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Location Mod

Started by Gobalopper, November 19, 2004, 01:43:12 AM

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I had the problem when I was trying to upload it form my local directory into the server using the package manager.

finally, I took the file, FTPed it into the package directory and ran apply mod...   it told me something needed to be chmod-ed, but I gave it my password and it worked fine after that.

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Hi. Installed this, works great, I love this mod.
I added a "Member Map" button on the top menu and linked it to "action=mm", it works :). But for some reason only the admin can view the member map, users get error "you cannot view the member map". I checked to see if there is a permission or option I have to tic for members, can't find any. Has anyone had this issue, or is it just me as usualy is the case? Thanks

       Never mind, I found it, its under "edit permissions"
       Sorry for that.
"No matter how long the river, the river will reach the sea".
Eugene Fitch Ware


This is a great mod ;D, except when you view USA, Alaska and Hawaii are missing :( {From alaska lol}, and does not work in FireFox for placing pins.

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


Hey Jerry,
Because of the way the database stores the pins I couldn't include Alaska and Hawaii without also including Canada and most of the North Pacific Ocean. :)

Basically how I did it this time is that there is one big "global" map that is really big. All of these other maps are just crops of that original big map. I store the upper left x/y co-ordinates for each of these crops and then do the pin placement based on that. Its sorta complicated but allows for zoomed in maps that still show the pins regardless of what map you used when placing it.

As for the pin placement not working in Firefox that is because the javascript file is cached. Once you refresh it it will work again.


Using RC2 on Apache

I'm probably making some huge error somewhere here, but none of the mods I apply using the Package Manager are doing anything!

The latest is the Location Mod - one i have been desperate for, and which looks really good!

The PacMan says the mod has been successfully applied, but nothing changes... No menu options, no nothing. 'action=mm' on end of URL  just takes me to index page.

I have checked my files, and I have new files called, e.g. Display.php~ with a creation date of the date and time mod applied, and the old files - Display.php with a creation date of the creation of the forum.

Erm... help? How can I install this manually?

EDIT: Just checked through the files to be modded, and the mods have not been made to any of the files...  and none of the image files are to found on the server - curiouser and curiouser...
Cocooned in Code from dusk 'til dawn.

Browse safe, Browse Happy


Did it upload a MemberMap.php file to the Sources directory? Are there new tables in your database?


MemberMap.php in Sources dir.

mm_pins and mm_maps added to db.

Have checked all files that are spec'd in the mod file, and none of them have been changed - and the xxx.php~ files haven't got the mod changes in either...
Cocooned in Code from dusk 'til dawn.

Browse safe, Browse Happy


Hmm... are the permissions correct on them?

You could just try chmoding them to 777 while you install and put them back after...


Right....  ;)

Have CHMOD'd the dirs and files... install has gone perfectly... and have changed permissions back.

I thought the info you provide to the PacMan CHMODs files for you?  *confused*

Still, thankyou thankyou thankyou... Crackin' Mod!

Also,  is the Map supposed to integrate with the user profile?

My location is set in my profile as 'City, UK', but if I change the location on the MMap to 'City1, UK', the profile still uses the original info.
Or are the Map and profile 'Location' fields independent?
Cocooned in Code from dusk 'til dawn.

Browse safe, Browse Happy


For now they are, maybe in the next version. :)


I shall wait with....


MemberMap is a great mod, long awaited... ;)

Cocooned in Code from dusk 'til dawn.

Browse safe, Browse Happy


Im having alot of trouble with the PacMan for this

Its not letting me even upload it.and saying I didnt chmod all the files(but changes all the ones you listed) then if I decide to just upload it myself into Packages- the browse page doesnt load (but does if I delete it via FTP)
And thats just isolated cause I tried it for some other Mod and while Ive had trouble applying the mod I can a least upload them.


Maybe you are having troubles because of the size of this mod?

- Jerry
Find me on:

"If all you look for is the negative in things, you will never see the positive."


I was thinking that cause I noticed a huge difference


Yes some servers may have a 2MB upload limit. You could try FTP'ing it manually instead.


Quote from: Gobalopper on November 20, 2004, 05:36:45 PM
Yes some servers may have a 2MB upload limit. You could try FTP'ing it manually instead.
You me through like Smart FTP?
Thats what I did and got the cannot find page when I clicked Browse Packages


I uploaded to the package manager folder

went to pack man and installed it.

worked like a dream... did have to hard refresh when in the mod to get correct jscript as mentioned before. - using preview.

anyway of making NWEurope the default map to start on??

thanks Gobalopper. great mod.



Quote from: TheDel on November 21, 2004, 12:09:45 PM
Quote from: Gobalopper on November 20, 2004, 05:36:45 PM
Yes some servers may have a 2MB upload limit. You could try FTP'ing it manually instead.
You me through like Smart FTP?
Thats what I did and got the cannot find page when I clicked Browse Packages
Actually if I manually upload this to my Packages folder  via Smart FTP and click on ANY link within PacMan- I get a cannot display error page

Tried uploading though PacMan and still says missing Chmod- does anyone have this on a server so I can try that way? Now while for some reason I had to still manually install mods that were supposed to go through PacMan- this is the first time I havent even gotten this far!


TheDel, I'm afraid your host probably doesn't give you "zlib" access, which means you can't use the package manager.

This is a very common feature of PHP, and most decent hosts enable it.  You might try asking your host if there's a reason they don't have it enabled.



Thanks -[Unknown]
I shouldnt have a problem getting that
