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Anti-Bot: Are You Human/Bot?

Started by Diego Andrés, October 31, 2007, 04:17:06 PM

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Quote from: nend on June 22, 2008, 02:10:00 PM
I was thinking about making something similar to your are you human bot. I was thinking maybe a registration survey or preregistration test.

Registration Questions are a DEFAULT/core feature in SMF 2.x


Quote from: karlbenson on June 23, 2008, 11:53:12 AM
Registration Questions are a DEFAULT/core feature in SMF 2.x

Does SMF 2.x cancel out the need for the are you human bot?


I'm trying to uninstall an older version of this so that I can update and upgrade my forum to 1.1.6.  Here are the errors that I got.

1.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/Register.php     Test successful
2.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Register.template.php    Test failed
3.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php    Test failed
4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english-utf8.php    Skipping file
5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english_british.php    Skipping file
6.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english_british-utf8.php    Skipping file

Any ideas on how to get passed this?


The uninstall is probably affected by a mod you installed after it.

The only alternative I can suggest is to uninstall the edits manually.


I'm not really sure of any other edits.

Do you think it's safe to proceed with the uninstall?  Or will installing the new version fail?


I got the latest version installed and added the code from the download page and it still tells me that I can't register because of the bot thing.

Here's a link


It seem like no matter what I do or change I still get this error when I try to register.

Bots are not allowed to register. Please confirm that you are human in order to register

I'm certainly checking Yes to the human question.


Check register.template.php it appears that some code went missing.

The mod is outputting like
       <td width="40%" valign="top">
            <b>Are You Human?:</b>
            <div class="smalltext">Another Anti-Bot Measure</div>
            <select name="qmd6z5imm6gw tabindex="6" class="select">
               <option value="1">No</option>
               <option value="2">Unsure</option>
               <option value="3">Yes</option>

You'll see after the 'name' but its missing a closing " which is probably the cause of your issue.

I've checked the mod package and it DOES contain the closing quotation, so for whatever reason it appears to be missing on your page.


// Start of Are You Human? mod
Replace the entire block from Start to end with what is below.

// Start of Are You Human? mod
echo '<tr valign="top">
<td width="40%" valign="top">
<b>', $txt['are_you_human'], ':</b>
<div class="smalltext">', $txt['are_you_human_desc'], '</div>
<select name="',$_SESSION['areyouhuman'],'" tabindex="', $context['tabindex']++, '" class="select">
<option value="1">', $txt['are_you_human_no'], '</option>
<option value="2">', $txt['are_you_human_unsure'], '</option>
<option value="3">', $txt['are_you_human_yes'], '</option>
// End of Are You Human? mod


Thanks a bunch.  I'm up and running again.


What to do if my Classic Theme has no

Classic use the register.template.php in default theme.

However no user can now registrate on the classic theme on my forum (so I disabled it).


Edit: I copied again the code above and now it works
I installed it, I try to register and although I select "Yes" to the "are you human" question, I get:
Bots are not allowed to register. Please confirm that you are human in order to register          [/]


Great Deprecated ;)

You have the brazilian translation above

$txt['are_you_human'] = 'Você é humano?';
$txt['are_you_human_desc'] = 'Outra medida Anti-Bot';
$txt['are_you_human_no'] = 'Não';
$txt['are_you_human_yes'] = 'Sim';
$txt['are_you_human_unsure'] = 'Não sei bem';
$txt['are_you_bot_unsure'] = 'Por favor, confirme que você é humano para continuar seu registo';
$txt['are_you_bot_yes'] = 'Bots não são bem-vindos aqui. Por favor, confirme que você é humano para continuar seu registo';
Hugo "Costa" Fernandes - PT SMF
Todas as MP's a pedir ajuda são sujeitas a radioactividade, microondas, queimadas e atiradas borda fora.

"At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking..."
"Laziness is counter-revolutionary."

I like sharing videos

Thanks a lot.

Here's the translations for French:

$txt['are_you_human'] = 'Etes-vous humain ?';
$txt['are_you_human_desc'] = 'Une autre parade contre les robots spammeurs';
$txt['are_you_human_no'] = 'Non';
$txt['are_you_human_yes'] = 'Oui';
$txt['are_you_human_unsure'] = 'Pas sûr-e';
$txt['are_you_bot_unsure'] = 'Veuillez confirmer que vous être humain-e pour continuer votre inscription.';
$txt['are_you_bot_yes'] = 'Les robots ne peuvent s'inscrire. Veuillez confirmer que vous être humain-e pour continuer votre inscription.';


I've got a small problem. I edited the register.template.php and Modifications.english.php file of my theme (the only theme my board uses), and fixed that closing quote that was mentioned earlier in this thread. Now it asks whether or not you're a bot, shows all options, but when I say "unsure", it simply ignores it and registers me anyways.


Can any mod here tell me why this website keeps sending me notifications of new replies on this topic ?
I have unsubscribed a few times already but nothing seems to help.


You probly have notifications of topics that you have posted in checked on your profile preferences.

You should be able to change that in Profile->Notifications and email.



Is it really a problem, or more of just a funny?  As long as they are changing it from no, the odds of them being a bot are slim.
