Ignore User

Started by Rudolf, September 12, 2005, 01:00:12 PM

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Maybe Javacript error as when I click the 'Show' button it clicks as though you're clicking a link, and jumps to top of page, but does not toggle to the hide button.


Ok redone it once more and that seems to have done the trick.

Now appears to be working.

Thanks both for the assistance. Much appreciated.

Nice Mod Rudolph.


Can someone show an example of what this is suppose to look like on SMF 1.1 RC2? Thanks  ;)
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3


OK forget my last question then. I jumped in with it. Nice. One other question that I would like answered though.
How would I exempt Admin from ignore?
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3


In the admin section there is the possibility to enable/disable the Admin ignore.
If i remember good.
I will update all my mods in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.

SVG-Collapse (you need an SVG compliant browser)


Quote from: rudiksz on April 28, 2006, 07:19:16 AM
In the admin section there is the possibility to enable/disable the Admin ignore.
If i remember good.

OK kewl I found it. In the Admin persons profile for ignore users options. Nice mod. Already had one person thumbs up on it.  ;)
Skipdawg's Community

Powered by SMF 1.1.3


Great mod - thanks :)
Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)


How to get this ignore function to work on Helios Eclipse theme ?

Which file do i need to edit ?


I wanted to add the ignore button in my Helios Theme. How to do that ? Browse thru the previous pages but there is too much codes scattering around the thread.

Is there any proper one ?


Quote from: Vinspire on May 22, 2006, 10:04:10 PM
I wanted to add the ignore button in my Helios Theme. How to do that ? Browse thru the previous pages but there is too much codes scattering around the thread.

Is there any proper one ?
The documentation link in the first post still applies:

QuoteThis mod changes the 'default' theme. If you're using a different theme, you will have to apply the theme modifications for every theme where you want this feature to work. Not modifying a theme to support this mod will *not* break your forum, said theme, or computer. You will not see the "Ignore" link and posts will not be ignored, they will be shown as usual.
        If you want to modify a theme there are two ways you can do it.
b) The normal way would be to search for the default template files open it and copy over your themes the modified parts.
The template files would be: index.template.php AND Display.template.php. You can find these in 'Themes\default' folder.
You will find sections between //IGNORE -START and //IGNORE - END. The code betwen this you'll have to copy in the template files of the other theme, in the same place. Note: The code in other template files could look different. If it's so you'll have to figure out the correct place where to put the code. Experiment. If everything else fails, ask for support.
Then copy ignore.gif, ignhide.gif, ignshow.gif, and unignore.gif from /Themes/default/images/english/ into your /Themes/helios/images/english directory.


Only need to edit Display.template.php but a lot of things to edit. Manage to get it working. Great mods :)


SFF 1.1 RC2 - Classic Template

I installed this on my test forum and did all my mods to display.template.php.  Everything looks great, but it appears that the posts that should be ignored are still showing in the "View the most recent posts on the forum".  When you click on the post and go into the thread, it is correctly ignored there.  Has anyone else run into this?
SMF 2.0.2


Yes, the posts are visible in the recent posts list on the index page.
Others requested removal from there, but i haven't found a good solution yet. It would be extra work from the part of the server and a bit overkill, if you ask me.
This was meant to be a simple mod that hides the texts posts of users that are boring and talk a lot. To hide it from the topic display screen, so you don't have to scroll hours just to skip them. Not to completely remove the post from the forum.
I will update all my mods in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.

SVG-Collapse (you need an SVG compliant browser)



Thank you for this additional info on your vision of this mod -- it is useful for me.

