Adk Blog (A blog system for each user)

Started by lucas-ruroken, August 30, 2010, 05:12:44 PM

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Quote from: David111567 on February 22, 2012, 02:44:24 PM's the deal.

I uninstalled 2.0.  Been using it with no issues on 3 active sites for quite some time.
I INSTALLED 3.0. through package manager.  No errors...everything went fine.

Went to admin, ENABLED the mod...set everything up as I have a million times before....and when I click on "Blogs" in the main menu...I get:

"An Error Has Occurred!
This Module is not active"

The module...IS active. There is no doubt.  This is happening on 3 separate sites.

Further, when I click on My Blog....(the one that allegedly isn't active, remember?)...

wow...messed up!  Everything is flushed to the left side and it tells me I don't have topics when I do.  Errors abound, man!  This is not good.

Please see screenshot of mod that ERROR says isn't active, but yet IS active, but is totally messed up:

Any suggestions....or should I just scrap the blogs for my members on 3 separate sites and tell them all their blog topics for the past year are hopelessly lost?

Did you ever get a solution to this? It is the exact problem I am having.


QuoteDid you ever get a solution to this? It is the exact problem I am having.

No, they never gave me any solutions. I went back to 2.0 version of the mod and it works sort of okay.  3.0 is majorly jacked up.



How i can edit "Blogs" and "My Blogs" text in nav?  O:)


Quote from: David111567 on July 22, 2012, 05:38:09 PM
QuoteDid you ever get a solution to this? It is the exact problem I am having.

No, they never gave me any solutions. I went back to 2.0 version of the mod and it works sort of okay.  3.0 is majorly jacked up.

If it helps, you have probably saved me a whole world of pain, as I am running 2.0 and would have upgraded if I hadn't have seen this thread. So, thanks.


Quote from: CyberShadow on July 25, 2012, 08:11:12 AM
Quote from: David111567 on July 22, 2012, 05:38:09 PM
QuoteDid you ever get a solution to this? It is the exact problem I am having.

No, they never gave me any solutions. I went back to 2.0 version of the mod and it works sort of okay.  3.0 is majorly jacked up.

If it helps, you have probably saved me a whole world of pain, as I am running 2.0 and would have upgraded if I hadn't have seen this thread. So, thanks.

No problem. Just a word of advice, if I may?

If you ever do upgrade...make sure that you back up the blog database in SQL first, because when you uninstall 2.0... it totally deletes your members' blogs from the database....and then everyone has to start over. It's ugly.  Other than that... 2.0 is fairly stable.


Quote from: David111567 on July 26, 2012, 01:21:32 AMNo problem. Just a word of advice, if I may?

If you ever do upgrade...make sure that you back up the blog database in SQL first, because when you uninstall 2.0... it totally deletes your members' blogs from the database....and then everyone has to start over. It's ugly.  Other than that... 2.0 is fairly stable.

Noted. Thanks again. I back the entire boards up approx twice a week anyhow.


Thanks David. Where can I get 2.0 mate?


Quote from: Manicred on July 28, 2012, 04:04:06 AM
Thanks David. Where can I get 2.0 mate?

Sorry my reply to this is so late... real life is sort of crazy, lately...

I don't have a clue where you can obtain a copy of 2.0.  I didn't realize that it was pulled from the mod site.  I have a copy of it if you want to contact me privately. I can email it to you.


do you mean adk blog 2.0? of course, i have a copy of tha version, i can attach it ifyou want :)
Adk Portal 3.1 is coming....

Design your universe!


Im running smf2.02 with simple portal 2.3.5 and it is all messed up like the top post and It has the same error saying the module isn't active when it is,
should I try version 2 of the mod ? or is there a fix for v3

thanks for any replies


Quote from: Gaza07 on August 08, 2012, 06:39:58 PM
Im running smf2.02 with simple portal 2.3.5 and it is all messed up like the top post and It has the same error saying the module isn't active when it is,
should I try version 2 of the mod ? or is there a fix for v3

thanks for any replies
Hello Gaza07,

I don't really understand your issue, can you please provide a live demo of this occuring, if it doesn't happen in the admin panel?
My Mods / Mod Builder - A tool to easily create mods / Blog
"I've heard from a reliable source that the Answer is 42. But, still no word on what the question is."


