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Time Logged-In

Started by Bulakbol, December 06, 2008, 07:43:00 AM

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Sorry, attach the pic here. I don't the link that you posted.
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Nothing Shows, i did have 1.0 and 2.0 installed before this one


Did you uploaded the Profile.php that I posted? Any error in the error log?
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nothing in the error log, when i loaded it, the Page goes Blank


Sorry, I ran out of idea why.  It should at least display "Not Available" when there's no data.  Try hightlighting the blank space where the data should be printed. It might be black in color.
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tried a manualy add it, still doesnt work even when running tlidb


Hi. I add spanish language:

$txt['tli_logged_in'] = 'Conectado';
$txt['tli_online_for'] = 'Online desde';
$txt['tli_not_available'] = 'No disponible.';
$txt['tli_day'] = ' día, ';
$txt['tli_days'] = ' días, ';
$txt['tli_hour'] = ' hora y ';
$txt['tli_hours'] = ' horas y ';
$txt['tli_minute'] = ' minuto.';
$txt['tli_minutes'] = ' minutos.';
$txt['tli_post'] = ' post.';
$txt['tli_posts'] = ' posts.';
$txt['tli_posts_made'] = 'Posts creados';
$txt['tli_total_logged_in'] = 'Tiempo total conectado';


everything work perfect now THX Bulakbol ;)
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see


Translate for german language

// Time Logged-In
$txt['tli_logged_in'] = 'Eingeloggt um';
$txt['tli_online_for'] = 'Online für';
$txt['tli_not_available'] = 'Nicht verfügbar.';
$txt['tli_day'] = ' Tag, ';
$txt['tli_days'] = ' Tage, ';
$txt['tli_hour'] = ' Stunde und ';
$txt['tli_hours'] = ' Stunden und ';
$txt['tli_minute'] = ' Minute.';
$txt['tli_minutes'] = ' Minuten.';
$txt['tli_post'] = ' Beitrag.';
$txt['tli_posts'] = ' Beiträge.';
$txt['tli_posts_made'] = 'Beiträge erstellt';
$txt['tli_total_logged_in'] = 'Gesamte Onlinezeit';
$txt['tli_theme'] = 'Aktuelles Layout';
//Time Logged-In End


Thanks for the translation firehopper.
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Sentinel [AF]

Everything working nicely on me forum ta mate.

One suggestion or idea(however you want to look at it): how about adding the last post a user made !?

I think that would be quite useful too no !?



Thanks for the translation. I'll add them together with German translation to the next upldate.

There's "Show the last posts of this person." link at the bottom already so I think it is not needed.

When I have time, I might add how many posts a member made a day before last active. I might re-arrage the display too. It is in my TODO list.
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Sounds great, might try.

Sentinel [AF]

The link is show the last posts of the person, aye I know.

But who wants to click links for everything when you could have it right there in front of you.

Just my way of thinking. Make ****** easier mind :D

Nevermind esé, I'll figure it out meself. - no problem.



Sorry TheSentinel®. I thank you for the suggestion although IMO, it is too much information if we add another link for the member's last post.

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Sentinel [AF]

Like I said esé.

No problem !

I'll have a go at it myself and anything I can't do the fellow admin on me site probably will know how to.
I'm currently trying to improve the profile look is all by making it more like the ultimate profile thing for smf 1.x ...

I'm using smf2.04beta but aye whatever.

eZ esé & peace :)



Thanks for the mod  :)

I get and error when trying to view profile,
I was hoping that you could help me out with it

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare days_hours_minutes() in /home/scarmix/public_html/Sources/Profile-View.php on line 293

Thanks in advance,

EDIT:I tried with out using the total time thing and then it works except for the total time of course :P but then I saw another problem. The text that should show does not show :( ... how do I fix it both of the problems?

and btw some Swedish for the new one ;)

$txt['tli_logged_in'] = 'In loggad';
$txt['tli_online_for'] = 'Tid Online';
$txt['tli_not_available'] = 'Ej tillgänglig.';
$txt['tli_day'] = ' dag,';
$txt['tli_days'] = ' dagar,';
$txt['tli_hour'] = ' timme ';
$txt['tli_hours'] = ' timmar och ';
$txt['tli_minute'] = ' minut';
$txt['tli_minutes'] = ' minuter';
$txt['tli_post'] = ' inlägg.';
$txt['tli_posts'] = ' inlägg.';
$txt['tli_posts_made'] = 'Antal inlägg';
$txt['tli_total_logged_in'] = 'Total tid in loggad';
$txt['tli_theme'] = 'Tema';


Open your Sources/Profile-View.php and remove the other existence of the function. Look for function days_hours_minutes() and delete the block. Thanks for the translation.

Package is updated and uploaded.

  • Added number of posts a member made a day before last active.
  • Rearranged the display of profile summary for admin eyes only. Normal profile display for others.

Check it out!  ;D
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translated for german utf-8 (Latest Version V 3.2)

$txt['tli_logged_in'] = 'Eingeloggt um';
$txt['tli_online_for'] = 'Online für';
$txt['tli_not_available'] = 'Nicht verfügbar.';
$txt['tli_day'] = ' Tag, ';
$txt['tli_days'] = ' Tage, ';
$txt['tli_hour'] = ' Stunde und ';
$txt['tli_hours'] = ' Stunden und ';
$txt['tli_minute'] = ' Minute.';
$txt['tli_minutes'] = ' Minuten.';
$txt['tli_post'] = ' Beitrag.';
$txt['tli_posts'] = ' Beiträge.';
$txt['tli_posts_made'] = 'Beiträge erstellt';
$txt['tli_total_logged_in'] = 'Gesamte Onlinezeit';
$txt['tli_theme'] = 'Aktuelles Layout';
$txt['tli_posts_before'] = 'Beiträge am Tag vorher';
$txt['tli_total_posts'] = 'Gesamt Beiträge';

and german unicode (ISO 8859-1)

$txt['tli_logged_in'] = 'Eingeloggt um';
$txt['tli_online_for'] = 'Online für';
$txt['tli_not_available'] = 'Nicht verfügbar.';
$txt['tli_day'] = ' Tag, ';
$txt['tli_days'] = ' Tage, ';
$txt['tli_hour'] = ' Stunde und ';
$txt['tli_hours'] = ' Stunden und ';
$txt['tli_minute'] = ' Minute.';
$txt['tli_minutes'] = ' Minuten.';
$txt['tli_post'] = ' Beitrag.';
$txt['tli_posts'] = ' Beiträge.';
$txt['tli_posts_made'] = 'Beiträge erstellt';
$txt['tli_total_logged_in'] = 'Gesamte Onlinezeit';
$txt['tli_theme'] = 'Aktuelles Layout';
$txt['tli_posts_before'] = 'Beiträge am Tag vorher';
$txt['tli_total_posts'] = 'Gesamt Beiträge';
