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Tagging System SMFSIMPLE

Started by vbgamer45, December 11, 2012, 01:24:35 AM

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yes, you can do that editing the topoic

¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


Quote from: manixless on December 13, 2012, 03:47:40 PM
Quote from: revwill on December 13, 2012, 02:01:04 AM
Quote from: revwill on December 13, 2012, 01:35:49 AM
Greetings everyone.

Happy Holidays to everyone.  Hope all are having a safe holiday season.

What a wonderful MOD.  Installed perfectly besides for the one mod as stated in the above message, but was easy to find and insert.  Looks Like it would work all the things are there and set up was easy enough.

However, when I try to leave a Tag, I enter the first tag and a space then it goes to a blank screen.  I use the back button on the browser and it is there as illustrated in the screen shot.  I try to add another and it does the same thing but when I bring it back using the back button in IE8 it replaces the first one and it if I stop typing for even a second the second tag it brings me to the blank screen.  When I go back, the message I type in and everything is gone.

I tried this in IE8 and Firefox, both behave the same way.

Site is Divine Mercy St Pauls
Help Please would like to have this awesome Mod working.  Please.


If I type 1 in and save the message it adds the one flawlessly.  I can continue to do this process for each different tag and it works.  In IE8 anyway.  But if I try to add anymore than 1 the blank screen and all the above happens.  Just trying to give all the information I can.  Thanks to all who will help.

In firefox, when typing the tag - it seems after it hits the minimal number of characters, it brings up a blank screen and when you go back nothing has been entered.  This is the latest and greatest version of firefox.

in chrome, the behavior is like firefox.


I think that the problem as solved. It had a conflic with twitter slidebox modification :)

Yes it is Thanks to Manixless!  Thank you!


It's ok. I should of paid more attention to the topic :p.


Greetings all,

I am afraid I need your help again.  So sorry to keep disturbing you all but am very thankful for your help.

It seems when there are several replies to a topic and you go to a topic with its first or original message you can add a wonderful tags to it and all works well.  We have that working great.  And when you create a new topic all is wonderful.

But, when you go to lets say the 1st, 2nd, 3rd reply and modify that reply and save, when you return to the topic all the tags are removed.  as well as the modify a reply screen is all botched up-the menu runs verticle instead of horizontal as well.

Also, silly question, but just to check to see if I am correct in understanding.  The orginal topic message is what can be tagged, and the replies there is no tagging correct?

Please Help

Thank you



Quote from: manixless on December 13, 2012, 09:43:57 AM
Quote from: johnpaul2k2 on December 13, 2012, 04:13:14 AM
thanks i tried to uninstall every mod related to message but i wouldn't just get. they youtube mod and "[MOD] Facebook Like Hide" . please  remove the " jquery's plugin named jGrowl" from the file i attached .then i will try it out but i couldn't remember it

hmm what you said? I'm not sure if that plugin comes with a mod or it is included natively with the theme. How or when could I test your board with the tagging system actived?
please exactly can i find this plugin??



Let me know your theme's name/download and I will try to test the system on avoiding the plugin conflict.



hmm, this isnt working at all for me.

Installed in manually, ran the database and hooks and its all installed 100% properly, all the mods as they should be, database entries all fine.

but when you type in the tags on the post page the jquery isnt kicking in and its not doing anything, just typing as a standard text box (tried on the smf simple site and seen what it does, auto creates the tag as you press space). My end its doing nowt :(

(ive removed the one mod i had that was using jquery growl)


Quote from: dimspace on December 23, 2012, 02:32:27 PM
hmm, this isnt working at all for me.

Installed in manually, ran the database and hooks and its all installed 100% properly, all the mods as they should be, database entries all fine.

but when you type in the tags on the post page the jquery isnt kicking in and its not doing anything, just typing as a standard text box (tried on the smf simple site and seen what it does, auto creates the tag as you press space). My end its doing nowt :(

(ive removed the one mod i had that was using jquery growl)

I'm getting the same, Installed OK, I've edited the bits in the admin CP and still when i add some tags and press post a red warning box comes up telling me to add tags? Am i doing something wrong here??


I have the same problem as punchy and dimspace.
How to solve these??

Any idea?


