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Main Menu Shoutbox

Started by Nibogo, October 19, 2008, 11:41:06 AM

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I have just installed that excellent mod.

Two questions now:

Is there a way to totally disable autorefresh?

Where and how can I watch as an admin all the messages in the shoutbox?

Thank you...

And a bug ( ? )

In guests it will autorefresh every one second no matter the settings in admin panel...


If you would like to bigger popup window, you rewrite it in the index.template.php:

<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=shoutbox" onclick="reqWin(this.href, 750, 360); HP_shoutBox_sh(!HP_shoutBox[\'hd_msgs\'], \'msgs\'); return false;">' . $txt['hs_sb_63'] . '</a>' : '') . '</span></td>

Width: 750 and height: 360


This is a great mod! I'm having a hard time gettin it to ork on my custom theme, could you please give me  a hand?


here is the index template for the forum of my custom theme

......if possible I would like to have it on my arcade page as well

Thank you very much in advance


Hacía tiempo que este MOD estaba en espera y es un MOD realmente EXCELENTE.

Bien que ya esté como MOD oficial  Felicidades :D


Quote from: EMOrtal on November 18, 2008, 05:32:49 PM
All I want for Christmas is a way for this to work with 2.0 Beta 4 :(

Quote from: lorenzone92 on November 19, 2008, 08:28:42 AM
Quote from: EMOrtal on November 18, 2008, 05:32:49 PM
All I want for Christmas is a way for this to work with 2.0 Beta 4 :(
I really like this MOD but I'm on beta 4!! :(

Quote from: pooya on November 19, 2008, 08:44:50 AM
Quote from: lorenzone92 on November 19, 2008, 08:28:42 AM
Quote from: EMOrtal on November 18, 2008, 05:32:49 PM
All I want for Christmas is a way for this to work with 2.0 Beta 4 :(
I really like this MOD but I'm on beta 4!! :(

ME 3 !

and I want a quad core 3.0 with 8gb ram
JK :P ... We will have this working on 2.0 at december ;) (hope)

Quote from: pikeman on November 19, 2008, 10:47:45 AM
I succeeded, great work!

I'm late... sorry  :(

Quote from: bullbreedluverz on November 19, 2008, 02:04:39 PM
I want to change the minimum messge character length to 1 and seen the following post which i assumes means to edit the value in HP_shoutBox.js but i cant find this file in /public_html/myforum/theme/ or in any other files in my forum files

Quote from: synicfan on October 24, 2008, 08:29:08 AM
I have a question. I want to make the minimum message sent 1 character.
it will not go any less than 3 characters even though in the admin settings I changed it to 1.

Can you help please?

I must check it before get any answer, maybe you have found a bug  :P


I found my error  O:)

Please go to $themeurl/HP_shoutBox.js and delete all lines between 33 and 38

if (
document.forms.shoutbox.msg.value.length <= 2) {

Or simply change the 2 with 1

if (
document.forms.shoutbox.msg.value.length <= 1) {

You should edit an option in admin panel after this replace...
"Minimun characters per message (while sending message)"

$themeurl is not /public_html/myforum/theme/, it is /public_html/myforum/theme/{name} where {name} is the current Theme (could be "default")

Quote from: bigj164019 on November 20, 2008, 11:30:13 AM
Is it possible to have the shoutbox in a frame that is static, and does not refresh as one moves through the forum below the shoutbox?
Quote from: bigj164019 on November 20, 2008, 11:23:45 PM
Quote from: bigj164019 on November 20, 2008, 11:30:13 AM
Is it possible to have the shoutbox in a frame that is static, and does not refresh as one moves through the forum below the shoutbox?

If you dont want to refresh just add a  (really) big number for that option in the shoutbox admin.

Im afraid your answer will only slow the refresh rate, which is NOT what I want.
What I want, is to be able to changes forum pages, but have the shoutbox remain without reloading. Like frames. You understand?

mmm, I don't get it at all, but you want to go from one page to other in your forum (where shoutBox is) and not refresh the shoutBox, right?

if it is... that why Open on PopUp is there

Quote from: bigj164019 on November 20, 2008, 11:39:06 PM
Is there a way to increase the maximum amount of characters per message?
I have the shoutbox widened, but cant find how to increase length of each posted message.

I think it wont be posible... I thought long messages aren't used in a shoutBox or chat becouse of that, they are long... so I made all it (queries, tablas, conditionales, etc) to short messages... sry

Quote from: JaGuR on November 21, 2008, 12:41:10 AM
To display in index with out an action, and display every where on forum

Found this Gem in the Code while trying to Mod it to work on my index

add this in the admin section  in this field "Sites where shoutBox will be printed (?action=)" ;all

Simple as that, no need for Iframes Tiny Portals

mmm, Yeah... ;all is for printing shoutBox in all pages ;)

Quote from: Lae on November 21, 2008, 04:15:09 AM
Quote from: NIBOGO on November 20, 2008, 08:45:08 PM
Quote from: Lae on November 20, 2008, 02:04:06 PM
I installed the shoutbox, but I'm having a weird problem with it. When writing to the shoutbox the text that I write won't show, but only the nicks and the background.

