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RSS Feed Poster

Started by Team, January 11, 2007, 07:46:04 PM

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If you want to make this work on your site, just follow this. (my forum is 1.1.8).

1.   On your Admin Page, go to Feed Poster Configuration.
2.   Start adding feed then save. Uncheck fake cron jobs.
3.   Copy the cron job url (something like this >>
4.   Open your cpanel then go to cron jobs.
5.   On that page, click the standard form.
6.   Then paste the cron job url on "command to run" then set the time.
7.   Save the cron job and close your cpanel.
8.   Open new browser, then paste the cron job url on url bar then enter.
9.   You'll only see a white page with text "feed poster configuration", I think this is normal.
10.   Return to your website index page and refresh it.
11.   Once the loading completed, go to your info center (at the bottom of your site).
12.   There you'll see new topics posted by your bots.

I hope this one helps.

NOTE: you'll need to open the cron job url if you want your bots to post. (I thought this mod is automatic, haha)

Trivia: The term "ayos!" is a Filipino word which in english means "alright!".


It's more than just the http:// URlLyou need for a cron job excon - it's the absolute URL you need - /usr/bin/php -q /home/YOURSITE/public_html/forum/cronrss.php


another way to set up the cron job uses wget:
wget -q

The -q switch means quiet mode


Still no solution as to why it posts all the html tags if I have html ticked and no pictures if I have it unchecked - even with the news poster given admin status and the comment tags around the html section taken out of Subs-RSS.php?

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Angie on Dialysis

Any plans on updating the mod so it says it is not outdated? It had worked perfectly and I can't find any other for 1.1.8... yours was 100% perfect!


Quote from: vbgamer45 on February 09, 2009, 08:12:37 PM
This mod is no longer supported as by the note on the mod page. I will update if for future versions of SMF but will not provide any support for it.

Quote from: Angie of AKC on March 23, 2009, 12:28:25 AM
Any plans on updating the mod so it says it is not outdated? It had worked perfectly and I can't find any other for 1.1.8... yours was 100% perfect!

It might be a while. And if VB does, it may not be until 2.0 is finished.
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Angie on Dialysis

Quote from: KahneFan on March 23, 2009, 10:44:22 AM
Quote from: vbgamer45 on February 09, 2009, 08:12:37 PM
This mod is no longer supported as by the note on the mod page. I will update if for future versions of SMF but will not provide any support for it.

Quote from: Angie of AKC on March 23, 2009, 12:28:25 AM
Any plans on updating the mod so it says it is not outdated? It had worked perfectly and I can't find any other for 1.1.8... yours was 100% perfect!

It might be a while. And if VB does, it may not be until 2.0 is finished.

Well that is disappointing as I had it working .. made no changes .. and then one day it simply stopped. My site had major issues where we had to change domain name and server so we were down for 3 months. We kinda want to get our news posting at least .. but now we must wait? .. This sucks as there is no reason it should ever have stopped and seems to be an issue with the " " not staying around the name of the member who the feed poster users to post under. (Not sure if I am saying it right but I do know what I see). Changing it we got it to work again .. once .. then stopped. Went back in and " " are not there again .. annoying. Especially when we had this working on our forums for a year without problems!


i am hosting on my computer. i have xampp server. and what is cron job and how do i get it to work.


If you're simply asking what a cron job is these sites will help explain it for you - Unixgeeks and Wikipedia

They can usually be set up in either a simple or experienced form via your sites CPanel or admin panel - I suggest the simple way, adding in the URL to the rss feeder then ticking boxes to choose the frequency it runs


Anyone got any sugestions on how to make it so when the feed posts a new topic it shows the new.gif image next to it? i dont have "Mark Read" checked but no new.gif shows


I'm working on a JQuery feeder now because I am tired of waiting for a new one of these becoming available :(


Is there an admin panel for it? i saw one in the screenshots but i can't find it on my forum. thanks!


Quote from: ArkServer on April 13, 2009, 05:12:00 PM
Is there an admin panel for it? i saw one in the screenshots but i can't find it on my forum. thanks!

also i wish this looked cleaner sucks having it display all html code and not show images

Smoky "Rider" Blue

**koff koff  there is one already out for the 2.0

so what does that say on this mod?  ;)
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How do I enable fsockopen function?

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Quote from: IchBin™ on March 26, 2009, 05:14:39 PM
What is a cron job? [nofollow]
I didnt know either. I asked my hosting company to do it for me and they did :D


This was working fine for me and then it quit i was going to un install and reinstall.. but got these errors on uninstall .. could it be the reason for no longer working ??

Installing this package will perform the following actions:  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php Test successful
2. Execute Modification ./index.php Test failed
3. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs.php Test failed
4. Delete File ./Sources/FeedPoster.php 
5. Delete File ./Sources/Subs-RSS.php 
6. Delete File ./cronrss.php 
7. Delete File ./Themes/default/FeedPoster.template.php 
8. Delete File ./Themes/default/languages/FeedPoster.english.php 
9. Delete File ./Themes/default/languages/FeedPoster.english-utf8.php 

the to files are attached


curl is supported on my server yet this does not work. Is there any theme edits or edits I need to do??

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No theme edits, just need to setup a cron job.
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