure if I downloaded before you made the change or after.

Do we have to make the changes you mention at the bottom of this post?


Got the following error and I think I know why:

2.     Execute Modification     ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php     Test failed

Long, long ago, before this mod existed....I used [Unknown]'s tutorial on how to add a custom profile field and I linked that profile field to my registration - thus, requiring that field to be completed for a user to register.  So, obviously that has edited my profile.template.php file (possibly causing this conflict).

I'm currently using 1.1RC2 with the following mods:

1.    AutoSig    1.1    
2.    Gmail Field    1.1    
3.    BBC edit tag    1.0
4.    Simple ImageShack    1.0.4
5.    BBC-Google for SMF 1.1 RC2 (ver. 2.5)    2.5
6.    ImageShack12    1.0
7.    Quick Menu    1.2
8.    Quick Upload    2.1
9.    PJIRC Integrated Chat Mod    2.0
10.    Membergroup Color Legend    1.0    
11.    MySQL 5.0.12 Compatibility Update    1.0

Any idea if one of the above mods may also be causing the conflict?

Thanks, and this is an incredible mod!!!

Also had a couple of questions -

1.  I noticed in the description, you say we can link the profile fields with the registration....but can we make the registration field a requirement.  I will need to do this if I have to delete the changes I made using [Unknown]'s tutorial for this mod to work.

2.  If I delete a field, is that data lost forever, or will it reappear if I add the EXACT field name again?

The second question is just curiosity - and not really important, but the 1st question is crucial.

Thanks again! :D


1.  I am using this mod now with required and optional fields on the registration form.  It works :)  You can also make those fields only viewable by admin if you dont want the information seen on the profile by everyone

2.  You can enable and disable fields so if you disable a field the info stays there but isnt visible, then if you enable it, then obviously its there again

But WinRules can give you more info, I'm just a user :)