Do you check the color of the font in the admin panel??

Yes of course, it's not about that, because the text just won't show in the box (f.e. when selecting there where the text should be, there's nothing). I tried it now on an other board, where we have no other mods even, and it doesn't work there either. We're using the 1.1.7. version.

Edit. And weirder it gets. I can see the messages when looking from my database, but the shoutbox won't show them in any view. It seems to read all the other information, but not the message part.

maybe you will need to contact me for support... could you send me users and pass to access your forum? by PM here or in Hack's Park, or mail  8)

.... I will continue later... sry
Do not PM me for support, make a post if you need help.


thanx makito... maybe i was being blind or my ftp was being an idiot but the .js files werent displaying in my forum files when i asked that question the other day lol


Here's an interesting thing a I found I installed the shout onto the default, then made a custom theme. Well I moved the js files as it said in the instructions, now when I go into my css style sheet the little color pic box shows up. If I remove the HPcolorpicker.js, then shoutbox will not work, but then the box doesn't show in my style sheet.

Pic included to show what I mean..

Any ideas on this?

Dr. Jay Sin

In reference to my LAST POST about the utter lack of functionality after doing the edits to my theme suggested by the package parser linked in my signature, I just noticed something...maybe someone could tell me if this has anything to do with it.

I downloaded v1.2.2 from the mod page.  But the package parser says the package version is...wait for it...DUN DUN DUNNNNN 1.2.1!!!  Would this...1) indicate a problem with the package parser that could lead to my problem?  Or is this...2) info garnered from a file within the package itself with a number that just wasn't updated to reflect the newest version?


:S, forgot change the version on the package, thats because the diference between them is just a line :S, it will be fixed as soon as possible
Dont PM me for support, unless I ask you to do that


Dr. Jay Sin

Quote from: JCS on November 22, 2008, 11:59:44 PM
:S, forgot change the version on the package, thats because the diference between them is just a line :S, it will be fixed as soon as possible
Okay, that's cool.  At least I know the package parser didn't screw anything up.  Any thoughts though as to why it would work perfectly in default, but show up fine in Aa New Damage yet not function at all?


i installed it to my darkmun theme. when i type in the input area nothing shows in the output area and when i press the send message the whole forum refresh's. what could be wrong?


Quote from: d_robers on November 23, 2008, 11:02:14 PM
i installed it to my darkmun theme. when i type in the input area nothing shows in the output area and when i press the send message the whole forum refresh's. what could be wrong?

problemb solved i left out a file in my mod theme


hi here is my index.template  for my custom theme..  can u put the code in to it?




How did you get it working with tp (Center blocks)

Please help !!!



ok!! i'm REALLY so pissed off =[
i'm so STUCK!!! i read all through 8pages with no luck =[
i hope someone can help me..
i'm currently using
1.1.7,TP,installed through Packages,theme: Slient Wave by DznierStudio..
after when i install,everything seeems 2 be working fine(in ADMIN PANEL)
but when i go out into Forum i cannot see my Shoutbox on the Index..
i tried so many things 2 edit the index.template.php
nothing can work..
i'll upload the file for you guys..
i hope you guys can help

cheers all!! u guys are awesome =]


pls help me, i have successfully installed  it and edited my theme's index.template.php
but my problem is whenever i type a msg it wont show. Ive already checked my font color and it seems that i cant even highlight the msg i have typed.

here's my [nonactive]


thnx - great mod
i have a few little question: change  -  link to profile (if set that display nick as link) to place nick in message box to sent with ?
I tried edit  HP_shoutBox.php in sourcedir.. but i can't do this :(
2. can you create a list of active users right of chat with private messages?

PS big thnx and sorry for my english..


Just one quick question.

When the user goes back to the index, there is a slight delay before the messages in the SB show up.  Is there a way to fix this?
Its better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool.


Check out the AJAX Shoutbox (my one and only mod to date :P)
Do you like SMF? Are you using ProBoards, InvisionFree, ActiveBoards or some other web-hosted forum? I can help you convert to SMF (without having to purchase a DB conversion) me [nneonneo {at} gmail *dot* com], and see this topic
spammers here!



If I wanted to add a modification to your code using Notepad...I save it, zip it, and I try to re-upload it.

I get the "This file maybe currupted..." etc

I've tried using a Mod Creator program that can open and save.XML file.. and still no luck.

What program did you use to create

Any suggestions?
