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Global moderator permissions render different for different members

Started by sasham, March 03, 2012, 12:27:21 PM

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Hi all,

I recently upgraded forum from 1.x to the latest 2.x, all went well. Recently member of Global moderator complained that he is unable to moderate other people's posts and specifically gave me link to the post. As the member reported, he opens post for edit, but when he clicks save, post reverts to previous state and renders all changes he made void.

I tried:
- remove the member from Global moderators and add again, no luck, he was not able to mmoderate the post in question or any other
- create test member in Global moderators, and try to edit the post, all went as expected, test user could edit the post.

Seems like the member in question although in Global moderators is, for unknown reasons, not able to moderate as he should have.

I have limited (ftp) access to the server. Which prevents me to check logs on OS level. Forum logs do not provide any interesting clue.

Any idea how to debug and correct this problem?


I need help with this. Is there any way to turn on debugging or additional logging, something that would lead to clue why is this happening?

Hasta La Vista

I think you should remove Global Moderator group and then add a new group with the same permissions. You can put the member there.
