Bridge SMF 1.1 e107 beta 1

Started by Orstio, January 12, 2008, 08:56:15 PM

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Yes, that works fine, as long as your SMF database user has access to your e107 database, and your e107 database user has access to your SMF database.


Just to be sure, what I want to do, is to have all my already existing SMF users working with my new e107 Site, so that they´re in the e107 Site, beeing able to login, without registering again in e107 Site.

Is that correct ? Or just the other way around ? Because that woudln´t help me much.


It is correct, both ways, actually.  As each user logs in, they will be migrated to the other system.


I did register someone (test) on SMF and tried to login with him into e107, didn´t worked. Also the other way around. And it didnt show me any errors. The users from SMF, should they also now be automatically in e107 userlist ?

After I did set the right path in the Mod´s settings, I did execute: (just example url now)

Was that what I had to do or something else ?



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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


#45 [nonactive]

I am having a problem with the style integration, everything else seems fine.
It doesnt appear to be the images, rather the size of the SMF.

Im looking into this now.

EDIT: Changed my style and everything looked fine.

Thats what I got so far with my board using that style.
Any suggestions?

EDIT2: Doesnt appear to like sidebares :(
EDIT3: Used another style that I customized, it has a larger width and the forum sticks in perfect. hmm..
edit3: Urgh, I'll leave it to tomorrow, not in the mood.


mine is working fine its just looking very odd take a look for your self

im bumped  up to 64 mb

the admin area wont show .... ?

whats the easiest why to fix this
C++ Programmer  Net Architecture, Vista/Xp Certified. Active Duty Army Enlisted E-4


hi i have a problem ...
i installing e107cms (databasename:e107) with pre name table(e107_) in (localhost/e107)
and then installing SMF (databasename:e107) with pre name table (smf_) in (localhost/e107/smf)
and unchecked enabled compression... in admin
and install smfbridge and addressing it to (smf) and select wrapped and save 
but when i register user in e107 and go to (localhost/e107/smf ) this user is not register !!!
please help me ...!!


I have a small problem. I migrated from vBulletin to SMF and then merged SMF with e107.

Now, I understand that as each member logs in to SMF they will be added to the e107 database and vise verser, however, I logged in as my test username on the forum and when i check the member list on my e107 site, there was indeed a new member, but the member NAME was not listed, only the email address and join date.

Any ideas with this?


Is there anything in your SMF error log?

If you check the SMF info for that user, is there anything in the realName column?


Thanks for the swift response. I am not familiar with what I am looking for so I shall just try copy and paste the errors:

Guest       Today at 21:11:13
e483a1cd7acc51263cb0652c7778c318 [nonactive]
8: Undefined variable: ID_MEMBER

Guest       Today at 21:11:12
e483a1cd7acc51263cb0652c7778c318;sa=check;member=2 [nonactive]
8: Undefined variable: ID_MEMBER

Guest       Today at 21:11:11
e483a1cd7acc51263cb0652c7778c318 [nonactive]
2: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
File: /home/jtg/public_html/site/e107_plugins/smf/smf.php
Line: 145

Same as above except: Line: 143

Guest       Today at 21:11:11
e483a1cd7acc51263cb0652c7778c318 [nonactive]
8: Undefined variable: ID_MEMBER

Guest       Today at 21:11:00
e483a1cd7acc51263cb0652c7778c318 [nonactive]
8: Undefined variable: ID_MEMBER

I don't know if any of that makes any sense to you? I know it doesn't to me.



QuoteGuest       Today at 21:11:11
2: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
File: /home/jtg/public_html/site/e107_plugins/smf/smf.php
Line: 145

That will be the one I was asking about.

Is there anything in the "realName" column for that user in the SMF members database table?


Please excuse my ignorance but I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

If you mean in the member list, then yes, the username is displayed on there. Otherwise you'll have to enlighten me as to exactly what you mean. I am new to SMF and wouldn't call myself an expert with forums as it is.

Thanks again.


SMF can store two fields:  memberName (what you refer to as "user name"), and realName (which is usually the display name).

Do you have PhpMyAdmin?

If so, go to your SMF database, and click on the smf_members table.

Click the Browse tab.

Find the user to which you are referring, and check for a value in the column named "realName".


Ok thanks for that, I understand. Yes, the 'realName' matches that of the 'memberName'.


Hmmm...Then there is no reason for the query to have failed...


Hi, sorry for my english, i'm italian

I confirm. I have the same problem.



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I try to arrange with English maybe I read not good but in italian language there isn't support for this bridge
you try to have patience, thanks

QuoteI logged in as my test username on the forum and when i check the member list on my e107 site, there was indeed a new member, but the member NAME was not listed, only the email address and join date.

Quotethe 'realName' matches that of the 'memberName'.
in phpmyadmin


Quote from: Aquila on July 14, 2008, 08:00:49 AM
I try to arrange with English maybe I read not good but in italian language there isn't support for this bridge
you try to have patience, thanks

QuoteI logged in as my test username on the forum and when i check the member list on my e107 site, there was indeed a new member, but the member NAME was not listed, only the email address and join date.

Quotethe 'realName' matches that of the 'memberName'.
in phpmyadmin

He has the same problem as me. Any chance of looking in to this? Obviously it isn't a matter of life or death, but it is a very annoying problem.
