Custom Form Mod

Started by live627, July 09, 2008, 10:24:44 PM

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Yep setting the size of the textarea (multi-line text box))in the admin area is one of the things that does require a rewrite to do it properly. There might be an improper way way to put it into the mod I just haven tracked it down yet. If you want it to be larger then it is now there is a post somewhere on here about how to do it but it does effect the size of all of them.

There are more then 2 errors/bugs on my to do list atm. The biggest is the permissions one, Ive been through the code in SMF and a couple mods trying to figure this one out and no luck yet. Then there is a long list of requested features. Top priority on the features is attachments along with some of the other code that myself and a couple others have submitted elsewhere in this thread.

As for the issues with SMF you are right the software is fantastic (still plenty of room for improvement but its still tops for what it does, dont know how long it will stay there if things dont change), the community is great too, though it was even better a few years ago. Still that isnt the problem and its not my place to go into the details. That said some of the greatest minds to have ever work on SMF have banded together and are working on something that has the potential to make this look like child's play. I'm looking forward to being a part of that. It would have been nice to see another machine to complement this one but the powers that be have pushed it in another direction.


I like smf its the only forum that i have enjoyed using and there is many lovers out there..

I Like this mod. Its great.. And It's already installed and setup to use on a new site I'm currently making.
Great work..
I will look forward to updates and fix's
Thanks for your support and great mod's
You can't fool a sufficiently talented fool.
In Design Phase!

Mods I am designing,  No refresh Collapse Categories , Poll Redesign , Pure CSS Breadcrumb , Profile Statuses, Profile Views.


Quote from: Garou on January 13, 2010, 01:35:03 PM
Well try copying the languge files to the theme folder. I know its suposed to work anyway but sometimes it doesnt always work.

Other then that something must have not installed corectly. Compare the other files listed in the parser.

Tried that, didn't fix it.

If I downgrade to the previous version of the mod, the forms do appear in the admin panel



Bros, I dont know what to tell you other then you seem to have a unique set of problems probably due to a conflict between the way the two versions of SMF handles the DB files.

I would uninstall the mod, make a backup of the cf_forms and cf_fields tables and delete them off the server, and reinstall the mod, then see if you can create a new form. If everything works this way you may just end up having to re-create your forms from scratch.


Will this mod be updated for RC3?


Probably its just going to take a while as real life is kicking my rear pretty hard right now.

Edit: Just tested and the version for RC2 works fine on RC3 as well.


Thanks for the update.  Here's hoping life gives you some time to relax soon.  :)


dont work for me, all appear to be ok, but custom forms dont appear when you want to open a new topic, permissions and all is ok, so i dont know whats wrong.


 Its been covered here several times, forms do not open when you create a new topic. There is a user created workaround listed elsewhere in this thread that will allow you to do that though.

To get to your forms go to yourforum/index.php?action=form and it will give users a list of forms that they have permission to use. Also you can give them a direct link to a form using index.php?action=form;id=#.


ok now i understand how this mod work and is awesome!!! i have only one question, why this scrool bar appear if my "description" field is a litle big?:


Quote from: okae on March 10, 2010, 01:41:06 PM
ok now i understand how this mod work and is awesome!!! i have only one question, why this scrool bar appear if my "description" field is a litle big?:

nobody know how to solved this issue? im using 2.0rc3 and that field is setting as a large text box


That has something to do with SMF itself you will have the same issue if you type something like that into a standard post.

Your best option to prevent something like that would be to use the "Break up words with more letters than" function under Admin -> Forum -> Post settings.


I'm not sure if this has been covered before, I tried searching but came up with nothing. When people use < or > in custom form fields it does not post in the forum post. For example one of the answers on a form is "something something <something>" the third word (symbols and all) would not appear.

Using SMF2 RC2 (going to be upgrading to SMF2 RC3 shortly).
"You make my heart pound; my mouth water. Yeah, there's nothing like a chili dog." Sonic the Hedgehog


I'm using Padexx's WoW-DK theme on 1.1.11. It seems that the theme breaks the mod. When it's installed and I go to setup page, I have no text at all. Just a couple blank boxes. Has anyone else had this problem with other themes? And is there an easy fix for this problem.


Axodious, it was kinda covered before, the processing of special characters like that has been causing issues as its getting passed to the DB as code. Ive added an odd hack to fix a couple chars, Ill just have to add GT and LT to it.

Defenestrate, you will have to manually add the language strings to the file in the theme.


Ok i have a problem with accessing created forms, to test them up on a "/index.php?action=form" link works, but its sais that list is currently empty. My SMF is 1.1.11 and form version is 1.6, while when i go to my admin panel i can clearly see all the forms..


hello guys, setting up a new forum, just got done installing some mods and... im getting a parse error... im using smf 2.0RC3

1.    Reason For Editing Mod    2.3.2    
2.    Advanced Reputation System    1.8.1    
3.    Add Honey Pot to Track IP    1.1
4.    HotBrackets    2.0
5.    Sorted Package Manager Listing    1.0.1    
6.    Spoiler Tag    0.7.2    
7.    httpBL    2.3.4    
8.    Profile Comments    2.0
9.    AvatarSelect    1.2.1    
10.    Thank-O-Matic    2.0 RC1.4    
11.    Signature Area BBCode Buttons    2.0.1    
12.    Post History    0.3    
13.    Enhanced PM Popup    1.0.1    
14.    Stop Spammer    2.3.7    
15.    Add IP2Location to Track IP    1.3
16.    Buddy Page    1.2    
17.    Aeva Media    1.1a    
18.    Users Online Today    1.5.6    
19.    Proxy Blocker    1.1.4    
20.    Custom Form Mod    1.6    
21.    Custom Tab    1.2    
22.   Sortable Packages (and Installed Time)      1.3     
23.    Ultimate Profile    0.9.1    
24.    Simple Award System    2.1    
25.    Menu Order    0.2.2    
26.    SimplePortal    2.3.1    
27.    Countdown_BBCode    1.2    
28.    Redirect Banned Users    1.1    
29.    Current Signature Mod    1.0    
30.    Last Active On MemberList    1.02    
31.    SMF Arcade

-->link to forum

that is a list of the packages i have installed.... it was all fine right up until i installed Custom Forum Mod then it went a little hinky.. i got an error message and checked it out, did a couple things and i was pretty sure it was fine... got done and went to check out all my new toys and i cant get into the features and options section of my forum..  I will be removing the mod for now but would really love it if anyone could give me a hand with figuring out exactly what went wrong as this mod would suit my needs incredibly well.. 

Thank you in advance for any and all help..

Tommy Bishop


sveta41, You probably dont have the forms created properly. This is a tutorial written by another user a while back so its missing a few field types but it should help you out.

Tommy, I'm guessing its simple portal messing it up check out this post on how to make it work.


Quote from: Garou on March 16, 2010, 11:05:08 PM
sveta41, You probably dont have the forms created properly. This is a tutorial written by another user a while back so its missing a few field types but it should help you out.

Tommy, I'm guessing its simple portal messing it up check out this post on how to make it work.

i am sorry i forgot to post that i figured out what was the problem and managed fix it, i just didnt make the forms right, now its working...