My issue isn't with users that are boring or talk a lot (although I'm familiar with that on message boards too!), but with trolls.  Therefore, I would prefer a mod that completely makes the posts of the ignored user completely invisible as if they don't exist.  I'm certainly not asking you to create this, but do you see it as something that would be possible within the realm of the software?  If so, I'd like to make a formal request in the appropriate area if it has not been requested or rejected already.
SMF 2.0.2


There are a couple of other places where the posts show up.
I'd like to punctualise that the mod's purpose is not to remove any post or change the mechanism of the forum, but to simply hide the users' post. So the posts are still there, but if a user is ignored they do not appear.
This being said, there are a couple of places where the posts are still visible.
  a) the board index page. When in a board the latest post is of someone ignored by you. The "Last post" section will have that post.
  b) the topic index page (of a board). Same as above, if in a topic the last post is by someone ignored in the "Last post" section will have that post.
  c) the recent posts list, as already mentioned
  d) the unread posts page
Probably some other places too.
  On the Display page it was relatively easy to hide the posts using simple template modifications without actually touching the working code. To hide from the above listed places I would have to modify the source files. Untill now I only looked at the recent posts list, but I could not find an easy and effective (read fast) way to do it. Probably the same goes with the others. It's just too much extra work for the server, and doesn't worth the effort, in my humble opinion.

Since it is requested I'll go to look if there's something that can be done. But I don't promise anything, and can't tell if and when it will be done. As always, ideas are welcome.

I will update all my mods in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.

SVG-Collapse (you need an SVG compliant browser)


I've been using this mod for awhile - works great - but I keep getting a "Undefined Index: karma" error - when a user on that page is being ignored.  I have it narrowed down to the modifications in Display.template.php.

Any idea why?

Thanks in advance.
Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)


I have absolutely no idea why it should give that. I haven't touched anything related to karma.
It could be a theme error or some other modification you have installed.
Alternatively If you can tell the exact error (and the line number it occurs), what version of SMF and theme you're using, I can double check to see if this mod might cause the error or no.
Maybe a link to the forum would help too.
I will update all my mods in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.

SVG-Collapse (you need an SVG compliant browser)


I just installed the mod on a 1.1RC2 board without a hitch, except that... it will only prevent users from ignoring admins IF Administrator is listed as the primary group for the admin user.  I use the feature that hides all but the primary group from being shown under the posts and in the user profile, and use custom membergroups for assigning titles.

anything I can do to prevent users from ignoring admins/global mods in this scenario?  tried searching but the forum search is disabled for the past hour and google isn't being helpful.



Open up Sources/Ignore.php and search for

//Ignore admin... or no?
$iuser = 1;
if (!$modSettings['ign_admin'])
$result=db_query("SELECT ID_GROUP FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE ID_MEMBER=" . $_REQUEST['u'] . " LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if ($row)
if (($row['ID_GROUP']==1) || ($row['ID_GROUP']==2) || ($row['ID_GROUP']==3)) $iuser = 0;

Replace with

//Ignore admin... or no?
$iuser = 1;
if (!$modSettings['ign_admin'])
$result=db_query("SELECT ID_GROUP FROM {$db_prefix}members WHERE ID_MEMBER=" . $_REQUEST['u'] . " AND (FIND_IN_SET(ID_GROUP,'1,2,3') OR FIND_IN_SET(1, additionalGroups) OR FIND_IN_SET(2, additionalGroups) OR FIND_IN_SET(3, additionalGroups)) LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$iuser = mysql_num_rows($result);

As you can see, I optimized a bit the code and should prevent ignoring users if they are admins/moderators in any way.
I say "should" because I had not the time to try it out. If you're willling to test it, and turns out ok, i'll wrap it up in a new version.
I will update all my mods in the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.

SVG-Collapse (you need an SVG compliant browser)



I installed this mod but I have some problems... I have 1.1 RC2.

1. When I was installing the mod I got this warning: "Execute Modification     ./Themes/default/Display.template.php     Test failed"
Do I need a special "Display.template.php"? The one in the first post is for the old SMF version???
2. If I ignore a user and I click then on "hide" in a post but nothings happens! Is there a solution for this problem?

Sorry for my bad english! :D

Edit: Solved!
