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Started by MonoTiz, February 01, 2008, 11:05:38 PM

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Where can you download the version that works with RC1?


maybe he's on vacation.... or having computer problems or something...


Could be.  Hope he sends a postcard!

I'm just going to sit back and wait.

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Is smfbuy compatible with 1.1.8 ??


According to his website it is.

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the free version is not compatible with 1.1.8, i just tried it. it will work with 1.1.7 though.

for 1.1.8 and above, you have to get the pro version...

i am kinda nervous about contacting him to make a donation, because he never responded when i contacted him with questions.


if anyone has actually used this mod, can you please tell me how payments between buyer and seller are processed? there seems to be no info anywhere on his site about this. no way am i willing to donate to something without knowing such a critical piece of information.



QuoteThis feature facilitates organised ads to be posted by members.  When the auction closes both parties are notified and then it is up to them to complete the payment process outside of the site via what ever payment option they decide upon. It is not linked to Paypal or any other payment processor.


In retrospect, it may be a case of a language barrier between the author and everyone.

I went through other channels and was able to get a reply form him pretty quickly.  I appreciated the reply and also donated $15 to him for the mod for RC1-1.

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Quote from: HamishM on May 08, 2009, 01:52:03 AM
Is smfbuy compatible with 1.1.8 ??

I've used it on 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 on a test site and it works.  You may have to alter some files manually - was that the problem ie did you get "test failed" when you tried to install or "package not compatible"?

Quote from: LadyC on May 27, 2009, 11:30:06 PM
the free version is not compatible with 1.1.8, i just tried it. it will work with 1.1.7 though.

for 1.1.8 and above, you have to get the pro version...

i am kinda nervous about contacting him to make a donation, because he never responded when i contacted him with questions.

Quote from: C4G-TK on June 01, 2009, 11:27:22 PM
Still no replies either here on on his site.  Although, I see he's signed on here throughout the month in both places and has made replies on the other site.  I guess that tells me what to expect. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this." - Han Solo

Just a little word of advice.  I don't think many people are going to want to part with their money or feel comfortable making a donation if you don't reply to them.  Your own site says that it is compatible with RC1, but you don't say it here in the main thread, so I'm sure people are going to be a little confused.  In telling people that you need to install a basic version and then to donate in order to get the pro version it almost seems like something odd is going on when there's no replies.  I wish you luck because it looked like a nice mod from what I could tell, but at this point, I'll look elsewhere or see if your business sense improves in dealing with potential customers/donators.

According to his website smfbuy pro is compatible up to 2.0 RC1.  Monotiz was last active here on 21 May, possibly he is on vacation, ill or revising for exams, who knows but he may be busy - like we all are from time to time.

This thread is only for SMFBuy (the free version) not SMFBuy Pro that's why it is not mentioned in this thread and why there is a link to his site. 

I use the pro version on one of my sites.  The author has always been very responsive to emails and very helpful and I've had no problems. 

So let's cut the guy some slack as he may be busy like we all are from time to time.


i've left messages on his site (for the smf pro) both on the public board in private messages three times over the last couple of months. he doesn't respond.

i'm pretty familiar with having to hand-code some of the mods i install, but that's not the problem i was having. it wouldn't upload through the package manager on 1.1.8, it said the package i was trying to upload was corrupt or incompatible.


No worries. 

I clicked on that link but it says it's off-limits to me.

All I can say is that he sends people to his site because that's where you get the pro version, not on this site, this is only the free version.

He was very helpful to me when I was setting mine up and I have no complaints.


Sent off a donation and got a reply back within minutes MonoTiz lives!

Installed on V2 RC 1-1 :D
Just when you finally get it idiot proof ...along comes a bigger idiot!


I want to change the text on the menu button to something other than SMFBUY. Could someone indicate how to do this please?

V2 RC 1-1
Just when you finally get it idiot proof ...along comes a bigger idiot!


Look in Modification.english.php

Quote from: Urbanite on June 15, 2009, 01:18:58 PM
I want to change the text on the menu button to something other than SMFBUY. Could someone indicate how to do this please?

V2 RC 1-1 - SMF 2.0 ~ custom theme - SMF 2.0.2 ~ custom theme and custom iPhone theme


ok got it...

Themes/default/languages/modifications.LANGUAGE.php and changed $txt['smfbuy'] = 'NEW_TEXT';

Thanks 'fals' just managed to stumble onto it before I got your reply.

@C4G-TK I didn't get the base version, went straight for the Pro. Sent off my donation of 5 Euros and got the password back!

Its got a few short comings but I can live with them...  for now  :D

Just when you finally get it idiot proof ...along comes a bigger idiot!


Working good on RC1-1, too. 

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I just installed this mod on 1.1.10, and the only problem I'm having is an "unexpected $end" in the post.php file.

Can anyone help to point out what I've done wrong?

many thanks


I can't even get this to show up in a fresh install of 1.1.10. It installs without issue but even the main settings screen in blank.

Not a chance I will install this on my main forum.

Anyone else run into this as I would really like to install this.


How do i change the currency to uk sterling?
