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Google Member Map

Started by Spuds, December 12, 2007, 01:49:12 PM

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Chit-Chat ChatterBox Boss

Can't wait for a 2.0 RC1-1 release.
Chit-Chat ChatterBox

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Remember in the "Referral" box to put "Caleb" while registering.


Thanks for a great mod I wanted an opinion about:
I have not installed the mod in the default template and I have a problem with Internet explorer map not seen in the profile. Button from the menu map you can see perfect.
With firefox and safari it works perfectly.
The problem is only in the profile with Explorer

Can someone help me?
What file can be the problem?


When will 2.0 RC1-1 be available?


Quote from: Chit-Chat ChatterBox Boss on May 26, 2009, 09:25:52 PM
Can't wait for a 2.0 RC1-1 release.

Quote from: mrbones on June 04, 2009, 11:55:18 AM
When will 2.0 RC1-1 be available?

It does for the most part already work for smf 2.0 RC1.

They only thing is, it will not show a map on the profile summary screen yet. This is no big deal to me as most users don't seem to mind this missing.

You will still see the map page and users can still set and change their location from the profile.

One other change you will also need to change the link on the main map page.

Look at this post for how to do that.

Unless that was fixed already, as of the post link above it was not.


Hey thanks. I'll give it a try.


Nice MOD.

Work good on the SMF 2.0 RC1-1

If someone need it for the SMF 2.0 RC1-1 in German.

Her the german lang.

$txt['googleMap'] = 'Mitglieder Karte';
$txt['googleMappinned'] = 'Mitglieder Pins';
$txt['googleMapc'] = 'Member Map Mod by <a href="">brianjw</a>';
$txt['googleMapGreenPinGD'] = 'Aktives Mitglied';
$txt['googleMapGreenPinNG'] = 'Kein Geschlecht';
$txt['googleMapBluePin'] = 'Mann';
$txt['googleMapRedPin'] = 'Frau';
$txt['googleMapPurplePin'] = 'Gesperrtes Mitglied';
$txt['googleMapAddPinNote'] = '<a href="index.php?action=profile;area=forumprofile#googlemap">Klicke hier um deinen Pin zu setzen wenn Du es noch nicht gemacht hast.</a>';
$txt['googleMapPleaseClick'] = 'Klicke auf die Karte um dort deinen Pin zu setzen oder auf den Pin um ihn zu entfernen.';
$txt['googleMapDisclaimer'] = 'Setze deinen Pin so nah wie m&ouml;glich. Einfach in der Karte zoomen.';
$txt['cannot_googleMap_view'] = 'Sorry, aber Du hast nicht die Berechtigung die Mitglieder Karte zu sehen.';
$txt['permissionname_googleMap_view'] = 'Mitglieder Karte anzeigen';
$txt['permissionhelp_googleMap_view'] = 'Erlaube den Usern die Mitglieder Karte zu sehen. Wenn nicht ausgew&auml;hlt, wird die Karte auch nicht angezeigt.';
$txt['cannot_googleMap_place'] = 'Sorry, aber Du hast nicht die Berechtigung einen Pin auf die Mitglieder Karte zu setzen.';
$txt['permissionname_googleMap_place'] = 'Pin auf Mitglieder Karte setzen';
$txt['permissionhelp_googleMap_place'] = 'Erlaub den Usern ihren Pin auf die Mitglieder Karte zu setzen. Wenn nicht ausgew&auml;hlt, kann auch kein Pin gesetzt werden.';

$txt['googleMapsEnable'] = 'Google Mitglieder Karte anzeigen';
$txt['googleMapsEnableLegend'] = 'Pin Legende anzeigen';
$txt['googleSidebar'] = 'Sidebar anzeigen';
$txt['googleMapsKey'] = 'Google Maps API Key für diese Seite';
$txt['googleMapsPinGender'] = 'Pins nach Geschlecht aufteilen?';
$txt['KMLoutput_enable'] = 'Soll das komprimierte KML ausgegeben werden? (KML ist eine Datei welche zum Download steht, mit der man die Google Map in Google Earth importieren kann.)';
$txt['googleMapsPinNumber'] = 'Max. Pins in der Karte anzeigen';
$txt['googleMapsType'] = 'Standard Kartentyp anzeigen';
$txt['googleMapsDefaultLat'] = 'Standard Breitengrad';
$txt['googleMapsDefaultLong'] = 'Standard L&auml;ngengrad';
$txt['googleMapsDefaultZoom'] = 'Standard Zoom';
$txt['googleMapsEnableClusterer'] = 'Pins zusammenfassen';
$txt['googleMapsMinMarkerCluster'] = 'Min. Pins pro Zusammenfassung';
$txt['googleMapsMaxVisMarker'] = 'Max. aufrufbare Pins auf der Karte';
$txt['googleMapsMaxNumClusters'] = 'Max. Anzahl an Zusammenfassungen';
$txt['googleMapsMaxLinesCluster'] = 'Max. Anzahl an Zeilen in der Zusammenfassungs-Info-Box';
$txt['googleMapFO'] = 'Mitglieder Karte';

$txt['whoall_googlemap'] = 'Schaut sich die <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=googlemap">Mitglieder Karte</a> an.';
$txt['whoall_.kml'] = 'Schaut sich die Google Earth Feed Seite an.';
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Can anyone confirm, if it worked on 1.1.9?
I'm getting:
10.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/ModSettings.php     Test failed
schoonheid siert het kwaad niet...


Yes it does. The members on my forum love it.


Quote from: navin.p on June 09, 2009, 08:12:21 PM
Can anyone confirm, if it worked on 1.1.9?
I'm getting:
10.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/ModSettings.php     Test failed

I have the same problem, in my admin cp the google member map button in features and options redirects to the basic options tab... I'm stumped!


as with any other "test failed", you will have to manually apply the changes required for the mod to that file

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



Some time ago you said you could assist with the installation of the mod on my site. Are you still up for this? I've installed it and can see parts of it but don't see the admin "portal" for the mod.




I am very busy updating this mod and a few others, but I'd be willing to install it for $5 USD. (or at least fix it to function how it should)
Read this for more info:


will you include the translations in the next versions? it would be fine, so nobody should search in the files and can damage them :)

it doesnt work under 1.1.9 how to edit it?


Hi guys,

First time poster but have been lurking for a while now & have to say smf is great even goes are far as the best forum software out there 

Anyway i have a little problem ive installed google member maps & have 2 problems

1: i have this error off every member in my error log
8: Undefined variable: modSettings
File: /var/www/html/forum/Themes/default/Admin.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 584

2: I think im supposed to have a button "member map" or some button on the top nav bar but have nothing

Sorry if there's a really easy way of solving this but im new to this & i know nuffink   
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I have it working now but when someone try's to add their pin it shows a wordl map and is hard to zoom into the correct location.

I have the default lat and long set but something is wrong. Thanks!


no more supported by the author?


No, not by ME. I have however gotten someone to take it over. It is actually a SMF Team member (customizer) so I feel the mod will be in better hands then it was with me. :) I do apologize the time it has taken to get the mod to a better state but I'm sure the new mod supporter: Nas will take care of everything.


how i can insert one defatult point in profile map where user add their location ?
because now for default i have one point in ocean pacific sea
CrazyZone - My SMF Forum

From the difficult the hardening of the man you can see

Marcus Forsberg

I have taken over this mod. Thank's to brianjw! :)
I have to go through the mod and get to know it before I can give any detailed support or make any updates :)


Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)
