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RSS Feed Poster

Started by Team, January 11, 2007, 07:46:04 PM

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yeah and mess up the forums again... i don't know how to write code... guess i'll hire someone local to fix it for me...

I'm trying...



Bump for this question to get answered please.  author seems MIA.

Quote from: scorpion1082 on October 15, 2009, 06:46:20 AM
just found the option.  forum error log has a bunch of crap in it actually.  42 pages in 2 days... but a lot of that is due to my not knowing anything about templates and my trying to remove and change things and it coming up error.  i did notice some stuff that looks like it has the potential to be related to this.  something about RSS:

this shows up 3 times:
8: Undefined offset: 24
File: /home/netzoneu/public_html/bluesunalliance/Sources/Subs-RSS.php
Line: 143

this shows up 1 time:
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: display_name_copyright
File: /home/netzoneu/public_html/bluesunalliance/Themes/default/Register.template.php (before sub template - eval?)
Line: 197

the 42 pages are all from 2 days ago before i actually had some idea what i was doing :/  these are the only four that are recent.

edit 1: have also noticed this rss feed doesnt even show up at all: <-- i removed the http and www for this website cause no external links, but the link when finished up works fine, but its been like 8-10 hours and that feed doesnt work at all, and i have both my feed settings setup for every 60 mins...


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so what does that mean in regards to what needs to be changed, if taking the error message into account?


After reading 71 site finally i wanna ask some volunteers if they could help me regarding this MOD...

Installed everything, after running cronrss.php i got blank page, my host supports fsockopen but it wont work...

After editing some of settings, only unchecked (use real cron jobs), setting feed download method to curl and ofc with cron jobs setting provided in some previous post i got some feeds in my topic...

I deleted them because i tryed to set topic prefix and it didnt work, removed topic prefix then but still same, wont work...

This is i can say main MOD for my forum and i need it badly, right now im short with money because im student i really would pay in future for great supporters and ofc whole SMF team...

I just dont know why it wont work  ???

Quiet strange situation after trying to set topic prefix, what can i say hope someone creates a new Feed Poster MOD for 1.1.10 version, anyway thanks for previous support!


yeah, fsocketopen or whatever is on for my server and yet the rss feed poster mod doesnt work at all.  the best i got was a few posts from my first feed, BUT, it was showing the html code of the posts as well as the text and didnt post links correctly.  i really dont get it.  plus, once it posted, it never posted again, and none of the others i added posted either.  this really does sound like a mod issue.  better instructions need to be made as well as an updated version.  its worth writing a readme or FAQs for this to answer common questions and perhaps show people how to fix the server side stuff before asking about mod side stuff.  in any case, i doubt this stuff will be fixed.


Quote from: dWhite on October 17, 2009, 10:18:35 AM
Quote from: graaywolf on October 17, 2009, 07:08:18 AM
without an RSS feed i'm sunk and now it won't uninstall so i can install something else... this mod should be taken down if it's not supported...

Manually uninstall it then?

i'm not a programer... dunno how to write code... last time i messed with the code i killed the forums and had to start all over... on a fixed income... guess i'm gonna have to find a programer to fix this for me... no RSS feed... activism site... no site!

I'm trying...



I think I've got 2 error in this code.

I would like to run with fakecron and I think in index.php this is better:

// RSS Feed Poster run fake cron job
if (!empty($modSettings['rss_fakecron']))

if (empty($modSettings['rss_lastcron']) || $modSettings['rss_lastcron'] + (2 * 60) < time())
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-RSS.php');
updateSettings(array('rss_lastcron' => time()));


The problem only the wrong ">". The "<" is better :)

And another in the Subs-RSS.php. feedbot updatetime never updated. So you find this:

// Loop though all the items

And insert after:
//update updatetime

UPDATE {$db_prefix}feedbot
          set updatetime = '".$current_time."' WHERE ID_FEED = '".$feed['ID_FEED']."' and enabled = 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Please check it...


Can we put the original link of the topic in our post?

For example, every post end with words:
Link from:

This is for the copyright, and also, because sometimes the original post contains the contact information of the poster.

Quote from: vbgamer45 on September 17, 2009, 02:10:46 PM
Works for SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0.
Best if you are able to setup cron rss.

Sorry, but this modification does not appear to be compatible with the selected version.

SMF 2.0 RC1.2
Thanks ;)


It should work with RC 1.2 does it error out?
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on October 25, 2009, 08:11:55 PM
It should work with RC 1.2 does it error out?

I haven't tried to install it.
Try to parse your package for version RC 1.2 ;)

//EDIT: To install it really works! To parse only on SMF site doesn´t work :o


Every time the cronrss run, it send me a email with this error

/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 2: /aquota.user: Permission denied
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 3: RSS: command not found
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 4: Version: command not found
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 5: by:vbgamer45: command not found
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 6: No such file or directory
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 7: access-logs/: is a directory
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 9: //: is a directory
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token `'SSI.php''
/home/doblembr/public_html/cronrss.php: line 10: `require('SSI.php');'

How can i solve this?



You are not running the cron job correctly. It needs to execute the php script.
Check out this site on how to do it
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on October 28, 2009, 07:47:08 PM
You are not running the cron job correctly. It needs to execute the php script.
Check out this site on how to do it

Thanks!!!  ;D


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Btw i finally make this MOD to work but my problem is, every time il go and edit some feeds when clicking EDIT i get blank page!

I edited FEED but with blank page and i hate this, i must always go to my forum again and go to FEED configuration to edit another FEED which ends with blank page after clicking EDIT!


Any forum errors related to the feed poster when you click on edit
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Nope, before i got 1 or 2 same errors i cant remember but right now nothing, not even one error!

Just a blank page when editing FEED!


Do you have mod_security installed? on your host?
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