
Started by SimplePortal Team, March 10, 2008, 11:16:07 PM

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I have an error in my log:

Mod Settings
Line 531

Any suggestions :)


Hello! :)
How can I hide the - for example - "profile" and "help" buttons only in the portal?
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The SimplePortal Team is proud to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.2.2. This release includes several fixes for bugs found in the 2.2 versions and some essential minor features.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.2.2 as soon as possible to take advantage of these fixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:


  • Preview block feature lost permission settings - reported by willerby
  • Png transparency fix lacked some definitions - reported by Prenses
  • Board index was not detected correctly with Integration mode - reported by Krall
  • Long theme names was breaking side blocks - reported by KTFO
  • Some essential data was not loaded when portal was disabled - reported by noelleon69
  • Board news query for all boards was very slow on big boards - reported by MagicMike
  • Some blocks didn't had built-in member color link support - reported by bisbebri


  • A new method for article and board news cutt-off
  • Poll blocks now has their percentage bars back
  • Large images in articles and board news can now be resized

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.2 or SimplePortal 2.2.1; you can upgrade to 2.2.2 using the SimplePortal 2.2.2 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum.

  • Uninstall SimplePortal.
  • Download SimplePortal 2.2.2.
  • Install SimplePortal 2.2.2, and you are ready to go!

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Quote from: [SiNaN] on June 06, 2009, 07:02:37 AM
For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.2 or SimplePortal 2.2.1; you can upgrade to 2.2.2 using the SimplePortal 2.2.2 installation package.

As always, simple to upgrade. Smooth as glass; if only all mod upgrades went like this...

What type of washing machine is September?

An autumnatic. :)


This time I gave it a bit more thorough going over, but like the guy above. 2 minute upgrade and no problems near as I can tell.


Hello, i updated my SP form 2.2.1 to 2.2.2.

- Now all the thumbnails on portal are bigger then in Forum. The forum scales all images to 100x100 but now this images are on Portal not 100x100. How can i fix this?

- How cann i use the cutt-off function?




i don't know why every time when i need to edit a block, it breaks the layout, please have a look at the attachment. thank you!

the code i use in that block is:

<div><p>欢迎加入《21世纪艺术论坛》,如果您喜欢这个独特的网站,那么请您帮《21世纪艺术论坛》宣传几句。只需要您把一个文字链接或者一个图片链接加到您的个人网站,或者Myspace、Facebood等社会网站,或者您所属的任何论坛的个人资料页或签名中。办法非常简单,只需要复制下面的代码然后拷贝就行了。点击右上角"-"号可以折叠本版块。谢谢!</p><br />

<table width="96%" border="0">
    <td width="50%">文字链接:</td>
    <td width="50%"><span style="float: left;">文字链接显示:</span></td>
    <td><textarea rows="4" cols="70">
<a href="">《21世纪艺术论坛》会员</a>

[url=]《21世纪艺术论坛》会员[/url] </textarea></td>
    <td><a href="">《21世纪艺术论坛》会员</a></td>
    <td><span style="float: left;">图片链接:</span></td>
    <td><span style="float: left;">图片链接显示:</span></td>
    <td><textarea name="textarea" cols="70" rows="8">
<a href="" title="《21世纪艺术论坛》" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" /></a>

    <td><a href="" title="《21世纪艺术论坛》" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="21世纪艺术论坛" border="0" /></a></td>
I am using SMF 2.0.1, curve themes.


Quote from: smldmr on June 06, 2009, 04:34:17 PM
- Now all the thumbnails on portal are bigger then in Forum. The forum scales all images to 100x100 but now this images are on Portal not 100x100. How can i fix this?

May I see your forum? Feel free to pm me the link if you don't want to post it public.

Quote from: smldmr on June 06, 2009, 04:34:17 PM
- How cann i use the cutt-off function?

The change is technical actually. I mean, there is no change at how you set cut-off, but how it is done technically.

Quote from: neverhurry on June 08, 2009, 04:15:23 AM

i don't know why every time when i need to edit a block, it breaks the layout, please have a look at the attachment. thank you!

the code i use in that block is:

As I said before, there is no problem with the HTML block of SimplePortal. Just make sure your HTML codes are correct and do not use html and body tags in your HTML codes.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


sorry, i made a mistake when i paste the code, i corrected it, there is no html or body tags now, but the problem is still there.
I am using SMF 2.0.1, curve themes.


My forum at is relatively and is on SMF 1.1.9.

I have never used any portal before but liked all the reviews i saw on Simple Portal.
I just downloaded Simple Portal 2.2.2 from the SMF mod site; and then uploaded via my package manager. But instead of uploading, i get this message:

An error has occured.
Could not upload package, please check directory permissions!

Pls wat do i do now?
"The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing." - Ben Okri
"The one being carried does not realize how far away the town is." - Nigerian proverb

ANF Forum  ||  Study & Scholarships || Jobs & Careers || The Internist


You probably need to go to your cpanel file manager to change the packages folder permissions :) Give it a try change it to 755.


Thanks, but am sorry if i sound dumb, but am still new at all this.  :-[

How do i get to d cpanel manager in the 1st place?
And if i change the settings to 755, do i have to change it back to the original setting after uploading the Simple Portal 2.2.2?  ???
"The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing." - Ben Okri
"The one being carried does not realize how far away the town is." - Nigerian proverb

ANF Forum  ||  Study & Scholarships || Jobs & Careers || The Internist


You should be given instructions how to log into your site's cpanel by your webhost. Usually it would be but your log in details would be given by your webhost. No you don't have to change the settings back :)


Thanks so much.  :D
Will contact my webhost now
"The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing." - Ben Okri
"The one being carried does not realize how far away the town is." - Nigerian proverb

ANF Forum  ||  Study & Scholarships || Jobs & Careers || The Internist


Big thank you :)
I was happy if you have included support mod Atachment in messege :) (in portal page)
Можно по-русски! :Р
"Not so big the universe, as its source code ..." ^^


Silly question time...

We're thinking of using SP as a kind of front page, open to guests. We don't want anybody to be able to get past the portal, though, until they login/register.

Is that possible, with SP, as-is (v2.2)?


Is it compatible with custom themes even if these custom themes weren't made for simple portal?


You should be able to enter your FTP information into the package manager, so that it can fix the issue. See the documentation below:

Otherwise you will need to Chmod your 'packages' directory to 0777.
See this documentation on chmod:

At the moment SimplePortal ignores the setting relating to stoping guests from browsing your forum, if you enable that setting, then guests will be able to view the portal, but not any other page without registering or logging in.

SimplePortal is compatible with any almost custom theme, most of the time you have to apply one or two edits (unless the theme breaks SP's layout or visa versa). The 'Display.template.php' edit is also non-crucial, as you can add articles from the admin area.

If you are using SMF 2 the only edit you will need to make is if your theme has its own 'Display.template.php' file.
If you are using SMF 1.1.x then you will have to add the 'Forum' button (see this topic), and if your theme has its own 'Display.template.php' file then that will require another edit.
SMF Friend (Former Support Specialist) | SimplePortal Developer
My SMF Mods | SimplePortal

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - Who will Guard the Guards?

Please don't send me ANY support related PMs. I will just delete them.
