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Getting to know the team: Kindred

Started by Kindred, April 28, 2006, 08:26:52 AM

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Name: Kindred
Age:  42
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Favorite Quote: "Bored now..." (Willow, on Buffy)
Position: Support & Director

1. Do you have pets?
Although at various times I have had cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, and a lizard, I now have a black lab-mix (from a shelter)

2. What is your favorite color?
Black & Green

3. What kind of music do you like?
Classic Rock, Pop & Classical

4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
working and then Writing and playing LARPs

5. What are your goals/dreams in life?
to enjoy life...

6. What got you involved in SMF?
I used to run a local (yet internationally networked) BBS (WWIVnet:5809 - Omega BBS). That died when the internet gained popularity. When I decided to re-start on the internet (10 years later), I checked out the available packages and only SMF had what I wanted.

7. Who do you admire? Why?
too many people to name here...

8. Are you into sports?  If so which ones?
Football & Baseball (NE Patriots & Boston Red Sox)

9. What is your dream job?

10. What was your first screenname?
on my BBS, I ran it as "Omicron". On the internet, I have always been "Kindred"

11. Do you have any piercings?
Hell no...

12. Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
Mostly righty, however, I am ambidextrous when it comes to weapons.

13. Do you have any tattoo's?  If not do you wish/plan to get one?
Hell NO!

14. Do you have any siblings?  If so how many of each.
2 younger brothers...

15. What is your favorite website? &

16. Do you play computer games?  If so which ones?
not so much anymore. I play freecell and other card games, but I have a daughter that keeps me too busy to spend the time necessary to play any "real" games.

17. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones?
nope... see above.

18. Are you married or planing to get married?

  a. If so do you have any kids?

  b. How many kids?
one daughter...

19. How many languages do you speak?  Which ones?
I speak English fluently, German and Spanish a little and I have a smattering of (spoken) Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Latin and Gaelic

20. Do you drink?
at times

21. Do you smoke?

22. Did you play hookey from class?

22. Do you have a license?

  a. Do you own a car?

  b. Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
of course

23. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
I get about 6 hours a night...

24. How do you sleep?
soundly, wrapped in blankets. :)

25. Have you ever been on an airplane?
yup. lots of times, travel for fun and business

26. have you ever broken a bone?
Yes (both ankles) and a rib.

27. Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear?
Just my wedding ring.

28. How do you dress?
neatly. Most days in Business Casual, jeans and T-shirt on the weekends.

29. How many keys are on your keyring?

30. What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up?
to bed between 12am - 1am, getting up between 6:30am-7am

31. What's the freakiest thing you have done?
I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you all....

32. Do you live alone?

33. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
on a computer: about 13 hours a day. On the internet, 5 hours a day or so

34. How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
4-5 hours a day between here and my sites.

35. How about What is your favorite beverage? Coffee, Tea, Soda, Beer, other?
I like Indian Chai (tea), but coffee is easier to get made properly.

36. What do you hate?
People who don't listen and people who pass on spam...

37. What do you love?

38. What is your religion?

39. What is your hair color?
light brown

40. How tall are you?

41. How much do you weigh?
too much....

42. What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?
  a. As an administrator?
The entire admin interface :P

  b. As an end user?
Spell Check...

hmmm... anything else I can think of?
I'm currently working as a project manager in a technology firm. I am also an English teacher and I tutor for the SATs. I am a licensed bartender, a certified Nurse's Aide, an MCSE, I have degrees in Psychology & Theater (although I am currently not working in those capabilities).
I write, run and play in LARPs (live action role playing games) and design terrain for wargames.

I'll get a picture up there at some point...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


do you follow the wiccan rede?

Ever tried Irn Bru?

Ever Tried Haggis?

Ever been to Scotland?
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


No. I am not Wiccan and I don't believe in the Rhede or in "3-fold return"

Never heard of Irn Bru.

Yes, I like Haggis.

Yes, I have been to scotland a long time ago...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Quote from: sloopz on April 28, 2006, 08:42:50 AM
Ever tried Irn Bru?
Steal any other question, BUT NOT THAT ONE :P

Ever watched star trek?


I am a Star Wars fan (episodes 4-6 only....  1-3 are drek)

I am a Trekkie...  (TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager... never got into ST: Enterprise)

I also like Babylon 5...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Someone needs to change the thing in the news, it still says huwnet

SMF Developer
My Mods
Please do not PM me for support.


How did you become to like Indian Chai? By the way it is my favorite, I drink 4 to 5 cups a day.


I was an exchange student from the US to Malaysia back in 1987...   Some of the (Indian) students at the school I was at started me drinking it. :)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


What a coincident I am going to Malaysia (Kuala lumpur) next month any tips, (good eatery, places to visit and etc.)


How can you like a team like the Red Sux :P
Follow me on Twitter

"HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't get up"
This moment has been brought to you by LifeAlert


In a Similar style to Trekkie's Irn Bru question;

Do you watch the Simpsons?

If so, who's your favourite Character?


You all saw it coming! ;)
Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.


yes, I watch the Simpsons (actually, one of my friend's brother draws for them, that's why many buildings from my hometown are in the background of Springfield)

My favorite character is Homer...

and Jay, I like the sox because, despite 86 years of not winning the series, they kept trying and finally succeeded.   Plus they are looking good this year.

Aravot, It was 20 years ago...  all I can suggest is visit Central Market... and do not take first price for anything; Always bargain.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Where did you pick up the languages (German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Latin and Gaelic)


Spanish because I studied it for 7 years in school.
German because my family is from Germany (and I studied 4 years)

Japanese because I used to deal with alot of Japanese businessmen and visited Japan a few times.
Chinese because I have several Chinese friends and I keep bugging them to teach me :)
Russian and Gaelic because they are interesting... and I look up words and usage all the time.

Latin... because Latin is the basis for much of the English Language (along with Greek and German)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


So, as a Star Trek fan, if you were stranded on a desert island with a generator, a TV avd VCR, and you were only allowed one ST episode, which episode would you absolutely have to have?
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - A.E.



probably, either city on the edge of forever or catspaw.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



currently, (since they offered me much more money) I am workign as a PM but I do tutor High school Juniors and Seniors for the college board exams.

When I was teaching, my license is to teach elementary (grades 1-6 - all subjects) and English (grades 6-12)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Joshua Dickerson

ken zu teech mi eNgrish??

Missachusettes eh? Are you from Boston?

If so:
What kind of ca do you drive? What is your favorite drink at the ba? Are you Irish?
Come work with me at Promenade Group

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