After so much struggle.... I solved all problems .. Now quote function fine....and facebook also with RSS ...

but now when i want to add tags... This error coming :
what should i do ??

Unknown column 'approved' in 'field list'
File: /home/u670750288/public_html/forum/Sources/Tags2.php
Line: 352

i have Reinstalled and restored my database..

Tagging System Smfsimple ....not my Forum.... :(


Quote from: punchy on December 24, 2012, 05:30:48 AM
Quote from: dimspace on December 23, 2012, 02:32:27 PM
hmm, this isnt working at all for me.

Installed in manually, ran the database and hooks and its all installed 100% properly, all the mods as they should be, database entries all fine.

but when you type in the tags on the post page the jquery isnt kicking in and its not doing anything, just typing as a standard text box (tried on the smf simple site and seen what it does, auto creates the tag as you press space). My end its doing nowt :(

(ive removed the one mod i had that was using jquery growl)

I'm getting the same, Installed OK, I've edited the bits in the admin CP and still when i add some tags and press post a red warning box comes up telling me to add tags? Am i doing something wrong here??

Sorry guys, these days were to difficult to access here.

Well... The for some reason the script tags.js is not compatible with some versions of jquery. But you can try replacing the content of  /Themes/Default/scripts/tags.js by this one:

Recently I have seen that you are not the only that issue this error. In consequence I have updated the script to be more flexible. Also, keep in mind that the mod is having conflics with the following mods:
1. Twitter Slide Box
Actually there is not fix to make it work with the system tag together. Hope the author provide us an update soon with a patch to run both with no problems.

2. Google Analytics Code
If you have it installed, try to make the following edit at /Sources/Subs.php file finding:

// Google Analytics Integration
function ob_google_analytics($buffer)
global $modSettings;

and then, replacing with:

// Google Analytics Integration
function ob_google_analytics($buffer)
global $modSettings, $context;

And then finding:
if (!empty($modSettings['googleAnalyticsCode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
and then, replacing with:
if (!empty($modSettings['googleAnalyticsCode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['xml']) && $context['current_action'] != 'tags') {


Quote from: pavan061994 on December 29, 2012, 04:06:31 AM
After so much struggle.... I solved all problems .. Now quote function fine....and facebook also with RSS ...

but now when i want to add tags... This error coming :
what should i do ??

Unknown column 'approved' in 'field list'
File: /home/u670750288/public_html/forum/Sources/Tags2.php
Line: 352

i have Reinstalled and restored my database..

Tagging System Smfsimple ....not my Forum.... :(

Hmmm, please verify that "{db_prefix}_tags" table is create at your database. 


Thank you manixless

Now fine work for me


Hi, thank you for another great mod. But i have some troubles.

First of all this tag is good for seo right ? i mean, is google can recognize these ?

i installed the mod, but tag is not showed in my theme (zentoa by dziner studio)

and when i try it with default theme it gave me a this error ?

ipt type="text/javascript">!window.jQuery && document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src=""%3E%3C/script%3E'))

i changed the tag.js and google analy code, but still have error and problem with my theme.

here is my displat.template, what should i do now ?

finaly sorry for my english to :)


Quote from: Skaty on December 30, 2012, 09:23:07 PM
Hi, thank you for another great mod. But i have some troubles.

First of all this tag is good for seo right ? i mean, is google can recognize these ?

i installed the mod, but tag is not showed in my theme (zentoa by dziner studio)

and when i try it with default theme it gave me a this error ?

ipt type="text/javascript">!window.jQuery && document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src=""%3E%3C/script%3E'))

i changed the tag.js and google analy code, but still have error and problem with my theme.

here is my displat.template, what should i do now ?

finaly sorry for my english to :)

Hi Skaty,
I can review your forum if it is not problem for you.  If you are agree you can pm me with a demo account  and board url.

About seo the answer is yes... Because the  <meta name="keywords"> value is setted according to the tags selected in the topic. However, if you don't see the tags at  HEAD section then should have a make the modifications at Index.template.php of the current theme.


i will send you a demo now, thank you :)

merry christmas!


Not OK
I have many error in error logs

Undefined variable: context

Datoteka: /public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Linija: 4524

==>4524:   if (!empty($modSettings['googleAnalyticsCode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['xml']) && $context['current_action'] != 'tags') {

I use google analytics
