Google Member Map

Started by TLM, December 18, 2005, 08:43:52 PM

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Great! This mod just keeps getting better and better! Cant wait for the new release.



Hrm.. The upgrade option is giving me the most greif right now...
The upgrade works fine as a standalone, but putting it in the upgrade tag, it all of a sudden fails, this is most perplexing.  This must be solved for I would like to get an upgrade path going here.


I think, it would be useful, if a member can input directly the coordinates in the profil.
Is there the possibility to show only a part of the  map at the start? I have most of the members from Germany, and so it looks: Member Map


Quote from: Norbert on December 20, 2005, 01:30:08 PM
I think, it would be useful, if a member can input directly the coordinates in the profil.
Is there the possibility to show only a part of the  map at the start? I have most of the members from Germany, and so it looks: Member Map
Hrm, that would not be hard to do but seeing how the feilds are just hidden, but I did it that way due to not wanting to have to code a conversion in to google'ease lat/long.  I assume you mean by entering something like 6°57'11" or 6d57m11s, as were google stores it in like 6.23424562345, I am sure theres a easy conversion, I just dont know it. (Found what I need for this.)

As for the second one, that gives me an idea, will try to implemet as soon as possible.

"Klicke hier, um Deinen Pin zu setzen oder zu ändern." - is that German for, "Click here to go place your pin if you have not already."? I made a slight typo, the mod went out with hear, instead of here. Also might ask around for some translations once I get to a more complete mod.


Just a note post, means nothing to you people more than likly...

lat long (Close to my real cordnates, testing numbers only)
35d39m3.70sN 82d40m52.42sW
35°39'3.70"N  82°40'52.42"W
35.651028209624393  -82.681227922439575

  +/- d + (m/60) + (s/60)
  +/- d + (m/60) + (s/3600)
  lat 35d39m3.70sN should be...
  + 35+(39/60)+(3.70/60) = 35.711666666666700
  + 35+(39/60)+(3.70/3600) = 35.651027777777800

where did I screw up? nm, stuipd me did not think 60 seconds in a minute.... now the answer looks close enough.

So Norbert, your feature request might make it in soon. :)


Quote from: TLM on December 20, 2005, 01:43:37 PM
"Klicke hier, um Deinen Pin zu setzen oder zu ändern." - is that German for, "Click here to go place your pin if you have not already."? I made a slight typo, the mod went out with hear, instead of here. Also might ask around for some translations once I get to a more complete mod.

Translation in German:

Click here to go place your pin if you have not already. ---> Klicke hier, um den Pin zu plazieren, wenn Du es nicht bereits gemacht hast.
Click to place a point or click on your point to remove it. ---> Klicke auf einen Punkt, um einen Pin zu setzen oder zu entfernen.

$txt['whoall_membermap'] = '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=membermap">Member Map</a> anschauen.';
$txt['whoall_.kml'] = 'Den Google Earth Feed anschauen.';


$txt['googleMapsEnable'] = 'Aktiviere die Google Member Map';
$txt['googleMapsKey'] = 'Den Key der Google Maps API Seite eingeben';
$txt['googleMapsPinGender'] = 'Sollen die Pins das Geschlecht der Mitglieder anzeigen?';
$txt['googleMapsPinNumber'] = 'Zahl der maximal auf der Karte anzuzeigenden Pins (Nicht verwendet)';


Ah thank you.  Those shall be added.


Sorry if I am missing something but I have installed this mod and it works in a way. It allows my users to select there location within there profiles but I can not find the button/link that shows all the pins on one map......can somebody please help?

Dedicated to promoting Kiting in Scotland


Chances are you are running a custom theme...  For it does put a map button after the calendar one.

How to make mods work with themes?


I have found the section I need to enter the code in to but the question is, what code do I need to enter in for the button to work?

Ignore that, found what I need...will start modding it now.


