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Bakers Dozen Pages

Started by Deprecated, October 31, 2008, 11:31:50 AM

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is there a possible way to add a 14th page?


Quote from: Nfanthr33 on November 30, 2008, 05:33:36 AM
is there a possible way to add a 14th page?

Yep, look at the manual instructions and add as many more pages as you like, very easy.


Hi all,

I tried installing this mod but ended up with errors. I am using ApolloBB theme and I had a look at previous post for fields to edit using non-default theme.

However when I looked in the ApolloBB index.template, the show button seems very different from instructions for manual install.

I've attached the file index.template file and I would appreciate if somebody can advise me how to edit it to include the "show pages" button.


Awsome work, thank you!
I really enjoy the way this mod works.


Hi all,

I managed to do a manual mod however I am getting the following error

Quote8: Undefined index: dozen_pages_settings_title
File: /mydomain/forum/Sources/ModSettings.php
Line: 413

and the same error but on line 150.

The other error is

QuoteTemplate Parse Error!
It seems something has gone sour on the forum with the template system. This problem should only be temporary, so please come back later and try again. If you continue to see this message, please contact the administrator.

You can also try refreshing this page.

No other errors. Any help people???


Quote from: vulcan59 on December 06, 2008, 03:45:53 PM
No other errors. Any help people???

Unfortunately this mod is no longer supported due to the bullying tactics of SMF against the author. If you are unable to resolve this, remove the manual installation.


Quote from: evil-angelist on December 07, 2008, 04:09:43 AM
Quote from: vulcan59 on December 06, 2008, 03:45:53 PM
No other errors. Any help people???

Unfortunately this mod is no longer supported due to the bullying tactics of SMF against the author. If you are unable to resolve this, remove the manual installation.

Thanks for the response evil-angelist. In which case all his mods should be removed from SMF. But if SMF chooses to make it available for it's members, then someone should be responsible for it or at least a note there stating "no support' or use at own risk" or something to that effect.



Quote from: vulcan59 on December 07, 2008, 12:46:32 PM
Quote from: evil-angelist on December 07, 2008, 04:09:43 AM
Quote from: vulcan59 on December 06, 2008, 03:45:53 PM
No other errors. Any help people???

Unfortunately this mod is no longer supported due to the bullying tactics of SMF against the author. If you are unable to resolve this, remove the manual installation.

Thanks for the response evil-angelist. In which case all his mods should be removed from SMF. But if SMF chooses to make it available for it's members, then someone should be responsible for it or at least a note there stating "no support' or use at own risk" or something to that effect.


Probably the second until I guess someone takes over them (whether they can find someone with Deprecated's abilities and know-how is another thing) BIG shoes to fill.


Quote from: evil-angelist on November 30, 2008, 06:00:15 AM
Quote from: Nfanthr33 on November 30, 2008, 05:33:36 AM
is there a possible way to add a 14th page?

Yep, look at the manual instructions and add as many more pages as you like, very easy.

Hi evil,

I read through the manual I missing something or should it just be obvious to me. How would I go about adding about 5 more pages? Thanks.

**Edit: Also, where would I remover the redundant linktree that is created with these pages?


I'll post how when I get the time @ adding more pages.


its easy to do, you just need to edit 4 files


Hi ,
I think something is missing in the Dozen Pages Mod, which is adding PHP contents so I added some Code and made it functional with php contents,  here is the additional Code which will make adding PHP Pages possible :

in DosenPages.template.php find :

function template_main()
global $context;

echo theme_linktree();

echo '
<div class="tborder" style="margin-top: 1ex;">
<div class="helpmenu titlebg" style="padding: 4px;">
', $context['dozen_pages_menu'], '
<div style="padding: 2ex;" id="helpmain" class="windowbg2">
', $context['dozen_pages_contents'], '

Replace with :

function template_main()
global $context,$pcontent;

echo theme_linktree();
if (preg_match('/<?/',$pcontent)){
$pcontent=str_replace('<br />',"\n",$pcontent);
$pcontent=str_replace('&nbsp;',' ',$pcontent);
echo '
<div class="tborder" style="margin-top: 1ex;">
<div class="helpmenu titlebg" style="padding: 4px;">
', $context['dozen_pages_menu'], '
echo '<div style="padding: 2ex;" id="helpmain" class="windowbg">';
echo '</div></div>'; } else {
echo '
<div class="tborder" style="margin-top: 1ex;">
<div class="helpmenu titlebg" style="padding: 4px;">
', $context['dozen_pages_menu'], '
<div style="padding: 2ex;" id="helpmain" class="windowbg2">
', $context['dozen_pages_contents'], '

add an empty php page in the root Directory of your forum call it 'changable.php' ,  it should have a file permission of 766 (or it depends on your server).
The addition of the php content should be with its start and end Signs
adding other Contents like [HTML] , [CODE ] ,etc. remain unchanged.


