Charter Membership, is it woth it? How can I pay/find a good SMF guru.

Started by Tjjjc2, June 23, 2007, 03:29:08 PM

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I have posted help in the past for a guru and not one real useful reply for someone willing to work for $.  If I become a Charter Member will I then be able to get good help?

I need someone to convert phpBB to SMF. Converted, but not integrated. If possible I would like to integrate the past phpBB posts and images, to my current SMF forum. These two forums where made for different named directories, i.e. xxx/data and xxx/forum.  (I can always redirect users to the converted phpBB posts to the new SMF posts).

I need someone to make sure my SMF do not get hacked, and if so, fix the problem.

I need someone to show me how to back up forums and to back them up for me and send them to me until I learn to back up my own.

Is this possible? I had to ask in webhostingtalk the last time, too bad the gurus never stick around.
I kinda like these sites:


If you want more one on one support, it's definitely worth getting the Charter membership. Read more about the benefits here.


Hey thanks.

I'm looking for a SMF guru to do the work for me. Meaning a paying job. There must be someone here that could use extra $$.

Is there a thread for "Help Wanted"
I kinda like these sites:


You can find the Help wanted thread here, make sure to specify how you want the help, paid or unpaid. Which in your case would be paid. Getting the Charter Membership it gives you extra priority in troubleshooting the problems that may arouse in your forum

Help Supported Thread


P.s. You don''t have to worry about your smf forum getting hacked. Smf is pretty secure, the chances of getting hacked are pretty slim.  Whereas to backup your forum is pretty easy, you can do so in the admin panel under Maintance, or in the phpmyadmin at the cp of your host.

I would be willingly to do that for you until you get the hang of it yourself