Dedicated to promoting Kiting in Scotland


<file name="$themedir/index.template.php">
<search position="replace"><![CDATA[
function template_menu()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt;
function template_menu()
global $context, $settings, $options, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings;

<search position="before"><![CDATA[
// The [calendar]!
if ($context['allow_calendar'])
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/calendar.gif" alt="' . $txt['calendar24'] . '" style="margin: 2px 0;" border="0" />' : $txt['calendar24']), '</a>', $context['menu_separator'];
// Google Maps Mod
if ($modSettings['googleMapsEnable'])
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=membermap">', ($settings['use_image_buttons'] ? '<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['user']['language'] . '/googlemap.gif" alt="Google Map" style="margin: 2px 0;" border="0" />' : 'Google Map'), '</a>', $context['menu_separator'];

There are two sections.... beyond that, I am sticking to what I stated in the readme, I am not going to adopt the mod for you to the theme.


Sorry, its late at night and I shouldnt be doing this at this time of night :)

I have found the bits I need to change.....thanks for making this fab mod!

Dedicated to promoting Kiting in Scotland

I just wanted to say thanks for your work on this.

I have a custom request fro you when you have time.  I have another google map on my site, which shows the location of facilities.  I would like to integrate the two, so that we can show facilities near a member. (and other members near the member).

You can see my maps here:

Let me know what you think.


Quote from: on December 21, 2005, 09:21:18 AM
I just wanted to say thanks for your work on this.

I have a custom request fro you when you have time.  I have another google map on my site, which shows the location of facilities.  I would like to integrate the two, so that we can show facilities near a member. (and other members near the member).

You can see my maps here:

Let me know what you think.

This one I shall do, althouh ou will have to convert the markes from the js file into an xml file,  someone also requested a way to add in there own pins, so I will be adding in a couple feilds in the features/options to include those xml files as well.  Not quite sure how I am going to go about this yet but we shall see...  But definatly you get a bit of help for I would like to know whats nuclear around me. :)

Quote from: TLM on December 21, 2005, 11:11:59 AM
Quote from: on December 21, 2005, 09:21:18 AM
I just wanted to say thanks for your work on this.

I have a custom request fro you when you have time.  I have another google map on my site, which shows the location of facilities.  I would like to integrate the two, so that we can show facilities near a member. (and other members near the member).

You can see my maps here:

Let me know what you think.

This one I shall do, althouh ou will have to convert the markes from the js file into an xml file,  someone also requested a way to add in there own pins, so I will be adding in a couple feilds in the features/options to include those xml files as well.  Not quite sure how I am going to go about this yet but we shall see...  But definatly you get a bit of help for I would like to know whats nuclear around me. :)

No problem, the markers aren't stored in  js.  I have all the info in a kml andcsv formats.  It's also in my Mysql database already.



ok, i had a problem...wrong theme...doh!!!

Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Quote from: snork13 on December 21, 2005, 06:54:05 PM

ok, i had a problem...wrong theme...doh!!!

LOL, ok so you beat me to asking sure you edited correct theme, but you still might have a problem from what I am looking at. - should bring up the map, and its not, unless you just removed that from the index.php.  (assuming that is your forum)


Quote from: TLM on December 21, 2005, 07:08:04 PM
Quote from: snork13 on December 21, 2005, 06:54:05 PM

ok, i had a problem...wrong theme...doh!!!

LOL, ok so you beat me to asking sure you edited correct theme, but you still might have a problem from what I am looking at. - should bring up the map, and its not, unless you just removed that from the index.php.  (assuming that is your forum)

LOL, the .org is my theme test site and haven't added the map there. i did add to and it works great.

now, funny thing. I installed at another site i do support for and it works it all the themes but the default theme, it just doesn't show so strange.

thanks for the mod again..

Please DO NOT PM me with requests for individual support, but post your questions and concerns in the appropriate section of the forum where other users can benefit from them as well. Thank you.
I have been super busy as of late. Working on updates to all my modifications for 2.0.1


Two questions:

1. Is there a way to avoid guests having information such as webpage addresses and icq numbers from the maps?

2. I am running SMF on a subdirectory and the portal on another. If I make a wrap the google maps doesn´t work because it is another directory... Do you have any idea to solve this, other than running SMF unwrapped?

Thanks  :D