Quote from: Nintendofanthr33 on December 14, 2008, 01:12:51 AM
its easy to do, you just need to edit 4 files

@whom are you speaking and what 4 files?



array('check', 'dozen_pages_enable_page_13'),
array('text', 'dozen_pages_title_13', '20'),
array('large_text', 'dozen_pages_contents_13', '4'),

add after
array('check', 'dozen_pages_enable_page_14'),
array('text', 'dozen_pages_title_14', '20'),
array('large_text', 'dozen_pages_contents_14', '4'),


$txt['dozen_pages'] = 'Dozen Pages';
$txt['dozen_pages_cat'] = 'Dozen Pages';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_1'] = 'Page 1 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_2'] = 'Page 2 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_3'] = 'Page 3 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_4'] = 'Page 4 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_5'] = 'Page 5 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_6'] = 'Page 6 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_7'] = 'Page 7 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_8'] = 'Page 8 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_9'] = 'Page 9 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_10'] = 'Page 10 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_11'] = 'Page 11 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_12'] = 'Page 12 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_13'] = 'Page 13 contents:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_guest_access'] = 'Enable guest access:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_member_access'] = 'Enable member access:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_1'] = 'Page 1 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_2'] = 'Page 2 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_3'] = 'Page 3 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_4'] = 'Page 4 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_5'] = 'Page 5 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_6'] = 'Page 6 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_7'] = 'Page 7 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_8'] = 'Page 8 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_9'] = 'Page 9 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_10'] = 'Page 10 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_11'] = 'Page 11 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_12'] = 'Page 12 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_13'] = 'Page 13 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_not_configured'] = ' - not configured';
$txt['dozen_pages_not_configured_message'] = 'This feature has not yet been configured by the administrator.';
$txt['dozen_pages_page_name_default'] = 'Page ';
$txt['dozen_pages_settings_title'] ='Dozen Pages';
$txt['dozen_pages_tab_default'] = 'Pages';
$txt['dozen_pages_tab_label'] = 'Dozen Pages tab label:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_1'] = 'Page 1 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_2'] = 'Page 2 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_3'] = 'Page 3 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_4'] = 'Page 4 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_5'] = 'Page 5 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_6'] = 'Page 6 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_7'] = 'Page 7 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_8'] = 'Page 8 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_9'] = 'Page 9 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_10'] = 'Page 10 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_11'] = 'Page 11 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_12'] = 'Page 12 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_title_13'] = 'Page 13 title:';

add after
$txt['dozen_pages_title_14'] = 'Page 14 title:';
$txt['dozen_pages_enable_page_14'] = 'Page 14 enable:';
$txt['dozen_pages_contents_14'] = 'Page 14 contents:';

I had to edit 4 files for language


This mod is awesome! Deprecated rocks!


I was wondering if it was possible to add a drop menu to the main menu item for this mod so that u can link to the pages directly instead of going to page 1 first and then go to the pages displayed on top of the content page.

Matthew Schenker

I'm definitely interested in this mod!  But I'm a little confused about what happened to the support.
Is anyone here using this mod with DZiner Studio themes (my site uses SilentWave)?


Quote from: Matthew Schenker on December 23, 2008, 12:04:49 PM
I'm definitely interested in this mod!  But I'm a little confused about what happened to the support.
Is anyone here using this mod with DZiner Studio themes (my site uses SilentWave)?

1st to be helped help us: have you installed this mod ??? Without knowing any possible problem support can not be given.

It is not right to simply ask about the support, is there some specific problem?


Hello im quit noob here i need some help with this install on 1.1

i cannot find the following

1. /index.php  i dont see any of the coding that im suppose to replace its only 9 lines

2. ./Sources/ModSettings.php  i dont even see this file at all

3. ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php  dont see this file either

please help when u guys can ive been looking for a cpl hours for this stuff and to no avail i dont see ne of it i have the mod on the site but it looks weird if somebody could look at that also and tell me why it it looks outta place on the nav bar 

thank u in advance


I had to apply this mod again because of some updating I did to my database and I got an error warning me there was an error in the
themes/index.template.php file so I went to the Bakers Dozen download page and looked at the manual instructions for the index.template.php file.
I see the codes are in my index.template.php file and the program seems to work so should I be ok?
Why do you think I got that warning?
I'm using ezportal. Could there be a conflict between these two mods and if so, do I need to make some adjustments?