I could pm you a test account on my forum and if you click the blog button you will see it says its not active, and if you select my blog the screen is well messed up  :o [nofollow]

Thats the link to my forum you can see the blog button as a guest and it will show the error but you cant see the my blog bit unless you login


Do a search... We have posted the code changes needed to make his work with portals, as far as the inactive thing goes...  However, no one has come up with a fix for the stupid display problem with the blog appearing under the portal....

And no one has fixed the notify error yet. The fix given failed.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Well I have cured my adk blog problems, I have uninstalled it  ::)
Thanks for the help and advise but it just seems like to much trouble for what it is and there just isnt a proper working fix  :(


Quote from: lucas-ruroken on August 08, 2012, 01:27:28 PM
do you mean adk blog 2.0? of course, i have a copy of tha version, i can attach it ifyou want :)
Yer mate, could you attach it please.


First and foremost thanks for a really nice plugin. I have been trying this on a testforum for a few days and I basically only have one thing I would like to see added to this >Attachments<

I've been poking around in the code a little bit but I don't really have a clue of what I'm doing, is it even possible to add an attachments feature to this blog system?
If so, please let me know.

Thanks again!


I'm not absolutely certain that this is the right place, so apologies if it's not, and I'll post it elsewhere if someone can provide me with a suitable link.

I've noticed on a couple of different SMF forums which use this mod that if a user doesn't have a personal blog, when you click on my blog, it says:

QuoteThis user don't have topics still

This is clearly a translation error.  The translation should be 'this user doesn't have any topics yet' or 'this user hasn't posted any topics yet'.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Quote from: lucas-ruroken on May 31, 2012, 08:55:45 PM
open your Subs-adkblog.php and find

function Adk_blog_add_menu_buttons($buttons)
global $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings, $user_info, $context;

and add after

$context['notify'] = array(false, 0);


As I noted a few weeks ago - this edit causes EVERY user to be notified of EVERY thread they have ever posted in. This trashes my system, floods in-boxes, and is, in general, undesirable....

Any better solution?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I've got a problem with this mod.
I can't uninstall this mod manually. Everything goes fine, and then there is an issue with Subs:

08: Undefined index: adk_another_string
File: /home/melvar/forum/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 4138, 4133

I replace this:

//Blog Button - Adk Portal Customizers
$current_action = isset($_REQUEST['blog']) ? 'blogs' : 'home';

if (isset($context['menu_buttons'][$context['current_action']]))

With this:

if (isset($context['menu_buttons'][$context['current_action']]))

But there is also this:
'blogs' => array(
'title' => $txt['blogs_principal_title'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=blogs',
'show' => ($context['user']['is_guest'] && in_array(-1,explode(',',$modSettings['blog_allowed_toview'])) && !empty($modSettings['blog_enable'])) ? true : (!$context['user']['is_guest'] && in_array($user_info['groups'][0],explode(',',$modSettings['blog_allowed_toview'])) && !empty($modSettings['blog_enable'])) ? true : false,
'sub_buttons' => array(
'mlist_view' => array(
'title' => $txt['adk_another_string'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?blog='.$user_info['id'],
'show' => in_array($user_info['groups'][0],explode(',',$modSettings['blog_allowed_your_blog'])) ? true : false,

I remove everything and there is a server error :(
Here is the oroginal Subs file from my server with no changes. Could anyone look into it?
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
- Qui-Gon Jinn



Do **ANY** of the ADK team even bother to support his mod any more?

The undefined 'notify' issue is HUGE now...   I am getting, literally thousands of errors dropped into my log every week form this stupid thing.   If there were ANY other blog mod, I would have switched, because support for this mod is apparently non-existent and ADK has no interest in helping to solve the issues with their mod.

I've seen an occasional post from lucas... but nothing in the least bit helpful in over 2 months.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."
