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Topic View Log

Started by vbgamer45, July 25, 2008, 02:30:24 PM

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SSimple Team

Quote from: Masrit on September 23, 2011, 05:52:26 PM
Is there one for 2.0.1? This would be very useful to keep tabs on people who are on the warning list.

2.0.1 Updated.
Please report any error and any translation are welcome

Mi Web: -


How come this doesn't work on some threads for 1.1.15?
And can you can make a option for those who doesn't want to use the preview? Some users on my site doesn't like it, but majority love it. A option to turn it off or back on would be great.


I have a problem with this mod, please help!

I installed it about 8pm yesterday and it all installed fine, I set up the feed, then waited.  It was midnight before the feed came through, then it brought 4 older items.  I adjusted the numbers to 25 items, which seems to be the maximum, every 10 minutes, changed the settings to "all" and to use fake chronjobs and waited.  At 6am this morning it brought through the next batch of feeds, then at 2pm this afternoon, some more arrived.  I am still waiting for the 12 most recent items on the feed to filter through.  That's the first issue I'm asking for help with.

The second issue is that, on the feeds that have come through, wherever an apostrophe ' appears in the original, it appears on my forum as a ? question mark.  This is giving me topic headings such as "Woman?s body found"  and "government?s reforms" which just isn't acceptable.  How can I fix this?  Thanks :)


suggestion: let the log come in a pop up instead of going to a separate page...
Testing Zone - SMF 2.0.7, default Curve
School & Chat - phpBB3, over 170 mods installed, official live forum

I use the latest version of Chrome

phpBB: Forum = a section; Board = whole site
SMF: Forum = whole site; Board = a section


Could it be possible that user viewed that topic before this mod was installed?


Quote from: Jessica. on March 07, 2012, 04:48:27 PM
suggestion: let the log come in a pop up instead of going to a separate page...
Testing Zone - SMF 2.0.7, default Curve
School & Chat - phpBB3, over 170 mods installed, official live forum

I use the latest version of Chrome

phpBB: Forum = a section; Board = whole site
SMF: Forum = whole site; Board = a section


Excellent mod! Thanks!

Here is Bulgarian translation:

// Topic View Log
$txt['tvl_title'] = 'Лог на темата';
$txt['tvl_times'] = 'Последен преглед';
$txt['tvl_lastView'] = 'Последен преглед';

$txt['permissionname_tvl_view'] = 'Разгледай лога на преглежданията';
$txt['permissionhelp_tvl_view'] = 'Тази опция позволява потребителите да разглеждат лога на темата.';
$txt['permissionname_tvl_view_own'] = 'Собствена тема';
$txt['permissionname_tvl_view_any'] = 'Всяка тема';
$txt['permissionname_simple_tvl_view_own'] = 'Разглеждане лога на собствените теми';
$txt['permissionname_simple_tvl_view_any'] = 'Разглеждане лога на всяка тема';

$txt['tvl_no_topic_id'] = 'Не е зададено ID на тема.';
$txt['tvl_no_topic'] = 'Темата не съществува.';
$txt['who_topiclog'] = 'Разглеждане лога на темата <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=topiclog;id=%d.0">%s</a>.';

$txt['cannot_tvl_view_own'] = 'Не може да разглеждате лога на вашите теми.';
$txt['cannot_tvl_view_any'] = 'Не може да разглеждате лога на чуждите теми.';



¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


Doesn`t work on my 2.0.3.
Two errors on the Polish Lang.
I fix it but i have on error.
I can´t view the log.
Click on the view log link bring my to the topic without the log.
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


OK I can do to locate the error. The mod does not work if the mod is enabled while there PortaMx SEF is enabled.

",topicviewlog" needs to be added at PortaMx SEF
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Quote from: Eclipse16V on January 02, 2013, 01:00:34 AM
OK I can do to locate the error. The mod does not work if the mod is enabled while there PortaMx SEF is enabled.

",topicviewlog" needs to be added at PortaMx SEF

Thanks for share the solution.

¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


I have an issue:

For example: a topic-log from a thread is 3 pages long - but i can see always only page numer 1.

When i click on page number 2 or 3, it is loading page number 1.

In all topic-logs from my forum i can see only the first page. nothing more...

SMF 2.0.4 - no errors in my error-log.

Have somebody an idea?


More Infos....

Looks like that PrettyUrl Mod causes the error.

When i completly disable the PrettyUrl-Mod (including i have the Actions-rewriting disabled before !!!) the topicviewlog-mod is function.

When i add "topicviewlog" to the skip action list - nothing happends...


Quote from: Draffi on July 20, 2013, 08:52:21 AM
More Infos....

Looks like that PrettyUrl Mod causes the error.

When i completly disable the PrettyUrl-Mod (including i have the Actions-rewriting disabled before !!!) the topicviewlog-mod is function.

When i add "topicviewlog" to the skip action list - nothing happends...

Sorry I can't help you, I don't know how works pretty urls mods maybe you can post your issue in prettyurls support topic

¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!



Fine, thank you.

(i`m sure, the mod-author from PrettyURL said the same...)
