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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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I've added this to full chat now - user is typing etc - instructions can be found here ...,760.0.html

Bob La Londe

3.2.2.b under 2.0.9 (bug fix ony of 2.0.8 as I understand it). 

Click on the chat button and get page not found error, (my error handler forwards to the home page of the site.) 

When shout box is enabled "(09:41:03) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 500"

Bob La Londe

Quote from: Bob La Londe on October 26, 2014, 12:41:23 PM
3.2.2.b under 2.0.9 (bug fix ony of 2.0.8 as I understand it). 

Click on the chat button and get page not found error, (my error handler forwards to the home page of the site.) 

When shout box is enabled "(09:41:03) ChatBot: Error: Connection status: 500"

Never mind.  I set index.php to 755 and all works great. 

Bob La Londe

I tried adding Ajax Chat Integration to a brand new forum, and I can't get it to work.  Its a new 2.0.9 installation.  I installed 3.2.2.b just like I did on my other 2.0.9 forum.  I went in and set the index.php file in /chat to 755.  It opens the chat popup, but nothing happens.  Users do not load and display.  Text entered does not display, and the orange connection indicator stays orange. 



I have this Problem "If you install the Mod and it looks like it installs fine but the shoutbox and chat room are blank please read HERE"

I also following the instuction are linked but I cannot post anything in the chat. There is nothing shown,

Please can  you help me?

Many thank

PS: Installed 3.2.2b in a SMF 2.0.9


No answer necessery, I have uninstalled this mod.


Hope you Understand my English.

In the Chat i have all Channels from the Forum. I will have only 1 Channel. What must i do ?



Quote from: Acer1 on January 17, 2015, 04:53:47 AMIn the Chat i have all Channels from the Forum. I will have only 1 Channel. What must i do ?

Read the FAQ that was linked in the first post of this support topic ;)

Scroll down to the section labeled Edit/Remove the channels that are currently boards


On my forum is AjaxChat Integration 3.2.1. Chat does not work:

Does anyone know the solution?


Quote from: rentner on January 05, 2015, 06:38:03 AM

I have this Problem "If you install the Mod and it looks like it installs fine but the shoutbox and chat room are blank please read HERE"

I also following the instuction are linked but I cannot post anything in the chat. There is nothing shown,

Please can  you help me?

Many thank

PS: Installed 3.2.2b in a SMF 2.0.9


I have the same problem.
Ajaxchat Integration 3.2.2.b
SMF 2.0.9

No error message, but the shoutbox is empty. No messages shown, nothing happens if i write...
The sql table is also empty.
I made a testforum with a fresh install of smf 2.0.9, but the same happens. Blank shoutbox and chat. Also if chat or shoutbox is disabled.
Tried with older versions (Ajax 3.2.1 and Smf 2.0.8), too...

Please help us to make it work.
Ajax FAQ examined already.
Any advice are welcome.



You can Download the edit Version from me of this Mod here =>,10989.msg85814.html#msg85814. This works. Sorry the description is of german.
A new Version with Ajax Chat 0.8.8 comming soon the next days with new functions.
The Mod is is already for the next Version 2.1 Beta. Testboard =>
Regards Stephan

,,In order for the possible to come into being, the impossible must be attempted again and again."
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)

My HomepageMy Board - My Atelier


Hey All,

Sorry to Beat A Dead Horse Here, But I love this MOD, And As Others have said, I've been looking for a Decent chat for Awhile, But I'm Also Suffering From this Blank Page Issue..

I have Done the CHMOD, .HTACCESS, "Fixes" Found here, and none of them work, I Searched for the Integration 3.2.2b and am Assuming the Latest SMF Integration 0.8.7 Found on the Website is the Latest...

I currently am running the standalone version and it works fine, The Integrated is giving me the Blank Pages, Nothing Sent when Typing, Etc...

Here's My .HTACCESS Placed In ROOT, PUBLIC_HTML and PUBLIC_HTML/CHAT/  I commented to show the changes found in this thread.

# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

#Suggested For BLANK Pages
RewriteRule ^chat/?$ ./chat/index.php [L,QSA]


#Suggested Fix for EzPortal
DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm

#Came With SMF 2.0.9 Install?!?!??!
<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All
#Custom Error Pages
ErrorDocument 400 /errorpage.php
ErrorDocument 401 /errorpage.php
ErrorDocument 403 /errorpage.php
ErrorDocument 404 /errorpage.php
ErrorDocument 500 /errorpage.php

#Host Placed, Hot-link Protection & Other stuff ?!?!?!??!
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^*$      [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$      [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^*$      [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$      [NC]
RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|img|iso)$ - [F,NC]

Here Are my Installed MODS:

Mod Name Version
1. SMF 1.1.21 / 2.0.10 Update 1.0 [ Uninstall ]
2. Social Login 3.3 [ Uninstall ]
3. SA Facebook 2.0.5 [ Uninstall ]
4. Users mass actions 0.1.1 [ Uninstall ]
5. SA Twitter 1.2 [ Uninstall ]
6. PM Attachments 1.6 [ Uninstall ]
7. Menu Editor Lite 1.0.5 [ Uninstall ]
8. EzPortal 3.0.3 [ Uninstall ]
9. Add These Sites in Profile, Post & Memberlist 1.1 [ Uninstall ]
10. Add Social Media Icons To Profiles 1.2.0 [ Uninstall ]
11. DNEP - Display Name Edit Permission 1.2.1 [ Uninstall ]
12. Lazy Admin Menu 1.15 [ Uninstall ]
13. SA GPlus 0.3 REV 9 [ Uninstall ]
14. DevCenter 0.4.1 [ Uninstall ]
15. Floating Bar Mod 1.2 [ Uninstall ]
16. Register Redirect 1.0 [ Uninstall ]
17. Add Avatar To Who Is Online Version 1.2 1.0 [ Uninstall ]
18. EmailValidator 1.0 [ Uninstall ]
19. SA Chat 1.0a Rev120 [ Uninstall ]
20. InLine Attachments 1.2.1 [ Uninstall ]
21. Enhanced Dropdown 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
22. Custom BBCodes Manager 1.7 [ Uninstall ]
23. SMF 2.1-style Admin Area 1.7 [ Uninstall ]
24. Country Flags 2.1 [ Uninstall ]
25. Ad Managment 3.2 [ Uninstall ]
26. ACPS - Ajax Continuous Post Scrolling 1.0.2 [ Uninstall ]
27. Say Thanks 1.3 [ Uninstall ]
28. Downloads System 2.5 [ Uninstall ]
29. Default_Membergroup 2.0 [ Uninstall ]
30. Membergroup ID with Group Name 1.1 [ Uninstall ]
31. Topic Solved 1.1.1 [ Uninstall ]

I tried removing ACPS Ajax on my Localhost and it made no Difference, I did do a CLEAN Install of 2.0.9 on Localhost and it worked fine...

And I looked into some of the code, and the only thing I can think of that could be Interfering is SSI.PHP,  Couldn't this mode just do a Database lookup, and have the basically be the Integration?

Dunno, At this point I'm lost, I just DL'd the Test Version and going to give it a try..

If anyone has An Idea Of how to get this to work, OR how to Just have the StandAlone Version Access the Database to Allow my Users in that would be just fine....


